
in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Earlier I asked @sweetsssj why she doesn't upvote any replies to her blog and I used the word any because up to then, I did not see any that she upvoted.

note: since this time, sweetsssj suddenly started to upvote some of her replies.

From that one simple question, @sweetsssj, went on a rant and became very defensive and wrote some well written, lengthy replies to me. She went on and insisted that she upvotes replies to her blogs and then insisted that she writess all of her blogs including coding, editing and all photos by herself. That's' great that she can do all that by herself but how?

And when I posted this link in the replies, "she" suddenly began to flag it.


I thought this was odd so I looked her name up on YouTube and found only one video of her speaking and it was not in English.

There is not a single video of her speaking English. Can she really be typing well writing blogs and replies by herself? Does it even matter?

Well, to me it does when someone on here is not who they really are. And if I am proven wrong, I will be the first to admit it and apologize to sweetsssj.

However, if this is not what it appears to be and is a team or a company producing all of the blogs, photos and videos and her numerous social media accounts, doesn't that go against what Steemit stands for? Integrity!

After her defensive replies to me and the way she spoke to me, I feel like I have to write this. It wouldn't matter if this person is paying people to do a lot of the work for her but she insist she is the only one producing all of this. It doesn't seem right to me.

The @sweetsssj account is earning approximately $40,000 per month and $480,000 per year. There are companies and even corporations who don't earn that much with a team of employees working for them.

The photos above appear to me to be a professional model posing for a professional photographer and not her "mum" as she says takes her photos.

I could be wrong but this looks like a production to me. A thought out photo production for a photo shoot.

If she is doing all of this by herself then great, I don't know how she would have time to sleep though.

Is it ethical to portray herself as a one person operation when this appears to be a big marketing machine and a huge business?

Is her "mum" flying the drone too?

With all the talk of ethics, greed and selfishness on Steemit with people upvoting their own replies and earning from it, what do you think of this operation? Is it ethical or a fraud?


Sweetsssj has refuted your baseless claims in response to your trolling comments on her posts. As one of the original members of Steemit, I have known her for many months. She is very honest and hardworking. No one creates a better blog on here than she does. Free speech and criticism are quite welcome on Steemit, but your comments and persistent trolling have gone well beyond that now. Trolls are not welcome here.

Doesn't that seem a little power crazy to you that so many users can be essentially crippled permanently over a disagreement? Like, from what I can tell from this post, the OP seems polite but skeptical, willing to accept evidence contrary to what they think. The user has even resteemed a sweetsssj post not too long ago.

It's perfectly fine for whales to simply ignore the answers... It's not abusive to keep pushing to find an answer one is looking for.

Perhaps an op's post is pointless or dumb or wrong, but I've rarely seen one which is threatening or abusive.

I feel if somebody is trolling unnecessarily, they should be punished in some way but A) We need criteria laid out as what is considered unacceptable behaviour and B) pretty much permanently crippling an account that otherwise seems to be an honest account isn't the answer.

The arbitrary nature of downvoting on this website is one of the worrisome things I think should be addressed. I mean, I'm worried that If this post annoys you, I can say goodbye to the dozens of hours of hard work I've put into this site, and I'm literally out of a job as of a couple of weeks ago so that could be devastating.

Edit - Also 'So today I was cyberbullied on Steemit and continuously received harassing messages from a member that included assault and threats.

The member also threatened to gang up on me and have his Steemit friends flag my blog post and replies so he could lower my reputation score. My reputation score is now down to 4.'

Is this really acceptable simply because the balance of power leans that way?

I agree that discussion should be out there. That's why I did not flag this user's main post, even though it was baselessly defamatory, using stolen images to make money from casting doubt on a longtime Steemit author. I only flagged his/her trolling comments, which were persistently vicious, even after the troll's target had set the record straight with her responses. We need diversity of opinion, but we do not need trolls.

I can imagine this person being obsessively irritating but yeah, maybe it's something to consider in one of the later updates, along with more mods in general one day!

