Chiller Initiative / Helping Steem Communities & Developers / Powerdown to Powerup @realrobinhood

in #steem3 years ago (edited)


For some time now I was thinking about what would be the best way for me to support high quality communities, authors and developers. As I'm mainly a Steem developer (includes planning, programming, testing, server/witness administration) and not a full time curator, it's impossible for me to explore and vote (on a daily basis) all of Steem's great content creators, moderators and developers that are waiting for rewards out there.

I see ethically driven Steemians, who know being real and doing good will not always earn them as much as would be possible by cheating in this world, but still prefer to keep their peace of mind by not selfvoting or using a voting service.

I see purely profit oriented Steemians, who know being real and doing good will not always earn them as much as would be possible by cheating in this world, so they just put all in to lending a bigger truck to get as much coins as possible out of that huge Steem mine.

The question for me was, how to give back more to honest, heart driven people, who are doing great work on Steem and are not receiving the rewards they would get in a perfect world. Then it clicked and in my mind the plan presented its beauty as a win-win solution for all of us working on this blockchain.

Let's get a bigger truck and spread the saved coins among those who will do good for the future of Steem.

The Plan

I created a new account @realrobinhood, which will initially get powered up 50k SP (might be increased in future) for delegating to a voting service. It will create daily posts with some interesting Steem statistics (gathered through SDS) and a list of recently through the initiative supported accounts (including the amount of all transferred vesting shares). Yes, it will only transfer liquid STEEM to vested STEEM (SP) through the transfer_to_vesting operation.

Most of the incoming author rewards (I'm currently targeting ~ 75%, but I will see how it all goes) will be converted to STEEM and transferred (as VESTS) directly into the SP of the currently supported community/developer/author accounts.

Additionally to my own chosen communities/developers/authors, the comment section of the daily created posts can be used to suggest Steemians that should get supported in one of the next transfer cycles. For example, if someone did really great work for Steem but hasn't received good enough rewards in terms of votes or delegations, he can be mentioned in there for further investigation.

It's basically like a delegation, but instead of just delegating a part of my SP, I will first maximize the rewards for the supported accounts by using a vote-for-delegation bot and then send the earned STEEM in form of SP to them.

Required Powerdown

In order to initially fill up @realrobinhood's SP, I will start a 200k SP Powerdown (directly to target as VESTS through vesting withdraw route) for exactly one week. This will automatically transfer the required 50k SP to the initiative's account. It's basically a Powerdown to Powerup operation.

More details in one of my or @realrobinhood's next posts ;)

Have a sunny week and Steem on ~

If you like what I do and you want me to be your Steem witness,
please vote for @steemchiller on or


I came across this post of yours today!
Of course, I didn't just stumble upon it. Was curious to know about your vision after jotting down my own thoughts.

Really good initiative, I hope that real people who works for steem get rewarded in a better way.

I would like to let you my suggestions in that cases:

For devs, I would like to ask you some support for me, as you know I’m maintaining Cotify together the Latino Community founded by the @symbionts team, I created a powerful curation tool for the @steem-seven curation initiative which is currently inactive due to low support and downvotes issue, and other open source scripts, as you know I’m currently powering down for personal matters which I have pointed clearly before, but I have not stopped working no one day even with the low support that the powerdown happens to me.

For communities I could suggest both of them, first @cotina, the biggest community of Latinoamerica. Secondly, @hive-141434 (recreative steem) a community where the quality never missed, professional artists around the world.

For authors, @ginworld, or @wendyalexa could work for you, both are girls fulfilled of dreams and passion where animals, amd nature are the priority.

Let me know your thoughts!

Thanks my dear @alejo7ven .

Hey there. That is great all the work you are doing to improve steemit and I just wanted to stop by and thank you for reposting my last infor drop on Hive. I get the impression that you are familiar or maybe have witnessed some very disturbing behavior from this group of Satanist running things over there. People have been coming out of the wood work telling me one horrific story of abuse after another from these people. Frankly it's a lot of people like a whole lot. It's startling actually. As time progresses the numbers grow and grow.

After having them destroy my blog and attack me even here on steemit, I've turned my attention to blurt. I'm just curious about steemit's view and stance to blurt. I want to keep blogging, but I don't feel comfortable doing it on a platform where a satanist + 100k of power + a downvote button can just wipe you out and make your life hell randomly at their will.

