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RE: HF20 Update: Operations Stable

in #steem6 years ago

Oh 100% ned flags won't draw ANY attention to this at all.

Flagged for citing rule #1 of every basic management class in the world.

Amateur is as amateur does... :D

Thanks for demonstrating literally everything I asserted.

Son, I was in tech before you born, some 35 years now, including roles at NASA for the CIO's office and winning awards from a former US President for my technical skills and service.

Sit down son. Have some popcorn and learn from your elders...



@Ned I have nothing to add to the above, BUT I do ask you on behalf of many users here on this platform to remove this flag from @popcornexpress. It is simply a fun and silly service that many enjoy here and has nothing to do with the user above. You essentially just killed part of the fun of Steemit, please reconsider.

Poor poppy! The belovèd bot got destroyed in the crossfire ='(

This whole exchange is surreal; I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone!

honestly we do need some popcorn here. steem could use some fun and love.

on a sidenote, flagging/voting from whales is stopping the platform from moving forward. maybe the '1 account 1 vote' coupled with human & good actor verification could be a solution. whatever is in motion for steem, whales currently have too much power, and we already know bigger stake almost never equates to benevolence.

simply put we need more decentralization. maybe even from ned himself? :)

He has burned close to $800 in rewards out of embarrassment and he has a history of this, it's not his first time publicly shaming himself. It's just another of many times.



yes, i'm concerned, even tho i still have faith in the steem blockchain..

when a platform is truly censorship resistant, ideas are fought with other free ideas, not by someone with a big stake dropping the hammer. the moment you start having a single entity create a bunch of behavioral restrictions, the only endgame is dprk.

i can understand it's always difficult for any leader to step back and be a facilitator because people naturally want control. when you create an organization, let alone a platform, it's obviously difficult (near impossible) for you to let go and have the community figure shit out (whether you like the results or not).

i got interested in steem at first because no single company is meant to control the entire blockchain. in the beginning we might even need control for a bit of structure. but if steemit inc continues to hang on to control even after SMTs then i really dunno where to go from there.

is there enough humility in that organization? :)

So you've brought out petty behavior with your own antagonizing. That doesn't sound like much has been gained here.

Was the goal here for character assassination? Because frankly, who cares...

The goal here was to put a continuous spotlight on egregious behavior. Feel free to have your opinion, I am not petty enough or thin skinned enough to flag free speech on a "decentralized" platform like our "dear leader" - but I will cite that there is context here and history with this platform that is seen and often disturbing to stake holders, of both financial and sweat equity in nature. And that is context enough for my remarks, and if Ned didn't realize that, he would be far less concerned with suppressing it.

He's trying to gaslight me, like he has many others before me. And I for one "welcome that Streisand effect."

Thank you @Ned 😘

Sircork is a shithead, but don't flag the popcorn bot.

A shit head who made you relevant when I insisted you be included in this reward:

And gave you this platform to exist on, though still nobody knows your name...

Oh, do your comments there bring back memories of being nobody till I gave you a lift? I thought so.

But at least this time you tried your attack in your own name, instead of hiding like the fraud you and your buddies are behind a real classy spoof account. @sircock - well done. I seem to recall your words on that were:

"I wish I was famous enough to have somebody spoof me"

Sit down Clown.

I'm just sitting back watching your ego devour the world around you. Keep dying on every hill you cross, that's why you're friendless, alone, and well past your prime.


So I take you all aren't working together as a team, running a witness anymore? That didn't last very long. :(

Not sure what you mean. I've never ran a witness by myself or with anyone else. You must have me confused with someone else.

Ah! I did indeed. Thanks for clarifying. I got confused with @rhondak.

Gosh what a thread to dig through hunting a mention. Mercy!

I still love my choice for witness team alignment, despite the controversy. I kept waiting to for those who warned me to be proven right, and Cork to be proven base of character the way they claim. As time went on, the inverse became true based on the behaviors I saw with my own eyes.