More than irritating, that person's comments suggest some real prejudice and are strongly defamatory. If someone comes in brand new and tries to make a name for himself by tearing down others who have proven themselves and who he knows nothing about, questioning whether this member speaks English and uses cheap labor to help with her posts, then that behavior doesn't belong here. @sweetsssj is one of the hardest working people on Steemit and I have had numerous conversations with her in English over a period of many months. Believe me, I don't use that downvote power lightly and only do so very, very infrequently when there is a clear cut case. Beyond that, I fully agree with you we need to continue discussing how best to handle trolls without anyone misusing their power.

Fortunately, there are checks and balances even now: I am being watched and anyone who disagrees with my actions has time to review the facts and show me if I have voted mistakenly. If so, my votes can be removed or countered by others in the community for several days still. In this case, I don't see that happening because the troll's comments were way beyond my understanding of the standards that this community has shown to uphold to prevent the type of harassment they displayed.

I didn't have any clue about the reviewing board, that's certainly something worthwhile, cool.

And yeah I did a ctrl+F on her post and searched this users name and there were perhaps hundreds of results... pretty wild =/

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

@mobbs, the main reason it got so wild is because sweetsssj became very defensive and insulting when I was asking her how she does so much work by herself.

I can see some post should have been flagged but not my blog about cyberbullying.

That is censorship.

The whole ability of someone to organize a group of other people on Steemit to lower your reputation score is one thing that's going to prove a major hindrance to having people continuously create valuable content on this site. From the brief time I've been here, I've noticed that quantity seems to greatly overshadow quality when it comes to blogs, as a blog replete with misspellings detailing today's walk to the mailbox easily gets ten times (and in many cases hundreds of times) the upvotes a detailed blog about the first submersible used in war would, for example. I find that very curious given that I was told Steem values quality content.

I'm not particularly concerned with earning money or "reputation" here, but it'd be nice if people actually read blogs instead of just upvoting anything posted by people who have the ability to like their comment and thus give them a $1 payout.

Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


I think you've nailed the point about why the ability to down vote is so dangerous and in almost all cases I've heard of leads to bullying not helping quality. Flagging to request real review of content or to add meta data like NSFW (again with actual review) is useful. Flagging as a mechanism for trolling is not. So baseless flagging is IMO as bad as baseless trolling.

Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


I was censored. I spoke out and afterwards, a lot of members agreed with me. @donkeypong didn't like that so he did everything he and his cyberbully buddies could to censor me.

And some members resteemed my post about the person who I was questioning.

I could have contacted all of them and got them to flag all of @donkeypong post but I'm not a dickhead or abusive.

@donkeypong says he only flagged my post and not my blog but, he and his cyberbully friends did indeed flag my post about cyberbullying so it would be hidden. Censored again.

I reposted the cyberbully blog because I think its important to stand up to bullies and speak out and point them out so everyone can see their hypocrisy.

Why people care about that anyway?

Hello all. I usually don't get into these kinds of conversations on here because it really is not healthy for any of us. But, I just want to make some points.

  1. Let me just say that it is quite possible to have blog posts as nice as @sweetsssj without a professional crew. To prove it, I will do a similar post as the one's she does and come back and paste the link here. I'll try to get that done in the next couple of days. Now, that's not to say that she does not own the blog and that the blog is not done up by professionals. That's not what I'm out to prove, just that it can be done. Which brings me to my next point.

  2. It really does not matter if the person in these blog posts is the blogger or not, nor does it matter that she chooses to pay professionals to make the blog bling like it does. It really doesn't. It is good content and quite entertaining, as no one can deny.

  3. Steemit is an open project where anyone can do exactly what this blog is doing, given the time, resources, drive and creativity. I see that as an opportunity. And as far as people upvoting themselves and not others is also part of this opportunity, which probably won't last forever, given the constant hard forks. So, if anybody can invest enough steem for their vote to be worth a few dollars or more and they upvote themselves and Steemit allows it, then more power to them (no pun intended but it fits). The Steemit powers-that-be are well aware of all the things that people can complain about, when it comes to those making all the money on here, and they can change it if they so choose. But until then, my advice would be to don't hate and emulate.

