STEEM: The Greatest Opportunity Most Of Us Have Seen? Collectively We Can Make It So!!!!!

in #steem7 years ago

For many, this blockchain is the greatest opportunity they might ever have in their lifetime. We all know the masses struggle severely under the bankster controlled, fiat world. That is their design. Fortunately, there is another model emerging which will free all those who desire to leave the clutches of the slave holders.

However, to reach that end, there are two things that must occur.

The first is the embracing of the idea that the steem blockchain can free you. One of the sad things about life is there many times we have life changing opportunities before us yet do not realize it. Society tends to label those who succeed as lucky when, in truth, most often those individuals simply took advantage of what is in front of them. Acting upon an opportunity is commonly the only difference maker.

Over the past couple months I wrote a great deal about where I think STEEM is going and, more importantly, why. The research that I did was invaluable in helping me see the opportunity here. I try to parlay that same idea to you who read my posts. My words are not meant to uplift and make you feel good although that is a nice side benefit. Instead, I write about this to drill home what is presented here and how this is going to impact not only our lives, but all of humanity.

Which brings me to the second thing that must occur for this to succeed. The blockchain is owned by nobody which, by definition, means that it is owned by everyone. Anyone who comes onto the steem blockchain is free to own it. So that is my question to you: have you taken ownership of this blockchain and all that goes along with it?

Why do I position it this way?

The answer is because it is only by taking ownership will one put in the effort to make sure this place succeeds. Many approach this like it is just another social networking site. It is not. This is the opportunity to truly make an enormous difference. Wherever you are from, you have the opportunity to make more money from this one blockchain than you will from any job. Since most are stuck in the rat race, struggling to make ends meet, being able to amass hundreds of thousands of dollars over a couple years is a life changing experience. The question is are you willing to do what it takes to make that happen?

We get it, you are busy. There are hundreds of reasons any of us can offer up as to why we do not commit to this. In the end, the only reason is that we did not take ownership of it. When one owns something, he or she is going to do all to make sure it works out. Without that commitment, the attitude is "who cares".

Of course, money is not the most important thing in life. That said, an absence of money, for most, is a major pain in the ass. However, this is more than just about the money; it is about creating an ecosystem that can change the lives of potentially tens of millions of people. We are laying the groundwork for an entirely new system for the world to adopt. No longer are people going to have to struggle. Each and every activity that you do on here adds to the value of this ecosystem.

Blockchains are exponential in nature. That means single actions have a multiplied impact. For example, posting a comment seems like it does not do much. Yet when you look, you seen the impact has multiple benefits.

So what does a comment potentially do:

-It uplifts the author telling him or her you read the work and appreciate it.
-It motivates said author to write more
-It expands the post which helps in the google rankings.
-It could get you an upvote which will increase your SP, thus increasing every upvote you give in the future
-It could stimulate a comment from another
-It could trigger an idea within another who creates an entire post about it
-It could cause others to comment also
-It could garner you a follower(s)

I am sure I missed some but that is what can occur from one quality comment. Imagine the impact 1,000 of them will have.

So what does the steem blockchain need?

Basically it needs each person deciding this place will succeed because he or she owns it. Collectively, this is ours, to do with as we wish. Therefore, if everybody commits to exerting tremendous effort over the next 6 months, I promise you that your life will be forever changed.

@cryptographic wrote a sensational article that I resteemed talking about how all that we do to benefit ourselves also benefits others. I added that the same holds true for the steem blockchain. Everything we do which positively affects us also has a similar impact across this entire spectrum.

Here is the article:

Do you know what one of the most satisfying comments I got on here was?

Someone wrote, with regards to some of the unpleasant situation with the voting of late, that he/she only stayed here because of my posts. That really struck a chord with me. I know the opportunity in front of this individual and it would be a shame if he/she threw it away because of the behavior of a few. That is the impact we can have without even realizing it. And hopefully, some day, his/her account will have a $1m figure on the value line. Imagine all the lives touched with that person's upvotes all because he/she stayed.

The bankster ruled world teaches us that we do not matter. We also learn that committing to something usually ends up with us being screwed in the end. That world is infected with overwhelming amount of selfishness and dishonesty. Give maximum effort to a company for years is rewarded with them getting rid of you when you become too costly or times get tight. Families fracture because of disputes over money. Prisons are full of people who lied, stole, and harmed others in tragic ways. On and on it goes.