People can "claim" anything they want. For my own personal knowledge, I asked the one guy claiming Cork owes him money for the dogs if he would offer proof. He didn't just fail to do so, he flat-out refused. Publicly, in front of many witnesses. Yet still this is an issue? How? For me, the fact that Cork needed money to care for the animals he committed to says more about his character than that of any self-righteous accuser. It demonstrates loyalty and a clear understanding of ethical responsibility.

Then we get back to the moral code of the people in question. First, none of the people involved with @noblewitness or @thewritersblock ever engaged in divisive conduct. We included everyone in everything. Shared members, shared moderators. Shared witness support. No one can argue that Cork says things in the most diplomatic manner, because clearly he doesn't. But I've yet to see him be proven wrong about any points he's made. Others, The behaviors! Licentious remarks in public forums. The creation of an entire Steem account to mock an accidental misspelling of Cork's name that was downright vulgar. Is there no sense of shame with some people? What about publicly ridiculing a person's appearance after they took chemotherapy and years of immunosuppressants? Yet somehow all of this is okay? But wait--the best (or worst, depending on which camp a person is in,) is the blatant edict by a community leader for his entire drone army to disassociate from Cork and any initiatives he's part of. This edict came with the express threat of removing delegations and all support from anyone who affiliates with him. And the whole drone army concurred that this was acceptable. And yet, this is okay?

Talk about centralized! It's the antithesis of everything the blockchain is supposed to represent. Bottom line is that no one associated with @sircork ever, at any time, forbade anyone else from affiliating with "those other folks," participating in their servers, voting their witness, or following their blogs. We encouraged cross-promotion and teamwork. Then suddenly there it is, in writing, that the leader of the largest community on Discord has forbidden "his people" from association with Cork or Noblewitness. What the absolute hell, people? HOW is ANY of this not a thousand times worse than any lip Cork ever gave anyone? Yet they get a free pass for this egregious and downright insidious behavior?

Not from me, they don't. Never have I been more pleased about where I chose to place my alliance. I'll take Cork's lip over corrupt character any day.

And by the way, his dogs are wonderful.

Don't confuse above average performance with your lack of ability to perform. That's not ego or hubris, it's just the cold truth of your life.

Instead of starting a charity to impress a woman that hates you to help people thousands of miles away that you don't care about, why don't you pay back the person who loaned you hundreds of dollars so you could keep your dogs alive?

Oh you mean the person who demanded many times I DO NOT pay him back for his GIFT, until his lack of relevance gave him the grand plan to use it as a tool which backfired badly?

Do you pay back the woman who lets you live in her basement?

Try again maybe?

Or maybe try to do something of use, at all? Like getting a job?

Mr. @noblewitness, why is it you assume only one person loaned you money to pay your vet bills? You're not privy to half the conversation anymore, but others are.

r0nd0n (57)
Joined September 2016

How's that "perfectionism" working out for you, clown?

Doesn't matter what you say, no one will see you anyway...

985 Total followers

630 Dead followers

355 True followers

You spelled "perfectionist" wrong, but you'll claim "clown humor" lol, fail.

Please for the love of everything good, save popcorn! This site requires popcorn.

Yeah #savepopcorn. That thing has kept us all sane.

So what prevents you from implementing a platform similar to the post HF20 STEEM minus the premining?
I can help with ideas for improvement.
I will join and will advertise it to others.
Might even try to study parts of the code and change it to implement improvements.
It should be a freemium like steemit, where everyone starts from an initially equal stake, except maybe from the staff, then again, the staff will be the first users and will have an immediate advantage because of it.
The staff will also be the first witnesses.
This place is too corrupt to save and you know it.

This comment has received a 66.67 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @stimialiti.

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The staff will also be the first witnesses.
This place is too corrupt to save and you know it.

These two sentences speak volumes about THIS place...

This is why I used the word "this" in regards to "this place".
So what prevents you from offering a better alternative?
You will be able to automatically draw the better users from here, and initially, some of the worse.
In a place where patrice (whom you vote for as a witness here) does not receive a delegation from the house, and berniesanders (to whom you also vote for as a witness), and his likes (to which you also vote for as witness/es) will not have a humongous initial advantage?
Coming to verify my statements here I just saw how glaringly atrocious your votes to witnesses are as a whole.
Maybe I should have left your repeated avoidance from answering as it is.