  4. @randompic, taking a look at your blog posts, I see that you too could get your blog poppin' because you have good taste in random pics. That's a good concept, just ask UberFacts on Twitter.

My advice is when you see somebody ballin' on here, instead of trying to tear them down, do you best to see what you can learn about why they are so successful. Spewing haterade is not a good look and you never know who's looking.

Just my 2 cents.


Thank you! I agree.

It does not matter. It is very realistic for her to do her posts. I mean come on.. The 'coding' she does isn't building a new software, it's making a blog post.. Very doable for anyone. I don't want to get too tied up into this, just @randompic, start chilling out please. You could be much rather spending your time doing something positive rather than trying to put others down.

Actually it all started because she was putting me down and insulting me with her comments.

I asked one simple question and she became very defensive and went of on a rant.

She brought this on herself.

Truth does matter. Validating content by the community is important. The popularity of a fraud is an insult to the platform and the community.

Thank you for your input, I agree. This is an insult to the platform, an insult to her followers and to all the honest members creating honest content.

Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


I calling Catfish!! Max and Nev will help us figure this out!!! #CatfishSteemItEdition

Thank you for your input @amarie!

  1. I also think that its possible to but a blog together in a day like @sweetsssj does but almost every single day?

  2. Normally it wouldn't really matter... if it was known as a Hollywood production. There is nothing wrong with forming a team to do the behind the scene work for you unless its on Steemit and you are not being honest about it. Her followers support her and they are led to believe that it is just her. And when she responds to their replies, they believe that the responses are coming from her and if they aren't, that is morally wrong and what Steemit stands up against.

  3. Yes Steemit is open source but Steemit also has guides and ethics that they want to uphold those. An example is many members upvoting their own replies and not upvoting the authors article is frowned upon and becoming a big problem. Yes, its there and you can do it but its not ethical.

  4. I'm the first one to admit that my blog post are not perfect with fancy coding but hey, its all me. I write it myself and respond to replies myself. Its honest and whoever supports me deserves honesty from me.

This has nothing to do with the fact that @sweetsssj is ballin', its about honesty, integrity and greed. The things that Steemit are against.

I hear ya. What you are describing is called capitalism and it is in everything. My whole point is that there is no point in publicly ridiculing someone else's blog. Spin that anger energy into something positive for yourself. For example, look how long my response was to you and how long yours is to me. Both of us could have put up another blog post about something in the time it took to do this.

You are just as smart, capable and creative as anyone else on this platform. Live and let live and let Steemit take care of whatever. And if they don't, then you still keep Steeming. You can do it. Maybe we can come up with some kind of way to help each other get to dolphin status. That would be cool.

But, forget about being mad at somebody else because you feel they are not presenting themselves legitimately, it doesn't matter. This is a train and it's moving fast. You're in early. It's still in its infancy. Get on it before it gets to far up the tracks.

Thank you for your input! IF she is doing all the creative work as she claims to be then great, I support her, However, its not likely and its a big lie and an insult to Steemit.

Anyone can hire writters, photographers and coders and make a fortune too but it wouldn't be honest creativity unless they were honest about what they are doing.

How can her followers trust her when she lies about the whole operation?

@amarie, you put a lot of time and effort in to your post so doesn't it bother you that someone would put put dishonest blogs and not be honest with followers?

I totally DISAGREE with you.

She does not need to understand or speak English
She gives people great content
You can tell that a lot of time has gone into making her stuff
Her followers enjoy what she gives them
Her followers dont care who takes her pictures
You can unfollow her if you are still not getting Upvotes from her..

We just share our concern. Why are you so upset?

I don't even see how @amarie is upset.. I hope she can be matured again with her comments and not respond to you.

