Battle tested and ready: Building Up Steem for the future

in #steem6 years ago

I have been saying for quite a good while now that Steem needs (the community aspect) a middle class but, at the rate it is happening, those who are potentials aren't growing nearly as fast as those who couldn't give two Flying F*cks about the community aspect of Steem, they are only here for the economic aspect, the gainz. No problem with that for e as long as they push prices up, I am okay. But, those to come will be screwed.

Those newbies in and the low SP people who already feel screwed have not yet been screwed completely, there is worse to come, a bigger screw so to speak as the maximisers continue, more onboarding happens and there is ever less pool available for distribution and ever growing conflicted feeling of entitlement, jealousy and anger rolled into a clusterf*ck of a platform.

The community builders who are doing their community building thing need to take a step back and think long and hard if all of their good work is going to go to waste and what they have thought is a long-term view, is only so if that engaged middleclass is there in that future. Without them, all of the efforts and sacrifices now are likely to be for nought. So what to do?

Well, as you can see by the * I put in to thinly veil that I swear like f*cking trooper most of the time IRL, it is time that the community thinkers started building the community of tomorrow today. The sacrifices they are making might be painful at the moment as they watch the behaviors of many others who grow here but, they have to sacrifice more, they have to sacrifice their ideals.

Currently, the short-term view most community thinkers are taking is not leading to the long-term position they are wanting, there is a disconnect in the line from the present and future position. The investments into the community are costing their investments into themselves and just like in a plane where the gas mask drops down in an emergency, place the mask on your own face before assisting others with theirs. There is a simple reason, a passed-out person helps no one, except those assholes who would take advantage of a passed out person...

And this is where the sacrifice really gets made because for a community-orientated person, building the self while others might suffer is a very uncomfortable thing to do but, a necessary one. The future community/communities are going to need community nodes with the willingness and the capabilities to support them but, at the current rate and with the current methods, that is not happening.

So, the problem is that at least for me, I want a future on Steem where many can be supported but the current path I take isn't going to get there. F*ck me, looks like I am going to have to be the change in my equation since I have zero rights or power over anyone else here.

I was in a discussion with @steevc an hour or so back and commented a wall which led onto this post. He was saying he is going to put a little bit of his own VP onto his posts and I think, he should put all onto each post. I have recommended before to people to go maximum 50/50 - self/community if they are going to be here in the long-term. If however, you are looking short-term and are wanting to extract quickly there is a completely different strategy to take and I recommend you, **** ***!, the community doesn't need you.

Personally, I pay for delegation and want to be able to cover that and grow a little with it but it is hard, even when I post as much as I do and price is down. I won't resort to comment voting though. I use my vote on my posts and hopefully on the posts of other long-term thinkers who want a community position here later. Growth at the moment is hard and it is even harder for those who want to think about the community too. I know, I am one of them.

But, I also think/know/believe that in order for many people to get support in the future without it only being pay-to-play, it is going to require middle class and up thinkers who are willing to put their VP into small communities that don't have the finances to pay to play. Making it completely a 'buy-in' community is going to do the very thing that this community was meant to combat and take away opportunities for some amazing talents to be recognized. F*ck that, I want to be able to support future talent without them having to be indebted to me.

Currently, there are ways for everyone on the platform to earn something if they put in the work but, that window is rapidly closing. Do the best you can but for those who are really thinking long and about community need to do more. Some people might claim moral high-ground in these things but they are generally the people who already have their position and it is one where they are relatively safe.

Each day I am here and each article I write I think about my role and the community, I am my harshest judge yet, when I look in the mirror, I am okay. Here is a guide for people and you can add a few more if you want. These are for people who are actually already thinking long-term and plan to be here in the future. Those who are already battle-tested and ready.

Ask yourself some questions:

  • Am I a community thinker
  • Am I a community developer
  • Am I looking long-term
  • Am I committed to powering up as much as possible
  • Am I using my VP significantly on the community
  • Do I care about the platform's longevity

In the case of Yeses, do all you can to Powerup because the future needs you with willing VP. When I say all you can, use the 50/50 rule and find a balance point. Target most of your spare VP on accounts that have a similar outlook for the future as you, long-term thinkers who have proven themselves. Some for potentials and some for the rest of the community too.

Then ask:

  • Am I an asshole
  • Am I at risk of becoming an asshole

If you answer yes to the first of these, you didn't answer yes to the six above it. If you answer yes to the last, be very, very careful with whatever you choose to do going forward if you think you are a community developer and here for the long-term. Perhaps being an asshole is not taking the responsibility of discomfort now that will allow to help many more in the future. I don't know and can't answer, that is your position to investigate.

When it comes to me, I trust myself (no matter how it might look to others) that I am in almost zero risk of becoming an asshole (this is debatable because many people think I am a heartless asshole now) but, I am thinking of the future here, both mine and yours at each step, each experiment and each mistake I make. My growth has been pretty well distributed to myself and the community so far. That isn't really going to change if I have 20k SP like now or the 2-400,000 SP @ned might like to delegate to me for a community experiment in node building for 6 months to a year.