The people you cite as my "atrocious" choices, are perhaps chosen specifically because they are quite likely not part of the establishment which your conflicting and quite propaganda laden messages seem to be speaking against, while apparently supporting with this conflicting commentary.

It's gross assumption to assume anyone could automatically "draw" the "better" users anywhere. Anymore than say Julian Assange or Edward Snowden have really done much to change anything with their attempts to expose corruptions and lead people to a "better" place.

I am suspect of your commentary. Its appears to conflict with itself. And I think that might be very much by design.

I saw your last reply only now.
You keep ignoring some of my questions.

are perhaps chosen specifically because they are quite likely not part of the establishment

Patrice is a part of the establishment, and its worst part at that.

followbtcnews and someguy123 are a part of the establishment, hence their high rank in the witnesses list and votes that they receive from the established witnesses clique, which they are a part of.
ats-witness (preminer) and guiltyparties may be a part of it too.

I can only admit that your list of picks is more anti establishment, than established people's lists are, but your list still succeeds to be worse than lists of any established user, with the exception of the MSP clique's.
Being anti-establishment or anti-anything is not always conductive to being better than it.

which your conflicting and quite propaganda laden messages seem to be speaking against, while apparently supporting with this conflicting commentary.

I am suspect of your commentary. Its appears to conflict with itself. And I think that might be very much by design.

Where the contradictions in my comments are?

What propaganda is in my comments?

Why according to your manipulative process of interaction, should I contradict myself, and do it by design at that?

This comment has received a 13.89 % upvote from @steemdiffuser thanks to: @stimialiti.

Bids above 0.05 SBD may get additional upvotes from our trail members.

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Flagging @sircork for internet trolling

As a content creator, that has taken a huge risk by going full time on this block chain...invested a ton of money and sacrificed a lot of time from my family to create a show for this platform...fighting and struggling to feed my family and pay the bills from my earnings here...trying to be a case study that shows "yes you can make a living doing this"....I think I speak for many here when I say......Please don't let us think this is how you prefer to use your Voting Power that could instead be changing many of our lives.
man please don't flag me....after 18 months of grinding I only just hit a 70 rep

This is @rest100 and I approve this comment I live for the blockchain!

...after 18 months of grinding I only just hit a 70 rep

@ned is only a 69 rep, if he had flagged you your rewards for that comment would have suffered, but he cannot affect your REP...

You cannot affect REPs higher than yours...

Please don't flag me... i am only a 61 and tht can hurt...

I feel and understand your perspective, however, my choice to not be voting up content luckily does not change the economic opportunity for creators — rather when I don’t vote, it allows more to be distributed by others. The same amount of “pie” is available and arguably more, when I don’t eat any.

True, like it or not.

Would you ever consider delegating a piece of that pie? I'd eat it wisely.

I've been a member since 9/20/2016. I started with nothing and didn't know anyone.

Since then I've been able to amass a small fortune of 23250 SP. I've taken the organic approach to all of this. A reputation of 71.7 given to me by the community; not purchased.

I produce my own unique style of digital art and combine that with words of a humorous nature, most days. Other days I'm trying to be creative, telling a good story, or simply rambling on about nothing. There aren't many entertainers on the platform but if one was to stick a label on me, I guess I'm one of those, or at least try.

In many ways, I've already proven one can make a living doing this. 98% of what I've earned here, stayed here, as proof of what can be accomplished. The other 2% was reinvested; some of those profits came back to this platform to replace what was missing.

Of that 23250 SP, 1085 was earned through curation. I've pressed that magic button manually 21202 times as of this writing.

I believe these recent changes now offer a greater incentive to curate and power up than ever before. I thought that's what people wanted. While so many were up in arms claiming these changes won't work, saying people won't be able to get anywhere; it didn't take me long to realize it's not all up to head office. There are thousands of people here, all they have to do is push the button. Those at the bottom will only stay there if we hold them there.