Please believe me...I am not upset at all. We are just having a debate and their's nothing to be mad about. We all have our views. But, no, it takes a lot more than this to get me upset. Life is too short and I'm a big advocate for a healthy mind, body and spirit and anger is like a cancer that eats on the host. I have love for all of yall in this chat, even if your views are not the same as mine. Like I mentioned above, which nobody commented on. We can maybe form some type of group to help each other to dolphin status, but there's got to be trust and loyalty. There's nothing wrong with people using their resources to make great blogs. It would be different if it was shit content on those blogs and the person is pulling that much money. But, the blog delivers great content and is probably in the top-50 blogs on Steemit. It's really good. But that doesn't mean any or our blogs can't be just as good. Like I said above, this thing is still in its infancy.

No, she doesn't need to speak English and "she" does have great content. And yes, there is a lot of time that goes in to the blogs which is why I question how one girl can do all that everyday. Well, almost everyday, there is a new well written blog.

I am not "hating " at all and I fully agree that the blogs are great. All I am saying is, just be honest about it and have integrity like what Steemit stands.

Many Steemit members frown on others who are here just for the money so if this is a big marketing operation, is that ethical to not be honest about it?

This has nothing to do with her being asian either. Its about integrity and honesty. All of her followers are leaving replies for her and are believing that it is this girl replying and I hope it is her but, something isn't right.

And I see that you upvoted your own comment and failed to upvote mine and Steemit frowns on that as well.

I still disagree with everything you write. Lets assume she is just a model and a "bigger" organization is writing and getting paid for her account, you don't have evidence of it yet. I will totally be a model like her too if i have good supporters like she does. Let's continue to assume that people write for her.. Do you know how 'millions' of people would rather be in her shoes, traveling the world and getting paid just to model? How many musicians agree that they have ghost writers? We are not in any position to start judging people! Let continue to assume she doesn't write anything and she gets paid little money. Do you know if that little money is helping to take care of her family? why write something that can destroy others when you don't have "any proof"?
You wrote "many steemit members frown on others who are here just for the money" My friend, thats not true :) 99% of the people on steemit are only here because of the money they can make from being on social media. Take the money out of steemit and I promise you that steemit will not grow again. Why get on steemit when you can write your stuff on facebook or post your videos on youtube? Please lets not be part of people who just want to destroy others. Think positive about others until they do otherwise..
What you just posted would have impact on her page if it went viral and you still don't have any solid proof yet.
Lastly, tell me one good thing you will gain from all of this if you were even 1% right?? Upvotes?? Pleeeeaase :)

I Upvote and Resteem only good contents. Where did you read that I am obliged to Up vote your content even when I don't support a single word you write?
Please give me evidence steem thinks we have to Upvote any post we comment on and I will totally give you my Upvote plus two of others :) Take care..

I happen to agree with everyting @yemmy4eva is saying here. It's not up to "us" to worry about what OTHERS are doing on Steemit; Especially when we do not know. For all we know her MUM does operate the drone; My mother is going on 70 years old and is way more technological than people her age; I learned a lot what I do on computers from her; she had one when I was a kid - again, before her peers; So I don't think it's Impossible that this woman has a mom, and possibly even a team of people that work with her. How much they earn, and what they do with it, is there business. The video you shared at the end; was super well done; People on YouTube make that kind of income for those kinda videos; Not sure why Steemit would be different; We should be CELEBRATING that someone is making that kind of money yere; as it's an indication of what is POSSIBLE for the rest of us. This hate here, is hate, no matter how you try to clean it up; Man, you can do better than this.

Its about the Steemit integrity and all the hard working writers on here who write from their heart.

I'm not disputing that she has a great job and she is beautiful.

What I don't like, is the dishonesty that Steemit is against.

Steemit stands for integrity, honesty, transparency and ethics. Its not supposed to be used to promote a business or deceive followers to earn $40,000 per month from them.

It's funny how quickly you are called a hater for just wanting the truth and some honesty.

It is funny. I also think people don't want to see the truth and don't want to admit they have been duped.

I don't hate this girl at all or even hate what she is doing but I don't think it belongs on Steemit.