However, as @cryptographic's article showed, steem is a different world. We all enter the world of STEEM with self-interest. That is nature since we are seeking a reward that is financial in nature, at least in part. Nevertheless, we cannot operate solely out of self-interest or this place will eat us up. When the masses embrace a social model that is build on compassion, concern, helping, giving, and uplifting, those who go counter to that stand out. In this realm, it is very easy to get isolated because of that. Plus, the financial results will be less than stellar since payouts are more dependent upon others than oneself.

The next 6 months will be very good for the steem blockchain. That said, we have the opportunity to make it absolutely incredible. All of us can change our lives and the direction of this blockchain simply by deciding what effort we are going to put in. No one individual is able to move it forward, nor can one hold it back. Success or failure of this is a collective effort.

The only question is which camp are you in?

If you found this article to be informative, please upvote and re-steem.

Pictures by Google Images


"But man has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only. He will be more likely to prevail if he can interest their self-love in his favour, and shew them that it is for their own advantage to do for him what he requires of them. Whoever offers to another a bargain of any kind, proposes to do this. Give me that which I want, and you shall have this which you want, is the meaning of every such offer; and it is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of those good offices which we stand in need of. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity, but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages."
Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

It is not necessary to think as a collective to achieve the maximum progress and the greatest mutual benefit, but on the contrary, what benefits us most is that each one of us worries about our own interests and needs. In this way, we will all generate the greatest individual benefit, which translates unequivocally into the greatest group benefit. The collectives do not exist, there are only groups of individuals.

I understand perfectly what you mean by having a sense of belonging and caring for others, being charitable and helping others. But the best way to achieve this, is to think for yourself, when we help others we do it with the hope that they will behave in the same way, helping the community to grow, and indirectly, benefit from the growth of community.

This is exactly what @cryptographic's post was about and I'll quote my reply to him

Wow! I didn't know there was a name for that. But this is how I've been thinking since middle school. I'm going to be walking this Earth for a long time and what's good for the world ends up being somehow good for me. One should not put the individual above the society or the society above the individuals. Else there would be an imbalance where one feeds off another whether it's in the form of a psychopath/sociopath or some SJW/White Knight.

this post is truly awesome, we attain success by making efforts, by doing so it will pay off in the future.

In my opinion, the opportunity of steem blockchain and steemit gives us freedom by simply posting, blogging, commenting, upvoting, the best thing about steemit here is the people , we are all united, helping each other plus it is open for all, I can imagine if a kid start blooging or posting here, he must have attained a great education in the future. He might be a crypto genuis lol furthermore, education in steemit is free and yes it will give you a financial freedom. What will be happening in the next 6 month might change the lives of many , it will transform even the life of the ordinary.


thanks for sharing

The only thing we need to worry about here is what government does in reaction to the success of this technology. They will get desperate and that will create violence. The badge wearers have been primed for non thinking action that will create atrocities.

I'm speaking mostly of the USA and to a significantly lesser extent China. Most of the rest of the world's governments are not nearly as powerful and corrupt and really don't have what it takes to do violence on a massive scale.

I believe that we will see collapse of the old banking system by 2023, probably a bit sooner. Before that we will probably see them try to replace the USD with their own centralized crypto token. There will probably be an interregnum of violence and scarcity of real resources for at least 6 months to a year. Internet access will likely be sporadic. But one thing you won't need to worry about is your crypto being all gone after the collapse. Barring a dinosaur killing meteor, that is impossible.

Someone posted that the Bank of England is already looking at creating its own cryptocurrency.

I do believe steemit is an increíble opportunity especially for people from poorer countries where a single vote can buy enough food for several days.

Do you realize that? One click or tap, and the other person receives enough value to eat for days!!

Apart from this, steemit can also cause a massive wealth redistribution from popular media sites to users and content creators. If steemit takes over the whole system of how social media works will be changed for ever and we the users will be the ones who benefits the most.

I hope crypto keeps advancing and getting more popular in 2018 for the eventual and inevitably take over.


Do you realize that? One click or tap, and the other person receives enough value to eat for days!!

