If UBERfacts Made Millions($) With Tweets, Then Don't Be Surprised To See "A Zapplet" On Steemit, With 5,000 SBD Payout. "You Can't Measure Value; So Don't!

in #steem7 years ago

This post is a teacher and not out to point fingers!

Yes, i want to now spend some of my energy in communicating my thoughts on recent issues on steemit, that do not constitute issues and will never be issues yet we spend so much energy, making issues out of!

I have never talked in this fashion but now there is need to, without fears as my message here is out to teach, regardless of what meaning you decide to give it.

I mean soon, perhaps we will start encrypting our conversations on steemit or build a new language for communities, so that we will not be afraid of speaking!

No doubt, i envy #kr or #cn. It is like a whole new world when you get on there; "magic simply happens!" It is like a whole separate peaceful-looking steemit on there. 

I don't know what is being said in the part of steemit but all i see, when i look at this: 사랑은 답변입니다; is bliss, fresh air and beauty! They don't see the need to explain themselves in English to us and even if there have issues, it is untold!

 I wonder how many steemians (non-kr/cn-speakers) on here, go there to start policing their activities; "Hahaha, you will probably be lost, when google misleads you with its reckless translations".


Yes, we always talk of a bare or public steem blockchain but we easily forget that along with a "reputation model" that curbs behavior; steemit also a "privacy model" built into it. 

I tell you, not every steemian is here solely to earn rewards! Many were drawn to steemit because of privacy and some solely because of privacy. That is why there is @anonsteem. And don't think there aren't rich people on steemit. who on steemit for reasons beyond blogging and rewards!

Yes, if they come here to write blogs and earn rewards, doesn't mean we don't have private jets somewhere. 

Hahaha, and some didn't ask for the rewards, it comes to them and if that is the case, is that their crime? Should they now shove it away and over to you?

Yes, money comes to you, if you sit down to do your homework, brainstorm, build visions etc and for some it is simply a gift; "anywhere they lurk, money perches!"

Too, there are some people who are simply likeable and you can take that away from them. It is just like @dan who doesn't talk much but has us follow him everywhere. It is not solely because he is a genius at what he does; "he has an element to him, that draws people in". 

So there, stop thinking people who earn constantly on steemit are all out, in pursuit of money!

Especially, new steemians who joined now, when the price of steem is high and who go thinking that this was always the case; simply go a couple of months back! "Just before you arrived and just after Hardfork 18 (Thursday, 30 March 2017), the reward pool went dry and required a whole month to recover. Prior to that, the price of steem was 7 cents and SBD payouts on posts was very low!"

Back To The Rewards You See

If people like @mrbean, is it his fault? So why not let him be; if you can't celebrate him! or go become @mrRICE!

The simplest thing i will tell you is: 

look at the steem blockchain, its far reaching beauty and go out there and build your dreams. Stop looking at blogs and potential payout; there is more to that blog; there is more to the human behind the blogs; there is so much learn; so why not learn? Why not sift out some good from worse!

We can't lose "respect" which we practice often, in the real world because there is now a public steem blockchain. It is like saying you won't be called "robber" because when you robbed the bank, the bank door was left open! 

You are not a police and if you are, let's see your id. Yes, it is a bare/public blockchain but who gives anyone the right to do investigation. Well, you have the rights to do what you want but finish the job; go become a real cop with a badge, then after going to ransack someone's transactions on steemd, go to the exchanges (@poloniex, @bittrex) and pull up their files too; then trace it and include every detail in your steemit post, whenever you decide to make a post to police a fellow steemian's wallet.

One more thing, be very sure, this money that goes out to the exchanges don't not come back into the steem economy somehow because if if it does, then you just failed in your investigation. 

Yes, because assuming someone is simply a blogger and he takes some of his earning out from steemit, buys a camera and starts creating vlogs about himself, using that steemit earning to buy himself a big Mac; who tells you that is not "adding value"

Would you know how much good, that tiny little post did in the search engines for the beauty of steemit? Well, quit policing! 

If you see a steemit post constantly trending; before you create posts saying someone's blog is overvalued, you should also go sit in the search engines and track, "with records"; how many steemians or investors have joined steemit as result of organically finding that post, while searching google, bing etc.

Who can tell me confidently how many people @stellabelle's blog about SteemGIGs brought to steemit? Ofcourse, you don't know! And would also have known that she also wrote similar blog on Hackernoon, which is more potential traffic to steemit? The answer is; "maybe not!"

Note: A renown steemian, in the person of @infovore joined steemit upon finding a post from @stellabelle in the search engines!

Yes, one reason "steemit posts that trend, trend" and have huge amounts on them, is because these posts have been seen to have potential to organically attract new steemians. 