I'd like to be able to press the button more often. I prefer to support timeless content and interesting people. Those with a strong work ethic, the ability to entertain or captivate their viewership; they stand out in my eyes. Those writing books, producing music, showing off their art and photography, leading interesting lives and sharing that here; they typically see my vote. I'm not interested in only supporting certain groups. A seasoned veteran, new member, everyone in between; they all deserve their shot. I'm not interested in flag wars or using the vote as a way to take sides in debate.

I'm not part of any groups here. Somehow I've managed to experience some measure of success while being an outsider the entire time. I rarely make appearances outside of this platform to chat with the locals or take sides in our politics, though I've been invited several times.

A long Canadian winter is on the horizon. That means I'll have plenty of time to spend evaluating content and taking on the role of curator seriously all while maintaining a high standard of professionalism.

I can take 'no' for an answer but a 'sure, why not' would be preferred. I'd put it to good use and if it was taken away, that only affects me, as an individual, rather than a large organization who's success depends on it; so it's not a big deal.

Thanks for your time.

Fair enough....just remember how important perception can be....especially now with the new HF and the potential it serves to bring a lot of new faces here.
You could be a great leader to this community, for many of us....I just don't want to see this kind of stuff dishearten new users as it is disheartening myself right now.
And @rest100 ....fuck yeah buddy...I'm so glad I brought you to steemit...we've ground it out since day 1 of arriving. #steemlifebaby
Now I need to go get my season one finale of Hots or Shots ready to release.
Peace and Love (when possible) to all of you!

TimCliff recently encouraged everyone to rally on social media to bring users to this platform. Well, this right here is why I chose to not participate. Do I believe in the potential of this platform? You bet I do. Do I think we're ready to onboard mainstream users into debacles like this?

I don't trust the corporate machine behind this platform. I think blind trust is dangerous in any venue where leaders stand to gain more than the populace. I just wish there was more incentive for content creators to contribute here instead of other platforms. Here, it's a struggle just to stay alive.

He was actually rallying for INVESTORS, whatever that actually means, when he probably meant buyers or traders since investors actually put their money into a business to give it leverage upon which to grow, and this is a decentralized system. They can invest in a company like dtube or or zappl, they cannot invest in a blockchain, though they can invest in the company that allegedly makes it. And so on.

That said, can you imagine if he DID manage to bring some big money in just weeks before the pre HF crash and then the actual HF crash?

The internet would be on fire with angry "investors" and that kind of shit is hard to recover from.

But these guys are all so damn hell bent on being in a hurry, while falling over themselves slowing themselves down with mistakes, you'd think they were all like in their 20s and early 30s, fresh out of college and had no actual business or career experience or something...

or something

I had the same thought--"what if the social media campaign had been successful?" God almighty. Can you imagine the backlash after the fork? Makes me turn over in my grave and I'm not even dead yet.

bro ned just said hes gonna ban you from the front end!

Looks liek free speech is over

what say you @ned i mean the text doesnt lie

Observe @Blacklist-A:
Complete with censorship instructions stored by keeping them OFF-CHAIN because that's how management rolls around here, not using the product, because why would the guards live in the prison?


The Steemit @Blacklist uses a range of metrics to determine who's a repeat offender of plagiarism, hate speech, bullying, ongoing power-abuse and so on. The Blacklist is computer-generated and is updated irregularly to make sure bad behaving accounts get a quick flag so that other upvote-bots can avoid upvoting the blacklisted accounts and simply skip to the next post. The @blacklist-project is a much wider and further stretching authority than any of the singular up or downvoting guilds currently running on steemit, it is also complimentary to current projects in the same genre which are to keep the steem-blockchain unattractive for scammers, spammers and miserable trolls who are caught bullying or go after steemians in a power-abusive behaviour and so forth and so on.

The @blacklist account is a very serious project who aim to grow over the years with supporting bots and guilds respecting the black flag as the black flag is computer-generated by a popular opinion from a wide range of always active members of the community.