Yes I is amazing thought. That we can be sitting on our computers, click a button, and 7 days later someone in a different part of the world gets to eat.

Of course, it isnt the only third world countries....there are many hurting in the western nations too.

We never know how we are impacting people. A simple click worth 25 cents (which is more when they are paid SBD and it is converted) could have an impact...especially if we do that a number of times. I know there are some I upvote multiple times a day.

I hadn't really thought about it but wow, I'm part owner of Steem. I suddenly feel rich. lol.

So, what steps would you recommend a newb like myself take to make sure that I am fulfilling the requirements of:

Therefore, if everybody commits to exerting tremendous effort over the next 6 months, I promise you that your life will be forever changed.

I know step one is Comment, Comment, Comment.
Step two I would assume is Curate, Curate, Curate.
Step three would have to be Post Original Content.

But I feel like I may be missing some things. I don't want to fail due to a lack of knowledge or effort. I am in this thing to change the world.

Can you fill in the gaps for me?

Excellent article. I, too, was delighted with the @cryptographic articles. And my comment to her confirm this. In response to your article, I will say: "I'm glad that I'm in a Steem boat with people like you." A huge success to you in 2018.

Отличная статья. Я, так же, был восхищен статей @cryptographic. И мой комментарий к ней тому подтверждение. В ответ на вашу статью, скажу: «я рад, что нахожусь в лодке Steem с такими людьми как Вы». Огромной Удачи Вам в 2018 году.

There are still many people who have not heard about the blockchain or do not understand the technology and its potential.

The blockchain has the potential to affect your life both personally and, professionally. It's not just a hyperbola. This is going to be the next thing.

It is therefore essential that you keep up to date on your past, present, and future.

One of the most talked about benefits of those included in the blockchain technology is how it can prevent future payment scams. For beginners, it protects both buyers and sellers by using "smart contracts". This process can prevent those times when you purchase a product and the seller does not provide his side of the transaction.

Since all transactions are recorded, another way to prevent fraud is by not using the currency for double-spending or counterfeit currency. Once a currency, tick or foreign currency is used, it can not be used again.

There is also the possibility that companies and individuals cannot handle books or deceive clients. Again, every recorded transaction, every dollar is calculated and this will prevent an Enron situation. Financial fraud can be a matter of the past because it will protect intellectual property if it is publicly shared in a blockchain.

The most obvious advantage is how secure it is. Apart from the fact that transactions enter the ledger, it is guaranteed that the transactions are held directly between the two parties requiring a unique signature to confirm the transfer. Without a third party without the signature, coins, and tokens can not be changed.

I am new here on Steemit, and since the beginning I loved the idea of a place that belongs to nobody but works and functions because of the people inside it. We (the authors and curators) are the oil that makes this machine of a blockchain to work.
Plus, I think most of us stay, not only because of the financial opportunities (which I don't see because i'm too new and do not understand steemit entirely just yet) but because of the community it's building, using discord and the support of people that have been here for a longer period of time than others.
Thanks for posting this! :)

yes, we have to care for what we own! but what we currently see is harming our property. flag wars, a broken curation system that rewards building a auto-voting fan base instead of content, etc. As long as big whales profit from behavior that undermines the spirit of steem, what can we actually change for the better? some concrete ideas would be appreciated.

I'm so glad to be a part of steem at this exciting time! I have come to realize that the biggest challenge of the crypto movement is awareness and motivation for change. I think for the outcome many of us want it is a matter of individual action. We need individuals to selfishly say, I want to make the change in the world that I want to see. I feel that the group energy and effort will not happen without individuals making the choice for positive change. So I think that we need both individual and group action... that's a long way of saying I agree with you 100%. I think that challenge is the same in steem as it is in the rest of the crypto world. But I think steem has a unique opportunity to be able to show the attitude of collaboration and positive change to those of us that don't see it easily in the rest of the crypto movement. You really have to dig for it, because the drive for money can tend to speak loudly. I love the collaboration, compassion and love that I see on Steem daily!! I am so proud to be part of steem and it inspires me to continue breaking down my own barriers and change my own viewpoints from survival mode in a dog eat dog world into caring less about the money and more about the actions, choices, collaboration and positive change. Thanks for continue to be an encouraging voice for many of us and sharing what you believe in and where you want steem to go :)

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