Steem Charity News @ 14 August 2021 - From Small Beginnings...

in #steem3 years ago

One of the things that has always pleased me most on Steem has been the charitable projects.

Back in 2018 I was so happy when @adollaraday managed to raise $5000 to support a dozen or so small charitable groups around the world.

Now charitable work on Steem is moving up to a new level.

There are so many great projects from Steem.Amal's house building and @sultan-aceh's Steem Assisted Village project in Indonesia, to SteemFoods feeding families, SteemWomensClub helping children, and other great work from SL Charity, Team Mango and several others.

And now in Venezuela @mariana4ve and @el-nailul, through the World Smile Project, are starting on building a house for Manuel and his family.

Some of these activities are included in Steem News, but there is so much going on it really needs its own publication to cover it all.

So here is Steem Charity News, a weekly digest of the main activities and projects being undertaken by Steem based humanitarian and charitable groups and individuals.

This is Steem at its best.

1. World Smile Project - A House for Manuel

Steem.Amal Program Manager @el-nailul a few months back set up the World Smile Project to work on other projects and in other countries beyond Indonesia.

He soon made contact with @mariana4ve in Venezuela, and one of their first projects was a food donation program for families in need.

Now they have moved on to something bigger.

Inspired by the Steem.Amal house building program in Indonesia, the World Smile Project in Venezuela is starting on a new project to build a house for Manuel and his family in Montalbán...

Today civil engineers @klen.civil and @sofian88, who worked on the Steem.Amal house, have posted that they will be helping with the design of the house for Manuel...

@klen.civil and @sofian88 have also set their posts with 50% beneficiaries to @hive-198626 (the WorldSmileProject VE project account) and introduced the #worldsmileproject50pc tag similar to the widely used #steemamal50pc tag.

To help fund this excellent project this post has also been set with a 50% beneficiary to @hive-198626.

2. Steem Womens Club - One Child Thousand Happiness

The Steem Womens Club charity is another charitable project on Steem that recently started encouraging members to set 50% beneficiaries to help raise funds for their One Child Thousand Happiness Project...

@womenclubcharity is now working to help the 9th child through their project. Mercy lives with her two siblings and her unemployed, single mother in Nigeria. They have no home of their own and the mother is pregnant again after a brief return by the children's father...

Country Rep @ngoenyi is providing on the ground support for this family...

@adollaraday has sent a donation of 10 SBD to help provide for Miracle and her family.

3. SteemFoods Charity

The SteemFoods Community Charity @sf-charity in its latest 10 Day Report recorded that food donations have now been given to 24 families and medicine donations to 6 families.

The families helped have been in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Venezuela...

@sf-charity has also now extended its food donation program to Turkey...

@sf-charity has also followed the trend and introduced the idea of members setting 50% beneficiaries to support the charitable work...

4. Steem Sri Lanka Charity

In Sri Lanka @praveenw96 reports on Phase III of the @sl-charity program - Project Anuradhapura...

@thisarani96 gives details of the families that received the parcels of food, books and stationery...

5. Steeming Community Charity

@jesusremaj7 has posted about the charitable activities that he, @advhl and @ercubanito have been doing in Venezuela with the support of @cryptokannon and the Steeming Community Charity...

It is very impressive, and very inspiring, to see so much charitable activity on Steem.

Hopefully this can help to demonstrate the potential of the Community and the Blockchain.

I am sure there are many other projects that I haven't included in this roundup.

Please post in the comments below or contact me on Discord (Pennsif#9921) if you are involved in a charitable project on Steem that you would like to be considered for the next edition of Steem Charity News.

Thank you


[ graphics & images by @pennsif ]


Отличная инициатива!
Ещё чуть-чуть и начнёт работать на всю мощность - StEeM ChArItY!
На данный момент размышляю о том, какой формат вести лучше и как!
Ваш пост меня наталкивает на различные мысли!
Спасибо за пост!

I hope that if one day you find a suitable format for charity at BRU you can accept me as a part of the charity.

Thank you for putting this news into Steem Charity News , we will try our best for Manuel's House

Es maravilloso formar parte de este movimiento de Caridad con Steem.

Cada proyecto tiene detrás seres humanos de gran corazón y buena voluntad, me encanta estar rodeada de ustedes. Hagamos de steemit una red de Bondad y de ejemplo para nuestros usuarios.

Gracias Pennsif por el apoyo constante y con sinceridad deseo que todos puedan cumplir sus metas y los sueños de los beneficiados.

Que bonito se siente estar aquí!!! 😍🚀💯

Thank you for promoting the world smile project, we hope that #worldsmileproject50pc will get a positive response from all our steemian friend. we will try our best for Manuel's House

Looking forward to seeing this project progress.

We will update gradually, and continue to coordinate with @mariana4ve @el-nailul and @klen.civil

The best for the World Smile Housing Project

Excelente lo de la etiqueta, empezaré a promoverla.

Thank you for including us in your news. Greetings.

Many thanks for adding the developments in the SteemFoods Community and SF-Charity account to your Newspaper. You will see much better developments soon. :)

Hola amigo, gracias por el apoyo, Manuel es un amigo mío y estamos haciendo todo lo posible para hacerle su casa, te doy las gracias por enviar dinero para ese proyecto, eres un gran ejemplo a seguir.

Saludos Cordiales

Soy @jesusbar23 Moderador De La Comunidad Cryptokids


#affable #venezuela

Прекрасный пост! Могу ли я его перевести его на русский язык у себя в сообществе?

Yes, that's okay.

wow many thanks for the 10 sbd. this donation will reach the family . We will help the family through ngoenyi.

You are doing great work.

Thank you

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