The problem at the moment is that there isn't a significant amount of community thinker SP among active users and what there is, is helping the community grow and stay engaged while the assholes are building castles and empires. Unless we have castles of our own and people willing and able to support them, we are screwed in the long-term. I am sensitive to people's immediate needs but, there is a much bigger game being played and many more lives in the future that will potentially be helped.

From the outside, I or others might look like assholes but, 2, 3 or 5 years from now, it will be people like myself that you will find still here, working for the community we helped build. Making uncomfortable short-term decisions for long-term gains is what this community is lacking in its infancy stages. Short term assholes are maximising for themselves, community thinkers are helping some in the short-term at the cost of helping many in the future.

What I am saying is:

Do what you can, don't get lost on the way.

[ a Steem original ]

BTW @ned, I mean it and with some decent support I am pretty sure I could make this place much healthier relatively quickly


I am here for the long haul. I will build my castle from the bones of whales i slay along the way.

This is what I like to hear :D

Haaa. Snuck in a comment upvote while you weren't looking

This is a f*****g brilliant post.

It's good to hear from others who have a similar view on what we need to create a true social media platform. The money element, makes the dynamics here far more complex.

If the whales distributed their SP to the wider community via delegation or even donations, it would actually make them richer as the network effect would increase the value of STEEM and maybe a few more people would stick around and actually engage with the platform.

I've invited a few people and most have found it too difficult to get started or gain any real rewards.

Keep up the great work. I wonder where we will all be in 5 years time.

Will steem be another Betamax? A HD-DVD? MiniDisc? Or MySpace? Or will those with power be able to guide it to something more sustainable?

Only time will tell... But the journey will be fun


And yet you won't turn your comment voting back on, and you won't take the profit available from buying votes. If you really feel this way why not go whole-hog?

I don't need to 50/50 because I'm making enough money from non-voting to use 85% of my voting power on building other people's accounts, plus some SBDs on rewarding good content outside of the voting system. And yes, I am tracking many of them to make sure that money is going into powering up.

If we really want a middle class we need to be lifting a bunch of people so they can quickly do the same. It's exponential growth even more than what comes from self-voting.

If you really feel this way why not go whole-hog?

Half-hog will be my limit I think although that will slide backwards and forwards depending on the time. I should have gone whole hog with high SBDs but that is when I reduced my activities so as not to be greedy. Others didn't.

And yes, I am tracking many of them to make sure that money is going into powering up.

This is a good thing. I would actually like an indicator for it.

If we really want a middle class we need to be lifting a bunch of people so they can quickly do the same. It's exponential growth even more than what comes from self-voting.

Yep. This can happen in time too. The self-growth/community split is about building the mindset.

This is a good thing. I would actually like an indicator for it.

It would be lovely to have some sort of automatic process. I just look at wallets every week and run a spreadsheet. I post a weekly table on @doctorworm but it's only the people I support with that account.

That is pretty cool :)

Just thinking about everything you said...
This community need a change else in years to come this project might go down because new babies are not encourage.
When we think about long time projects we wouldn't be selfish with our UPVOTE on the right post or comment. There are babies who wants to be here for a long time.
Lets take me for an example I am school where each day I can reach out to nothing less than 100 people who could possibly join. I have tried my best reaching out with the little resources I have, when I post at times no Upvote, it discouraged me alot. Just imagine if I am fully supported and I continued reaching out don't you know how many people I might be able to bring here in the next 3-5momths.
I just hope @ned and other wake up and look for a way to support those who are ready to grow this community for a long time

Hi taraz . i am not an asshole and in danger of becoming one so it's yes from me for all of the above besides the assholes. I like you think being a node or a point that helps others grow around them is vital. that is where I want to be and will get there. Just the time is closing in and don't have steroids to go faster lol. You know how I have been operating and it is working to a point and I am trying to get some funds together to give a boost.

You will get there in time and I think those who really are invested will ride the ups and downs and come out the other side much, much better off for it in much more important ways than financially.

Your spirit is like a military spirit that wants to advance to the battlefield.

If what you say is done, consisting of 6 points above, all members of Steemit will enjoy the benefits.

What can I do to help?
However, my status is still minnow.

Power up, build the community.

I used to be a community leader consisting of college students and employees at my college. But they do not last long because less get upvote except some people only.

The only reason to attract people is money and money.

I feel attacked. (meme answer)

This is something I struggle with. I answer the yeses. My assholery is generally contained. And yet — is my help to all those I love the shit out of here (and the randoms too) as effective as it could be? That's a painful question to be asked, because no one wants to examine the hard nuances of what being helpful entails. Is intention sufficient enough without power to support it? I know my mindset and contributions are right... but is the tool-set I'm utilizing matched? I power up but really don't manage the "selfish" balance well, even knowing that being bigger means bigger impact — things to chew on. (serious answer)

That's a painful question to be asked, because no one wants to examine the hard nuances of what being helpful entails.