I see your point. But, dig if you will this picture (Prince lover here) ok, sorry for the digress. But let's imagine if the @sweetsssj account owner came out and said, "Ok. The girl in all our blogs is a paid model. Her name is So-in-So, and we have a professional photographer and photo editor to produce the pics. We also have a professional content writer (which is something I could totally do myself by the way, and would so take a job doing it; in fact, I think I'll make that my next Steemgig). Let's say this happened. Chances are that nobody would really care. They would still like the blog. Some people (like me) have not had the opportunity to travel places, so I enjoy reading the travel blogs. In fact, I'll be putting up some travel blogs myself. I'm in Kentucky, USA, and there are a lot of exciting tourist attractions that I could show and blog about.

I just don't think people would care that it is a produced blog by professionals. People upvote it because they like it and because they know that they can get some curation on it. People like to be entertained and they want to get paid. They don't care about that other stuff. They just don't.

I just can't believe all the things people say,

Prince was a huge critic of dishonest artist and he would be appalled if he could be here to see this.

Two more words...

Milli Vanilli

Uh oh now don't mess with me about some Prince!

Everybody wanna take the stand
Mind your own mother****er, let a man be a man

Days of Wild

Sorry, I'm not cursing at you, just copying and pasting the lyrics. Prince was a master marketer and all for creative expression and being different and not conforming to what the masses think.


You are a very very special person for all the effort you put in here. The girl is a really great girl and she did feel really bad about all that randompic did on her post and i can tell you that for a fact. China is censored when it comes to the internet and she does alot to help with that among other things. Just like @busy.org is creating an interface that is simliar to wechat, to appeal to china, where facebook and most popular web platforms are blocked. i am just leaving this comment to you, to show you how on the right track you been, even based on simple logic and human heart!
randompic talks of her pics and everything, yes, not like we can see his face. He took all these pictures of someone else that he says are too balling for regular use or for steemit and used it as his blog basically and he is earning for it, while defaming someone else without facts, all for nothing. this is the first time i am coming out on an issue like this and for the first time, i will come out in a full blown post. As for posts, ofcourse you can have some write on your behalf, proof reading or edit. do a steemgig for that and i can certainly find someone who can help. that is why you have posting keys. steemsports for instance has many editors but you already have your logic and ofcourse your human aspect intact.

Thanks for reaching out @surpassinggoogle. I was just voicing my views like all on the chat. Also, I am the one who can write, proofread and edit on someone's else's behalf. I do that professionally as a freelancer. I write, proofread and edit all of my own blog posts. But yeah, I appreciate your message.

May be you are true.
then why does she admits that "ALL" work done on her account including coding, formatting is her whole and soul efforts even though she was always on the move?

May be, does she lying? or
Trying to take credit of her team?

Who is Ned? The producer/photographer/road manager?

@Ned is one of the founders of Steemit. He's one of the "Powers-that-Be". Like I said, you never know who you're talking about or who's watching. For all we now, he may be the one who is sponsoring her blog. But, if so, then so what? It's his platform. He can do what he wants.

As simple as A,B,C. Thank you alot for what happened here!

Well then Ned is the one person who should value integrity and honesty since Steemit values that so much.

actually I follow her and this does matter to me. why would I want to look at something put together by a production crew? It's fraudulent to portray yourself as something you are not!!! I certainly hope that isn't the case. I will wait for now, but after careful thought and the backlash this person is getting over a question about authenticity is really troublesome. I read the white paper, it's beginning to appear that some others on here really need to revisit it.


You clearly don't understand the issue at hand. Organising witch hunts and spamming hundreds of defamatory replies making baseless claims is trolling. If you search for yourself and see where the conversation first started sweetsssj refuted his claims and then he launched an all out assault on her. I for one trust donkeypong as well as ned (the ceo) and the countless others who have encountered her and spoken with her in person to know she's the real deal.

This person has decided to make it a personal vendetta to try discredit an author who has been a large part of Steemit from very early on. It is ridiculous and disgusting.

