Papa Rodin announces the Winner! - Also some miscellaneous stuff

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Greetings, Steemians and Steemettes!

Finally back home after my first day in a new job. It certainly was entertaining and not really what I expected it to be. But that isn't the topic for today. Today, I want to announce the winner of my Steem Basic Income Challenge I posted yesterday. I also have some other topics I want to quickly gloss over.

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Papa Rodin Needs Your Help!

A couple days ago, I applied for the @minnowfund delegation. I have the chance to get 100 Steem Power delegated to me for 45 days. There are only two candidates who met the requirements and I am one of them. You can help me get it!

All you have to do is go to this voting post for the project and leave a comment where you say something simple like "I vote @paparodin". A small gesture from you could be a great help for me and my blog!

Back to my own Contest!

As I am writing this, it is 19 pm GMT. Looking at the comment section of the challenge thread, we have one single winner! @botefarm went all the way and managed to get more than 50 comments before the time was up! Since he was the only one who ended up making it, I want to reward him a little more for his efforts.

Instead of giving him just one SBI, he gets three!

Pictures taken and posted by @botefarm as prove for him making it.

Congratulations, mate! You've earned it!

So how was my day?

'twas alright. Weather was nice and rainy, I always enjoyed that, had a decent meal when I got home and my new work place promises to be interesting. I have a solid grasp on how my working and traveling times are going to look for the most part and can tailor my daily schedule around it. Will be a bit tough to pack in everything I want to do, but I will manage and find ways. I actually think that after sending this post off, I will go and buy something else to eat. I have a sudden craving for blackberries and not a bone in my body feels guilty for wanting to give in.

What the future holds~

Yesterday ended up being surprisingly stressful when it came to posting. I ended up actually posting three blog posts in one day, something I did not plan for nor actually wanted it to do. It still felt rather nice though and I will probably do it again every now and then if I feel like it. That aside, I feel like good post a day is what I feel most comfortably doing for the moment. I want to make two posts a thing later down the road. I have a couple good things and topics in mind to make that a consistent and enjoyable experience for everyone, so stay tuned!

I still also plan on getting into DTubing. Found an old camera while cleaning house. Maybe I can do some good with it. One of my main goals when I started using Steemit was dusting off and improving my English skills. My writing is solidish for the most part, but I also want to train actually using the language a bit more, so that will be a good opportunity.

I also want to branch out with my blog and fuse it with wordpress at some point, using that medium to reach a greater audience while also making more people start with using Steemit. I also found an interesting application that converts posts from wordpress over to Steemit, so there may be some means of making my workflow more efficient there as well.

Overall, I still have a lot of things on my plate while slowly focusing in on the topics that make me thrive.

With all that being said, I thank everyone involved so far for your loyalty and support. I will see you tomorrow in my next post.

Read more of Papa Rodin!

Papa Rodin Challenges #2 - Steem Basic Income Edition

7 Day Positivity Challenge - Recapping

Papa Rodin Profiles #1 - The Black Panther

Papa Rodins Promotes #1 - Found some great posts for you!

Papa Rodin Quotes #1 - The Joker

Papa Rodin Reminisces #2 - Wim Hof Method

Papa Rodin Challenges - The 100 Comment Challenge

Papa Rodin Hacks #1 - Scum, stay away!

Papa Rodin Rambles - Capoeira as a martial art


I want to say a very big thank you for this, am way over the hill happy, Three @steembasicincome is the highest I've ever had. it was worth it anyway.

You've earned it, you put the necessary work in.

This is my first time using Steemit basic Income myself, so I am interested in seeing how that will go.

Done... I hope you get the support you need, Good Luck!

Much appreciated. Your vote made it even, at least for now. There are still two more days of voting time, I hope for the best!

You got my vote as well, best of luck. Nicely done on your contest, you did the right thing in bumping it up to three sbi since he was the only one to complete the task.

Awesome, this will be a great help. Also thank you for resteeming the challenge post.

I think so too. He put the necessary work in and stood out by being the only one to do so, that had to be rewarded accordingly.

This post received upvote from @tipU :) | For vote buyers | For investors.

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