Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Favourite Podcasts/TV series)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

Okay, I'm posting this one a little early, just a touch before last week's one pays out. I'm tired and I can't wait for another couple of hours! Unless I suddenly get a whale vote, I don't think the payout of the old one is going to change significantly! On the other hand, if you are a whale just looking for somewhere to part that vote, I wouldn't say no!

This week I have a much lighter topic, but I promise to get back to more interesting questions. I'm looking at podcast recommendations, or if you don't listen to podcasts then perhaps a TV series recommendation. In the end, I will shortlist a group depending on the quality of the comments, and then run them through a random generator. I've found there are too many good comments for me to easily pick, so I will leave it up to fate (heh, nice tie in to last week?).

The Background



I have a much loved podcast that I had been listening to for many years, "Material" podcast, a show about all things Android. Sadly, they lost one of their hosts last year to Google. She works there now, not eaten. So they replaced her with another female host, who I really disliked (she talked about herself most of the time and turned conversations back to her...). Anyway, I still listened because I really enjoyed the topic and the banter still worked. However, a few episodes back, one of the other hosts announced that he was leaving the show, and since then, I've not been able to enjoy the show. So, it is with great sadness that I'm unsubscribing. Which leaves me seeking a replacement, so I'm asking for recommendations for any type of podcast!

My current podcast list includes StarTalk, PhysicsWorld, The Infinite Monkey Cage, Insiders, Unchained and Freakanomics.




If you don't listen to podcasts, then perhaps a favourite TV series? I loved BattleStar Galactica and Agents of SHIELD, and now I'm on the verge of finishing Westworld and Parks and Recreation. Like everything else, I'm interested in pretty much anything, so if you don't have a podcast recommendation maybe a TV recommendation?


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, recommend a podcast or a TV show.
  4. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in SBD. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

Steem Basic Income

One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.

With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).

Last week's winners

Last week's Ethics questions and it's relation to Automated Transport was interesting! It produced the expected spread of opinion, but what I found the most interesting was the number of people who still tried to save everyone! I guess that is what makes us human, always trying to extract ourselves from an impossible situation instead of making a ruthless and efficient (take your pick!) calculation.

Last post payout was 1.46 SBD. So, 2 shares that I will be sponsoring. I will be sending them in the morning, after the post pays out, I'm just short otherwise!

I have run the eligible entries through a random picker and this week I will be sponsoring:




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I have to upvote you a little later - no VP right now. But will resteem to remember.

Podcasts are my favorite thing in the world!!

*I listen to a lot of Indie shows but also to some of the NPR classics.
Wait, wait, don't tell me is funny, The Ted Radio Hour and Freakonomics are informative.

  • As a white person, I like to listen to podcasts by people of a different background than mine to understand things a bit better. some of my favorites are: Code switch; See Something, Say Something; Good Muslim, Bad Muslim; The Stoop with Hana Baba and Leila Day

  • Art and History: Art Curious Podcast, The Story Behind

  • Story Podcasts: The Moth, The Story Collider, The Stoop (different one lol)

  • There are lots of How to Podcast Shows I listen to but the tech shows are all about Mac :(

Amazing that you do a podcast! I'll have to check it out.

Now that I'm replying, I remember that I forgot to write down Make me Smart as one of favourite podcasts!

Definitely a great list of podcasts, and very different from what I have on my list, more to look at and add... Sigh, I'm already several months behind on listening!

hahaha - that is my life. I used to spend a lot of time in the garden by myself and could listen to podcasts all day long. Now, not so much and I miss my listening time!!!

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

I suggest Santa Clarita's Diet as a tv series to watch. funny and light.

Okay, thanks! I will look it up.

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

I'm not really a podcast person and, honestly, I haven't watched a new TV series for years! :D ~ So, allow me to regale you with an ancient wonder. (Okay, it's not exactly "ancient", but, you know.)

Garth Marenghi's Darkplace.

Created in the early 2000's and set in the 70's, it's one of those shows that have deliberately terrible production values - it's so bad that it's good! People speak out of sync, there are sketchy cuts, you can see the wires with levitating items, there's a bicycle chase with motorcycle sound effects! Brilliant.

There are only a few episodes, it only lasted one season, but it's perfect for sitting back and enjoying some downtime, perhaps with a bourbon in hand as you chortle at the ridiculousness.

Here's the aforementioned bike chase -

Ha ha, it looks really good, like a straight to YouTube production!

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

Thanks for your sponsorship @bengy.
I would like to recommend a series of when I was a child : The Saint
...they are simple movies, but I love it...

Yes, I remember watching this as well!

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

All time favorite?
Doctor Who, without a doubt - but I'm slightly behind at the moment, so no spoilers please! (Just getting my husband caught up to us, then I'll have to see if the library has Season 10 yet. Thanks to Windscribe, I plan to catch Season 11 as it is broadcast.)
But what is better than a time-traveler who changes faces from time to time - allowing the series to span 50+ years?!