So yes, why shouldn't a post from @sweetsssj trend, even though she talks about travel and stuff! Do you know how many steemians and likely investors, may have joined steemit solely because they found here posts? 

The simple answer is; "you don't know these details, so why not get it first before you go policing people!"

And how about #cn (China); we all know it is censored! Isn't it sheer beauty, that steemit has a steemian face from China, that can potentially or stealthily draw the in, one of the highest population of netizens in?

So why should a post from @busy.org not trend? Even Facebook can't enter CHINA, due to censorship laws, so if @ekitcho is going that rough path, of building a hub of apps resembling WEchat, inorder to seamlessly get steem to mainstream in China, then why shouldn't such genius earn every time?

Who do you think measures value and can you measure value? If you can, what tool do you use; we will like to at least, know the name of this tool!

And seriously, why should anyone be obligated to answer to you? Speaking of transparency; did you forget that a decentralized blockchain, also has a privacy paradigm? 

Yes, who knows the real name of person behind @randompic and why should i question it? Yes, you can decide to use steemit, without ever revealing your true identity; which is one feature of decentralization, so why should i use the excuse of a public blockchain to infringe on people's privacy?

Even cops who have warrants, still have to ask permission to search; politely!

Really, why should anyone have to answer to you about his actions, when you can even use that against the person. Yes, more recently on steemit, there has been key need to practice care. It appears that especially, because of misinformation and feeling that the steem blockchain is open source; some think everything in life should be laid bare and even when you speak to a new person on steemit.chat out of courtesy etc, some copy your chats and turn it into a blogpost. 

What if i said the wrong things in an innocent chat or what if i simply confided in you!

Always think before you putting things on the blockchain. There is something called "privacy". Though it is a public blockchain, it is decentralized, so there is also privacy and anonymity

Basically, if you are just getting on steemit, it is best to rewind a bit, by trying to learn some of the things that happened on steemit in the past, so that you don't hurriedly conclude about steemians who excel on steemit today!

Alot has been happening recently, especially with recent newbies and it is definitely as a result of misinformation. Ultimately, it is not nice to see more recent new steemians, playing with the flag button, like it is a toy or doing full blown posts to un-upbuild others. 

There are many new steemians who just arrive on steemit and who don't yet know how steem works and these simple baseless and seemingly harmless posts that you do, has really huge impact because if you notice now, the bulk of comments on many recent posts are from newbies, who may feed off of these wrong information and lose their conviction about steemit. 

No doubt, it affects everyone, even the veteran steemians because for older steemians, we can see, that there is a recent upsurge of baseless conflicts solely because the price of steem is high and posts tend to earn really high amounts; but this wasn't the case just a few months back, when the price of steem was 7 cents!

I am really saddened that @surfermarly says goodbye to steemit and only yesterday, seeing @randompic go at @sweetsssj's with so many factless comments. These, along with the many other things that i have seen recently, rid me of my fears and had me doing this post! 

Imagine @randompic, who we can't even see, questioning the existence of @sweetsssj, who we have seen and know, in more than 35 un-upbuilding comments all around one her steemit post. It wasn't very joyful to watch! Then he accompanied that with a full blown post titled "Sweetsssj", using  pictures/video of @sweetsssj, as the foundation for baseless things and that generated 164 comments.

I am leaving this out here, to help us see how much impact, even a newbie with rep of 39, can have on steemit, especially right now, when there is an influx of many new steemians, who are basically just getting started!

I took time to applaud @amarie because though she didn't have to, yet she let her human and heart which transcends blockchains, come to the fore as she spent so much time trying to lovingly educate @randompic.

We can't lose our hearts, all sense of courtesy, respect, human-feelings, love, etc because we have a bare blockchain. Remember steemit contains humans; a real world, so only do things here, that you can do to others in the real world. 

I am sure you can't go asking May Weather how he spends he millions or how he made them and you if you do ask him and he doesn't answer you, does it mean he is hiding something? "Hahaha, why should he have to answer to you!" Same as he shouldn't expect that you have to answer to him!

Speaking of value; hahaha, can you really measure "value"? In one of @amarie's lovely comments, she mentioned Uberfacts, who has made millions on twitter.com by simply tweeting out random facts!

I wonder what you will do, when @zappl finally launches and you finally, see a one-liner zapplet with 800 SBDs on it. 

No need for gnashing teeth! Celebrate it, then go build your own! Ultimately, on steemit, there is no competition, keep your vision straight and intact and you will easily see this! We have been given a steem blockchain; now go build dreams!

The ultimately aim, is to take steem price to the moon! 

Yes, we don't follow steem to the moon, we take steem to the moon!

If people like particular steemians, simply go and work on getting likeable and if that is not your strong point, use the beauty of steemit to find yourself out; find your strong point and come out strong! Or reach out to these steemians and learn from them.