Nobody should have to video verify who they are, it doesn't matter whether they make $1000 a post, or $1,000,000 a post. Can you imagine the precedent that would set on the platform ? How many people on Steemit operate completely anonymously, without disclosure of their names and personal pictures? Why then should one person be singled out who already has proven their integrity since the beginning of Steemit over a (also completely anonymous) vicious user who posts nothing but other people's content and then plays the victim.

I will look if they are still there, but for some reason I don't see why this guys would troll, but hey, I'll look. Thanks


The fact does not change that he was well and truly trolling. There are plenty of reasons that I can think of, a few obvious ones would be jealousy and immaturity.

He made a post boasting about how he gained followers whilst sweet lost some. Well, I honestly don't think sweet cares because people recognise valuable content when they see it, and randompic provides nothing close to that.


This is where it all started.

In the post about frogs, he then literally posts 200 comments making baseless, defamatory accusations, spamming almost every single reply from other users with a comment.

Some of those comments were downvoted leading to his lowered reputation. They were downvoted because the community does not condone trolling. He is welcome to have his enquiry, but spamming 200 comments, spreading lies is the exact definition of what cyber bullying is. How ironic that now plays the victim to cyber bullying FULLY knowing that he was the one to dish it out in the first place.

How pathetic.

Ok I actually used the last 2 hours milling over his and her comments replies etc. Here is what I noticed. It started about 6 days ago. By him, (of course) we know this and don't dispute it. However, the repetitive nature of what ppl are calling "trolling" yes to an extent it is I will agree partially, but the takeaway here for me is that @randompic didn't go all in ballistic until he got knocked down to 4, after getting his mildly few comments down voted, and some lunatic using profanity, aggression, and threats against him. That persons replies WERE NOT down voted by one whale.

I believe this is a problem as well. I read the white paper and both sides can claim fault easily. I did notice something tho about @sweetsssj she has posted comments, but when I go to find context in the comments section, I cannot find the comment that was hyperlinked. I scrolled through hundreds of comments to find the comment in her reply section and there isn't anything there. Now since the blockchain is recording everything, I am beginning to wonder how many comments were deleted after the fact.

I would like steemit founders to fix this. It is a worrisome problem that if spoken about enough outside the platform will damage the Steemit brand. As I said before this is a black eye for Steemit. I will continue to believe so until whale act appropriately.

BTW I was flagged by a whale after responding to a video where the author asked for responses. Nothing happened to him, all that happened was I got flagged, and then ignored by the Steemit help board.

They really need to get their heads out of their collective 4 points of contact and fix this. If this was my baby and my reputation (not just a number beside my name) was on the line, I'd be all over this issue. But hey, that is the way I was raised...


Excellent point and good investigating! I only followed for the opportunity to make easy SP by upvoting n resteeming. I'm going to unfollow now, dragging the rewards pool by promoting second hand content only acceptable if it's a link to your own content that you produced. Having a steemit management team for what was propotred to be an individual acct is wack af!

Thank you! Steemit writers work hard and spend a lot of time on their comment and they deserve the support they get from here.

What the @sweetsssj team is doing doesn't belong on Steemit. Take the production to a different platform, not here.

Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


I actually totally agree with you. Specially with the fact that these photographs are not taken by here mum. Obviously these are professional photographs. I think someone is just using her photographs to earn money here. What do you think?

I think they are not even paying that beautiful model what she deserve...

I think she is just the cutest little baby doll. She probably is a model. But, naw, she's paid big dollars for sure. I just don't see the problem with this blog. Somebody had a good idea to get in here and create a brand and it worked. It's the blockchain! Get a piece. I'm working on getting mine. Yall be trippin.

I think so too. I can imagine a team of people running this marketing machine and paying her to model and be the face of it.

Thank you for your comment.

JUST have a life dude @ramdompic..just stay positive ,she's used more resources to make her blog nice and perfect..just used her as inspiration on whats shes doing..don't drag her down..just be have you own blog signature and make good motivation on yourself on how to express yourself by your blog and take note that every positive ways of perception in life to others it will reflect to you.