This is the question I ask every day and after all of my time here, I have failed to take the hardest path which is, really think long.

Is intention sufficient enough without power to support it? I know my mindset and contributions are right... but is the tool-set I'm utilizing matched? I power up but really don't manage the "selfish" balance well, even knowing that being bigger means bigger impact — things to chew on. (serious answer)

Intention isn't enough to do anything except satisfy the ego upon a high horse. You work your ass off for the platform and community (much more than me) yet, look at the place. What happens in a year or two and you have grown at 30% the rate of those who are commandeering the pool? Who distributes to who then?

I am chewing too.

Over the past 3 weeks I have been struggling with the same thing . Helping others at the expense of myself or at least not growing as fast as I could have .

I know my mindset and contributions are right... but is the tool-set I'm utilizing matched?

That's a great way of putting it and to be honest with myself I have to say NO

I think I'm doing ok. Hopefully I can make it into the Middle class in the next year or two. I think I will become 1%er this year. Steemit is hard though and will probably only get harder. If we had a billion people on this platform like Facebook has on theirs then there would be less than 1 Steem available per account.

Am I a community thinker Am I a community developer Am I looking long-term Am I committed to powering up as much as possible Am I using my VP significantly on the community Do I care about the platform's longevity


When it comes to communities I don't know which community I should be thinking about. With SMTs and Hive, there will be significant fragmentation of the current community. I hope to be active in a community of photographers and will found a community of go players if necessary to name the two most important ones. I wonder how many of my current followers will follow me into those communities. Time will tell.

I'm very excited about SteemMonsters - and not because I'd ever want to play it but because it's an app that takes a Steem account and purchasing some STEEM to get started with. That's not the attention economy envisioned by the founders of Steem but it could be things like that that will provide most of the real-world value of Steem in the future.

Well, with the way you get around the platform and comment/upvote, I would actually class you as a community developer. It was less in the building of a niche and more in the general sense I meant it.

I appreciate your words. :D

Anyway, the I really wonder how the current group of 60,000 Steemians active daily will transform in the coming years when the platform becomes better equipped to handle separate communities.

I am not sure but I think that those who are unwilling to engage are likely going to struggle unless they can buy in. It is going to close out a lot of the spammers and low quality too.

I'm imaging the future of communities to be a very different animal compared to what we have now. Many of them will be focused on specific topics. I have a feeling that those who tag along bigger accounts than themselves in hopes of upvotes will be left wondering if they should find new high SP holders to gather around who actually share their interests, if they can find them, or endure those people who they know from the early days going on about stuff in their niche communities that does not interest them in the least.

I know less than five go players on Steem. But when the time comes I will be devoting a lot of my time here to developing the go community. A greater number of my followers will follow me into photographers' communities I suppose. I could be sighted in a few others. My followers and my active followers in particular are a motley crew having few things in common. This is why Steem Power is crucial. You will not be able to rely on even community support if you don't power up. The original communities we have now will be something we will have to mine the blockchain to accurately remember.

I think those searching for upvotes from those they aren't actually interested in now are going to struggle later as it will become apparent if they are actually interested in the content or not. It is going to take a lot of work to engage with a community one has no interest in.

use the 50/50 rule and find a balance point.

can you explain this to me ? as much detail as posible

Ok, you have 10 votes a day (lets keep it simple)

Use 5 on yourself in ways to grow and 5 on the community in ways for them to grow. At the moment, spreading SP all over the place isn't helping the long-trm view as most are not powering it up. Concentrate on those who are thinking community.

5 votes for you, 3 for community thinkers, 2 for wider audience.

Of course, most don't post 5 times a day like I do so in reality, it is going to be more 20/80 etc... which means, 5 votes go to the community thinkers, 3 to the rest.

Sounds harsh but we need more people in the middle with SP but currently, 98% have less than 100 SP. If that number was 90%, the place would look different already, if it was 80%, very healthy. They don't need a massive amount of SP but with 40,000 more people sharing their cents every day, it adds up to a great deal.

I don't think it's harsh . it's reality . 100% behind the concept

I have been casting a very wide net . to wide with voting but above the dust

I have to tweek how I'm operating

98% have less than 100 SP

Not sure if I should be taking cold comfort knowing that 98% of Steemians are in my boat, or really sad that 100SP is the threshold for being in the top 2%.

Currently, the short-term view most community thinkers are taking is not leading to the long-term position they are wanting, there is a disconnect in the line from the present and future position.

What are your "top tips" for resolving this? The 50/50 voting. Buying SP. What else? Thanks.

I've been not voting for people who use bidbots. I also wonder why large accounts, and even smaller accounts, are supporting people who just do hit-and-run posting and don't reply to comments from their supporters. I don't upvote them after I see they don't engage. I think not supporting those two types of users is doing something positive. What do you think?


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