Overall, stay human; use the beautiful heart of yours; create love!

Your Boy Terry


Join us on steemgigs discord server: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK

Everyone has something to offer!

Wow! I love all the details about each topic that's pretty nifty! So many valid points. Thank you for your insight.

You are

STEEM On! :)

Hahaha, you are the awesome one and your comment here. Stay safe! Be strong!

What I am loving here at steemit is the borderless coming together of people from all over this planet we call home...

It was much needed @surpassinggoogle. Though, i'm new here, I admire @sweetsssj's posts and the efforts she puts in each of them. Kudos to you man for standing up!

Exactly, her work should be commended, even admired. it is a beauty!

You are very thorough and have shared terrible news about a beloved Steemian! Say it isn't so, @surfermarly! :(((
If I recall from nearly a year ago - there were a bunch of newbies on witch hunts back then too. It seems cyclical, doesn't it?
What is the motivation? Envy? Greed? Small self-esteem?
What is this need for some people to tear down complete strangers without having any history or knowledge of the time and effort it takes to build up one's reputation and body of work?
I've seen people punch holes in their own walls - to what end? Keep punching and those walls will eventually collapse. Beware the rest of the house doesn't land on you...because it will...eventually.
On this note - I'm signing off a rather sad person this evening.
HUGS, Terry. I think you're pretty awesome.

I wonder how they don't get tired, it is old-school stuff. I hope you are much better now and i am sure surfermarly is just going to relax a bit. She will have a good time in the real world and she'll be back strong!

Ah, @surpassinggoogle - from your words to God's ears.
I really don't like when good people leave because of asshattery.

Yes! She'll be back strong 😉✌️

One of the things I'll be missing are your posts, Terry! The power, observation and love for detail is incredible! It seems as if you were reading really all of the posts on this blockchain. Amazing!

Thanks for the mention and I really appreciate you underlining the importance of respect. Nobody has the right to ever judge about anybody else here, and value is defined by the group not by single users that are full of hate and envy.

Keep your amazing work coming! The community needs you and will celebrate you as always.
Resteemed for more visibility.

Big hug Terry

GURL This news is killing me. I say don't let the assholes win but I also have the moment to moment mantra "Pick your battles." I also left a message on your good-bye post. I sincerely hope it's more "see you later." HUGS, woman.

For you it's always a "see you later" :)
Even though I won't be posting on steemit anymore.
Sometimes we just need to be the ones that are braver and smarter and give in first...
Big hugs!!!

It was going to be a really long post but i remembered you and made it a bit short. Thank you for arriving here. See you again soon! Wish you did one #steemgig post before you go though but its all good!

I'll do that when I'm back. Promised!!!

My friend, a kind reminder here.
#cn tag is stand for chinese.
However, no chinese was detected in this article.
Please use wisely for your tag,thank you.

Read the post! Except you say, #cn is only for the posts written in the language, then agreed but i doubt that is the case. You can use cont F "CHINA" and read that part.

Thank you for your informative post. I have just been reading about the flag wars, I think the whole idea of being able to flag content down is wrong and invites a type of censorship of posts one does not like or agree with. It is enough to be able to upvote content, there is no real need to downvote any posts, good content will rise while 'questionable content' will sink solely by the upvotes. Steemit claims to be censorship free but being able to flag is allowing censorship. This is sometimes being maliciously applied, and will force good content creators out of Steemit, thn Steemit will become just another Facebook or Twitter....too much mindless dross being shared.

I am very sure a hardfork will arrive soon to curb it or at least a way a work around.

If someone consumes anything, I think the producer should get rewarded. Feeding your family should be one of those rewards. Having things in general can also be one of those rewards. We will always have trolls. They honestly could be teenage kids trying to be nasty. With zero credibility. If you do leave Steemit, they win. We here at Steemit win if we all communicate. If some of us profit, then outstanding! Take your family out to an expensive dinner with some of the profits. You seriously need to help build this community. What if everybody follows your lead? Then we all lose. I will debate the trolls. Maybe, some actually will help me see my way. Others will make me sure of my points. I don't know you, I can't remember reading any of your posts. BUT THAT IS WHY I AM HERE. To get to know people just like you. How can I do that if you give up?

Somethings are tiring but ofcourse, we just tire out. We don't quit! If you joined steemit recently, you are on steemit at its best times ever, so steem on!

Link dropping is extremely rude.

Please don't put links to content that is in no way relevant to the post or the comments being made, it is very rude, and will not help you, in fact it will more than likely get you hated. I checked out you post, it was worth a vote so I gave you one, but please don't post non relevant links in comments, most of Steemit hates that.
Just trying to be helpful.

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