How did I let her down? Isn't she the one letting her followers down?

Yes and if it's so then we really need to report this user or atleast make aware the other steemit users that this is happening. I think we should not jump to conclusions so fast and we should keep a track on this person and it's Posts. We cannot let this happen on steemit.

I agree @nikita.adroit, especially when the authors on here write from their heart and post honest blogs. They deserve our support.

Very true. There are people working day and night to produce their original and good work. We cannot let this happen.


Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


*Note to self: Create Hot Asian Chick Sock Puppet Account.

Totally what I've been thinking the whole time I've been reading this!

Yeah man, my thoughts exactly. I'll have to block her because I can't go through hardly any category without the spam of posts from her one account popping up back to back. And i'm sure it's no coincidence it's a hot Asian girl. The same type of shit you see on Twitch- all these cosplay fake gamer chicks raking in all the dough from the nerds that follow them just to see a little titty skin instead of true gamers.

"Titty skin"? Oh lawwwd! LOL!

andd that why everyone is going to block an flag you!
frst of alll u ddont even have a profile pic, it shows u dont are at all about steemit

second of alll, ur are fucking blaming her for being a "hot asian girl"
maybe you guys are all jist in love with asian women?
and now ur going off on a twitch gamer girl tyraide?
if women an make money online, thats not your busineess

also she is 100 percebt real, she does speak english, she has NO ccrew she has NO help from anyone but her motheer who takes the photos and ur a fckin loser for writing this and believing this trash post

My account is extremely new…Not the best excuse, but now that I have a profile picture of myself, does that make me more legit than you because of your ninja turtle looking thing? No, not really. I see where you’re coming from, but it’s kind of irrelevant..

Second of all, I’m not blaming her for being a hot Asian girl. I think you might have misunderstood what I’m implying. I’m simply saying that I have found the account in question somewhat suspicious in my relatively short time here, for the same type of reasons mentioned before. Then I drew a correlation between things I’ve seen in the past. That’s where Twitch comes in, just one similar example among many. It’s not at all rare to find people duping others with accounts using gorgeous women as bait.
And not to generalize too much, but if you take the kind of platform we’re using into consideration (on the cutting edge of the web, not far off from 4chan, reddit and the likes) I’d take my chances with a gorgeous Asian lady. Naturally I just thought of the large cosplay, anime, and overall loving support of the Asian culture typically found in these area’s of the web. However, as always, I could be wrong. Glad to hear you’re so 100% sure.

Not saying that I 100% believe her account is run by some “crew” of people, just saying it wouldn’t be the first time and I don’t see the problem with someone posing the question.. I’m simply drawing my own correlations and adding to the conversation as well. But anyway, have a great day.


Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


You do realize that there are ppl on here that don't need to read your profanity while your runnin'. Only warning before I flag the next time I see it.


Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.



Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


I also think it does not make sense that she travels in so many places in such a short time. Feels like some of the pics is completely photoshoped. I think this kind of activity exactly like you said is not healthy for the platform.

To me the photos look professional and she poses as if she is a model.

I believe in some of the pictures she is planted by sw on a background.

That could be. Some look so perfect.

I bet they are not even paying enough to this beautiful model

I was thinking the same thing.

Looks like I need to hire some teenagers to start posting for me.
Wait, they'll probably just get better at Steemit than me and steal my account. Back to the drawing board.

Yeah, right? Have them sign an agreement or contract. Hire some young model, freelance writers overseas who work at low rates, some coders and a marketing department and you're set.


Hey, my reply is now hidden because of a cyberbully.

So, @donkeypong is flagging all of my blogs and replies to intentionally ruin my rep score.

If anyone likes to stand up to bullies, go and flag @donkeypong as much as possible and lets ruin a rep score that deserves to be ruined.

If you are against censorship, tell @donkeypong to stop acting like the censorship police .

@donkeypong is a cyberbully, stalker and harasser.


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