There are one way to get off the blacklist once you are on it, and that is to change your behavior from evil to good over your next 40 posts. Once you have reached that number you must send 40 STEEM to the @blacklist account with "REVIEW" in the memo. Someone from our staff will then manually look at your blog within the next 24-48 hours and remove you from the list if your account now qualifies for it.

The Blacklist contains between 200-500 accounts at any given time. The list grows or shrinks depending on user behavior (1) and user-reaction (2).

True...I hesitate. If I bring people into this mess after talking it up like I have.... I'd look like a fool...

sounds whiney and ungrateful, Stop deoending on others when you could be applying for federal grants and getting nmassive steempower for various projects liek getting peopel to quit smoking or loose weight... but you probobkly wont even apply for these grants its so easy yet most steemians will assume they cant possibly buy steempower with a federal grant EVEN THOUGHJ YOU CAN and that money is tHERE for us, even if youre not American you can use me as your american to apply for this stuiff, its just so easy and all we gotta do is actually apply for grants, theres FREE money being PRINTED up and its our OBLIGATION to actually capture it and restore it to a moral system liek steem where it can be stored in steempower and then used in upvotes

Theres also all sorts of simpel ways to start getting ready for teh steemit inc IPO by promoting steem on instagram and using your post rewards to do what @jerrybanfield does but nooo we all just let jerry banfield do all that work and NO ONE follows him in his wake ! Its pathetic and you should all be shamed of yourself for not working by doing simple things like pouring money into posts about promoting steem on 4chan and reddit

reddit is perfect rercruiting tool and we ALL need to spend a few hours a day on there, making reddit posts, reposting those to steem, i mean come ON people its not that hard to work like an ANT colony of cryptocurrency sales people

become like the wofl of wall street!

Here is our new target for hard fork 21! mass adoption and marketing towards reddit r/bitcoin and 4chan biz users

I won't lie though, when I say it's been an honor to face that struggle.
It's been an honor to create content solely for this community....with this community.
My show has allowed me to meet some amazing people in this community, such as yourself @rhondak
I look forward to launching the new show and then planning season 2 of HoS.

I actually agree with this logic completely, and respect you for it @Ned. It would be nice to see more support for trusted curation groups though, seeing as currently curation isn’t getting much support.. and I think everyone can agree that it is an important part of the ecosystem here.

There are many great initiatives that work each day to improve this platform, while not trying to get something out of it. Some non profit curation groups to consider might be - @curie, @c-cubed, @travelfeed among others. As someone who spends hours a day trying to ensure those authors that add so much value to this place are seen, I would love to see you and Steemit Inc. be a bigger part of that.


We welcome the Streisand effect in this case.

Im sorry @sircorck for the flags, hate to be in that position but i kind of enjoy seeing this. Not in a drama loving, popcorn eating kind of way but rather its nice to see the guy "running" the place actually show a genuine emotional response.

Ned decided not to upvote anything on the platform, nor do i see him making many comments on other posts (id bet he has some other account for that) that arent Steem related.

That creates this feeling of absence and dissociation. And its not that hes busy. We all are busy...

Ned is a bit bland when it comes to his interaction with the community. Everything he writes is measured or a service announcement....

So when i say its nice to see him act, even like this, im saying that its nice to see that hes actually human and not some "service announcement bot".

And to Ned... I know a lot is expected of you and there are so many people begging you for delegation. Some of them act high and mighty when a plankton asks them for an upvote but yet they will beg you like they are dying of hunger.
I know that must annoy you,but that or anything related, should not be a reason for you not to step on down a bit.

Im telling you, having honest, casual human interactions with users on the blockchain helps maintain stability and user satisfaction.
Tell that guy that painted a nice picture that it was cool. That you liked how this other girl sings.... That goes a long way and you yourself will feel better that you made some plantkon or minnow feel good. And thats without using any upvotes.
Have a nice day.

Yes ¡we! do.

Somebody's triggered! and isn't me :D I must have struck a nerve.

Petulant tantrum is petulant.

And "I" is self-aggrandizing.

And "trolling" is when the assertion is "wrong."

Thanks for the notoriety though. Guess your own notoriety after the population saw your response to @dan's EOS post didn't teach you any lessons at all.

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