Steam Basic Income - my first sponsorships

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

I'm feeling terrifically pleased with myself that I've finally learned how to do this - another step on my Steemit journey.

@steembasicincome - FAQs - learn more about how it works

A share in Steem Basic Income provides you with an upvote for every post you make, for life. You can increase your shares (and your upvote) by sponsoring others to have a share in the scheme. I especially like it because of the sponsoring others.

For my first sponsorships I've chosen Steemians who've helped me along the way. They all post interesting (and different) things, and are well worth following:

@phoenixwren has prompted me to take up more calls to action than any other Steemian, whether it's putting my local democratic representatives on speed-dial, donating for Arbor Day, investigating homelessness where I live, kitting myself out for plogging or contributing towards a bee butt friendly world. This sometimes leads to strange activities like feeling compelled to stalk bees and take bee butt pictures myself (but hey, I'm outside in the fresh air)! @phoenixwren also explained everything in Feeling Lost? Here Is Steemit 101, to which my response was, "Oh yeh, so that's how it works." And here I am.

The challenge was to plant some bee-friendly plants, but I got distracted.

@cryptocariad is my next choice, I love the gentle rhythm of her posts and the way I find myself caught up in discussions about ghosts of all things 😱. I love the nature posts and photography and visits to towns and special places and art galleries, including this amazing Fractal Clock Exhibition. @cryptocariad is a great supporter of the #needleworkmonday community providing lovely posts every week and lots of useful ideas and feedback in her comments on other posts.

@cryptocariad - A Beautiful Demoiselle

@jamethiel - has such a very different life to me, living in Montana and travelling about the States for work. Another member of the #needleworkmonday community, I started following @jamethiel and was entranced by her photographs and stories of her life. I love the way on Steemit people gradually emerge from the fog and start to take form. "Who is this person," I wondered, "who knits while walking?" @jamethiel has introduced me to geocaching and a new genre of fiction but more than anything, a very different culture and landscape from England.

@jamethiel - Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman

@revisesociology mostly gets me thinking! I love the developing #firstruleofsteemit series, the whole idea of Extreme Retirement (it's not what you think, and I've just realised I've misrepresented that for dramatic effect) and the opportunity to engage in some critical thinking. @revisesociology has written some in-depth posts about why he is leaving education - reasons which have implications for all of us - but also, and I have already lost myself in it, an amazing website of sociology resources. Actually, @revisesociology started me off on steam basic income by sponsoring me. A natural vlogger, this lovely video has a very funny ending.

@revisesociology - On grazing the allotment - one of my favourite posts.

I hope you enjoy these Steemians as much as I do 😎.

Now, I do have a little problem - I'm struggling to set up an autovote for steembasicincome. Can anyone help?
Edit: I've learned how to do it!


Thank you so much for your support @shanibeer !
I also enjoy reading your posts because I learn a lot from them... and I'm now on my way to read on how to take part in Steam Basic Income !

Love that you are giving out SBI shares! Besides being the creator of the Pay It Forward Curation Contest which gives away SBI shares and is how I found you from @fiberartists's curation entry, but I am also starting to help SBI as an author for their posts. It's a great way to help change the balance of power here on steemit.

SBI is a great scheme - I love the mutuality of it. I like the Pay It Forward Contest - I may post an entry myself later if I am home early enough. I was featured by @revisesociology in an entry a few weeks ago and it generated some great interaction. It's good that you're writing for SBI as well - look forward to your posts.

You have just introduced me to SBI. I will check it out. Also, @cryptocariad who's name I'm already in love with. 'Cariad' means something like 'lover' in the Welsh Language and here in Wales there aren't so many on Steemit so I hope to connect with her. Diolch!

SBI is great - some other very good initiatives on here that might fit with what you are trying to do. Love the idea of the chapel, I haven't had time to explore the videos yet, but look forward to it. You might also enjoy linking up with @pennsif as well as @cryptocariad.

Thank you for the mention @shanibeer. I have left a message on one of @astralliam's post - I hope I can connect with him soon.

Host of the My Life in 8 Songs and The Alternative Lifestyle Show radio shows on MSP Waves

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

@shanibeer @cryptocariad @pennsif
Getting inspired to host a Steem powered writing voyage here late summer.

That sounds interesting ...

I'll draft a post about it and can see what you guys think before I publish

thank you @shanibeer !
Episode 5 probably gives the best intro to the project although there are many aspects not covered there. We're getting the sails up!

Its great to see others doing the SBI giveways, well done.

Yes, I have been planning it for a while, it's a great idea to combine it with followfriday (not that I did)!

Thanks for sharing your experience and welcome to the community ;)

Good morning, pleased to meet you!

Hi @shanibeer, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Fiber Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Mondays for Creatives' Coffee Hour at 1pm EDT in the Steemit Ramble on Discord.

Thank you! That's very nice 😊

Steem Basic Income has been great for me! It guarantees that I have no more dust votes.

I'm up to 10 shares now - not a huge amount of income from it, but considering I've only sponsored 1 thus far, it's great!

I am offering one share for anyone who asks me a good question on my fiction series - something that prompts an "Ask the Author" post.

You're doing well! There's @dustsweeper as well, which is a great idea.
I like the idea of a share for asking a good question.

Hey thanks for the kind works, much appreciated! Love @steembasicincome!

My pleasure!

This is neat that you shared this. I too am enrolled with steembasicincome and I am also about to sponsor some people I know! I think it’s a great initiative where everyone earns rewards and I love how you can increase your shares.

I couldn’t agree more about @cryptocariad and @jamethiel :D

Do you know how it works if you try to sponsor someone that has already been sponsored? Some of the people I choose may have already been sponsored but I’m not for sure.

Hi @crosheille, I'm not an expert, but I don't think it's a problem as individuals can hold up to 100 shares in each of the pools (I think that's right). These FAQs have more information and a link to the discord server if you have more questions.
I think its a great initiative, sort of paying it back and paying it forward at the same time.
Lovely #needleworkmonday contest yesterday, so many lovely entries! I enjoyed reading them, even though I didn't have time to enter, there are so many things to do when the weather is nice!

Okay thanks a bunch!! I will head over to the FAQ’s and read up on it.

Yes really is like paying it forward!

Thank you!! I really think the challenge was a nice way to get away from having to create a regular post and just share some love and encouragement amongst each other. There really were a lot of great entries, had me smiling all day. I still have a few more to get to today! 😃 I definitely understand about time. Although we would love to participate in everything, sometimes we just can’t. I would have taken advantage of nice weather too! 😊 You have definitely made an impact on this community and I’m so glad to know you~ 😘

Thank you 😍


Aw, thank you so much! I'm honored. 😄 Somehow I didn't see this until now despite checking my feed all the time! What is this, a Facebook feed, hiding posts from me? 😨 LOL We like a lot of the same people! But I don't think I've come across @revisesociology before!

You'll enjoy @revisesociology, he's great fun 😊

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