So I'm really interested in Blurt these days cause over there what I describe simply can not happen. If you would be so kind, I'd love to hear learn more about you and steemit's view of blurt. Thank you so much. -Dan "World-Travel-Pro"

You shared some really interesting information in your post and I'm pretty sure that there is much more to find in older posts from people who talked about being targeted/attacked by some evil guys on here. I for my part do not have the time and energy to investigate this further though. The fact that they are even watching people on other blockchains and also downvote them there, tells me that what you found out are not just theories.

Overall it's way more peaceful here since the fork happened, but even here you will find some dark players, of course. I didn't investigate this in detail though, just saw some strange profiles with some nasty symbols recently. One important task for the new world is to find out where's the line to the truly dark side. They perverted the peoples' minds and interests and most of us are at least to some degree affected.

I see nice people wearing a shirt with skulls on it, as if it were something positive to celebrate a death cult. I think there is much to do in this regards. Looks like the world has gone completely mad in the recent years, but maybe it's just presenting itself more than ever before to us, because we took the red pill and opened the door to hell through that.

Regarding Blurt, I don't know much about it and I just can tell you that I'm no 'blurtchiller'. If someone should attack you on here, let me know and I will see what I can do ;)

So sorry I have not yet replied to this message. I saw your other message but not this one. Thank you for acknowledging the realness of what I have presented. I agree with so much of what you say. People have such a hard time seeing it, as the symbology and ideology has been normalized to such an extent that the the real hardcore ones can slip their !pizza messages between one another without it being noticed or raising flags.

It's a real mess. Glad to know things have been peaceful here on steemit since they left, but as long as "skull cave" doesn't gain much power and influence here, I think Steemit will be fine.

As for blurt, I see a lot of attention and energy going in their direction as people are weary of building up a blog only to be down-voted for unjust reasons in the future.

Thanks again for speaking up and sharing your thoughts publicly. I'm looking forward to moving on from such a dark subject. Nobody wants to commit time to looking into this stuff and neither did I, but I just had know why I was so viciously attacked and who was behind it.

The information turned out to be of great value and influence allowing myself and others to see things clearly and there for make better decisions going forward.

I see ethically driven Steemians, who know being real and doing good will not always earn them as much as would be possible by cheating in this world, but still prefer to keep their peace of mind by not selfvoting or using a voting service.

I can relate to this part, for a year that I was active again in Steemit, I stand for what I promised, that is to obey all the Steemit rules. Like anybody else on this platform, I aim to grow my account. I power up almost everything that I earned in this platform. Never comes in my mind to cheat. I remain faithful and I don't even have any other accounts in any blogging platform because I wanted to influence and encourage my fellows to stay on this platform.

I am hoping one day these people who valued what is right will be valued by the curators too.

A new Frontend will solve a lot of Problems (en)/(de)

I have no idea why I didn't notice your articles. That's a good article and your intention is worthy of honor anyway. That's why I went through your answers with my vote dust.

I am convinced that a new frontend can fix many of Steemit's bugs. At least for all those who use the new frontend. Since you probably don't have the time or energy for such a huge project, I'm still looking for developers who can realize such a thing together. You may know that I didn't really get very far along the way, but that I now have a pretty clear idea of ​​what such a frontend needs to be able to do.

There are always developers working on frontends and I try to get in contact with them. But there was still nobody who actually wanted to hear my ideas, let alone implement them. It doesn't seem that easy with a new condenser. Particularly difficult - to gather a powerful community around this urgently needed project.

I would therefore be very pleased if you would participate in relevant conversations from time to time. Your experience with the blockchain would be a great asset to any interested developer. What do you think, old chiller? Can you take note of the relevant communication next time I mention you? I know you get overwhelmed with mentions, but you know I'm very sparing with mentions. You could also mention me if you're involved in relevant conversations. Maybe you can bundle the specialist audience in this way.

(de) Ein neues Frontend löst viele Probleme

Ich habe keine Ahnung, warum ich deine Artikel nicht bemerkt habe. Das ist ein guter Artikel und deine Absicht ist sowieso aller Ehren wert. Deshalb bin ich deine Antworten mit meinem Vote-Staub durchgegangen.

Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass ein neues Frontend viele Fehler von Steemit korrigieren kann. Zumindest für all jene Nutzer, die das neue Frontend einsetzen. Da du wahrscheinlich weder Zeit noch Energie für so ein gewaltiges Projekt hast, bin ich weiterhin auf der Suche nach Entwicklern die so ein Riesending gemeinsam realisieren können. Du weißt vielleicht, dass ich auf dem Weg praktisch nicht sehr weit gekommen bin, aber dass ich heute eine ziemlich klare Vorstellung davon habe, was so ein Frontend leisten muss.

Es gibt immer wieder Entwickler, die an Frontends arbeiten und ich versuche schon seit Jahren, mit ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Es gab aber noch niemanden, der meine Ideen konkret hören, geschweige denn umsetzen wollte. Es scheint nicht so einfach zu sein mit einem neuen Condenser. Besonders schwierig – eine schlagkräftige Gemeinschaft um dieses dringend notwendige Projekt zu versammeln.

Ich würde mich daher sehr freuen, wenn du dich von Zeit zu Zeit an einschlägigen Unterhaltungen beteiligen würdest. Deine Erfahrung mit der Blockchain wäre eine große Bereicherung für jeden interessierten Entwickler. Was meinst du, alter Chiller? Kannst du die entsprechende Kommunikation zur Kenntnis nehmen, wenn ich dich das nächste Mal erwähne? Ich weiß, dass du mit Erwähnungen überhäuft wirst, aber du weißt auch, dass ich mit Erwähnungen sehr sparsam umgehe. Du könntest mich ebenfalls erwähnen, wenn du an einschlägigen Unterhaltungen beteiligt bist. Vielleicht kann man auf diese Weise das Fachpublikum bündeln.

You're a good leader, who always have other users best interest at heart. Such an amazing initiative from you to help others grow. You're absolutely right when you said this

"We rise by lifting others" and this is also true for Steem.

Well what more can I say? Than may Almighty bless your beautiful heart and grant this project a success!

hört sich interessant an, bin gespannt wie das dann ablaufen und aussehen wird :))


Im Prinzip habe ich damit die Vote-Bot Matrix gehackt... ^^ Diese Vote-per-Delegation Bots sind gar nicht mal so schlecht, wenn man sie für etwas Gutes einsetzt ;)

@meins0815 denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@meins0815 thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !


das is tech-gebabbel wie in star trek.
hört sich gut an, aber ich verstehe gar nichts :))

Eigentlich ist es ganz einfach. Ich verteile einen Großteil der durch Bot-Votes generierten Einnahmen per SP-Transfer an Leute, die ich gerne mehr unterstützen möchte. Die mir dadurch entgehenden Kurationsbelohnungen für steemchiller sind geringer als die mit dem neuen Account erhaltenen Autoreneinnahmen.

Genauso wäre mein eigener Vote (die 25% davon) weniger wert als die durch den Bot erhaltenen STEEM, die ich den Leuten dann in Form von SP zukommen lasse. Win-Win.

I see ethically driven Steemians, who know being real and doing good will not always earn them as much as would be possible by cheating in this world, but still prefer to keep their peace of mind by not selfvoting or using a voting service.

I see purely profit oriented Steemians, who know being real and doing good will not always earn them as much as would be possible by cheating in this world, so they just put all in to lending a bigger truck to get as much coins as possible out of that huge Steem mine.

In this case, there are indeed many who are players who play cheating or even many who rely on themselves to vote for themselves, of course that is not good because the best can create loyal players in their work and give votes in return for rewards, of course it is wise in this life in playing will but so far I have joined here a lot of extraordinary awards and good knowledge even I get good steem to increase the strength of my account better and pure in this case I have never withdrawn at all because I believe steemit made me to continue to survive and playing on the trust of all the other communities and I'm loyal and I don't even have another account on this steemit that I can give a lot in all of this, I actually learned from experience and good studies for all of my friends.

Leading with an example👏 Hopefully, this brings out more devs from their hideout to build or collaborate with others in building quality DApps/tools over here on Steem. I also see that this seems to have also inspired a few others to do something similar. Great initiative man!

Yeah, it's way more important to invest in capable users and teams than many selfish investors realize. Their investments are important to stabilize the market price, but I'm pretty sure that we would see much higher prices when investing more in the future of the whole.

"We rise by lifting others" and this is also true for Steem.

Your initiative makes me so happy dear @steemchiller. I have always admired your impeccable track record, and I support you as a witness because you are entirely trustworthy.

But now with this laudable idea I admire you more Thank you for executing this type of projects that strengthen us and our currency, steem... BLESSINGS 💕

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