Right now, my husband is catching me up with Supernatural. Except when it gets too graphic (frequently), I've been enjoying the plot line and all the different baddies. Recently, I've been getting a serious earworm in the form of this Hillywood parody of Supernatural... These ladies are awesome, what can we say? And I love how Supernatural played back in using the "Shake it Off" theme in another episode.

(BTW, Hillywood also do good Doctor Who and Sherlock parodies!)

I am way behind on Doctor Who! I think I'm around the 7th season at best... Time to catch up...

I don't know Supernatural, is it scary? I'm a scaredy cat, if I watch something scary, I won't sleep properly for days.

Scary, yes - but not much worse than Doctor Who - but Supernatural get more graphic than would ever be allowed in Doctor Who. Often it's more than necessary, but the plotline is interesting and the creatures they deal with are even more interesting.

Yeah, definitely time to catch up on Doctor Who. And if you pick up Windscribe (to let you pretend you're in the UK), you have just enough time to catch up before it comes back on late fall.

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

Silicon Valley is a great series
and they also talk about currencies in season 5!

Huh, they're still going? The last one I watched was in season 2. Another one to get back to!

Yep i picked up the series again last week and finished it in couple of days :D

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

As a massive consumer of Podcasts I check out many depending on my frame of mood:

The Dollop - American (and occasionally world) history that explores the truly absurb and lunatic parts of the timeline in an incredibly hilarious way. Their live shows with special guests take the comedy to an entirely different level.
The 1908 New York to Paris car race is spectacular.

Tim Ferris - the guests Tim manages to get are nothing short of amazing and there are episodes that are absolutely essential listening. You walk away with a far deeper appreciation of the guest and their incredible journey in their respective fields.
Highly recommended the Jamie Foxx, Arnold Swartzenager, Richard Betts, Charles Poloquin

For wrestling chat Killing the Town is a bit of fun but I find the Chris Jericho, Steve Austin chats a bit more polished especially if they get a naturally chatty guest like Paul Heyman or Daniel Bryan.

Finally there's Dad's life through iTunes and for one of the most awkward yet thoroughly entertaining listens of all time you must try My Dad Wrote A Porno - these guys have been a massive tour after the podcast took off and it's definately one to check out.

Wow, lots of interesting ones there, I think you've made my listening backlog so much longer!

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

I haven't yet got into podcasts and there are so many great TV shows I have fallen behind on since my daughter was born (two and a half years ago).

I will, however, recommend a slightly older 2 season TV series that I found by accident when delving through the discount DVD bin a few years ago.

Without giving too much away, Sleeper Cell is based around a Muslim FBI agent who goes undercover to infiltrate a terrorist plot. Michael Ealy is great in his role.


Sleeper cell, this sounds like a great set up for a series! Thanks!

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

I recommend the podcasts from BNR. They have quite a lot of good radio programs which you can listen as podcast.

One of my favorites is crypto cast. And another one is Werk verkenners. Enjoy listening!

Thanks, I do need to practice my Dutch, I have just been listening to the NPO radio for that...

This might be ideal. Improving your Dutch and learning about the lightning network at the same time 😀

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

My hubby @shai-hulud has never listened to a podcast before and stumbled upon Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. He is not a history buff either but hasn't been able to listen to anything else since finding it and is constantly talking about it, I am yet to start but I trust his enthusiasm and am game to recommend pre-listen.

As for TV Series: There are sooooo many good ones, we binge watch series often, well pre-steemit we did, now we just have things on in the background while we steemit. lol.

Our one above all others is anything Stargate! Stargate SG1, Atlantis & Universe. Then Fringe is pretty awesome, freaky alternative universes, Warehouse 13 for that quirky sci-fi side. We loved Daredevil on Netflix, as well as The 100, Lucifer, Brooklyn 99, Sense 8, Dr Who, Happy (although this one is completely funked up in a weird but worth watching way), I think most of the stuff we watch is Sci-fi or Fantasy. We are currently working our way through Star Trek.

Your an Aussie so you must also get SBS on demand, I can't recommend The Handmaid's Tale enough, deep but awesome and a great book if you haven't already read or listened to as an Audiobook.

Anyway's this is way too long for a comment so I will leave it with that even though I could recommend a million more.

Have a great week! @insideoutlet.

A history podcast sounds like a good addition to my rotation, I don't have one of those! I can recommend Pocket Casts as a podcast player for when you do start listening, great app made by an Australian!

Sadly, I'm not living in Australia at the moment, so I can't get SBS easily, but that said, if it is for something good it might be worth jumping a technical hurdle or two!

@bengy Nice, I will check that out when I get to it lol. Never enough time these days and I believe my time will get shorter with a son on the way, but it will be all the more exciting... You can always start with the book and if you like it enough then find a way to jump the hurdles.

Hmmm,fast-reply looks interesting! How are you finding it?

Interested that it sent a link that it was sent with "Fast Reply". Not sure if I like that but the system itself seemed to work good and was easy to respond and not get distracted.

Winners and the new question "What is your to-do backlog of shame?" is here:

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