Successfully Bringing Content Consumers to Steem - BOOM!

in #steem5 years ago

We can not all be content creators.  Steem needs more content consumers.  People that just want to read the content and maybe engage with it.  This is where the masses are.  You won't find them by encouraging everyone to be a creator.

I was watching the steemfest videos and @jarvie did a presentation based on a survey of content creators.  And guess what stood out.  Content creators like the idea of being able to reward comments with upvotes.  Some followers can be so die-hard, just a little vote on their comment would make them go crazy.

Now that might not initially sound interesting.  But it ties in with what I have said over and over.  Do you remember I introduced you to Jane?  Well in case you forget

Meet Jane
Jane is a Fashion blogger and with 10K followers. She has monetized her blog with an Amazon shop however the market is competitive and although she is getting good traffic her bounce rate is high and lead generation is low.  Jane has studied here sales funnel.  Once people sign up to her newsletter her conversion rate is 60%, however less than 1% of visitors sign up in the first place.
After looking at competitors Jane noticed lack of engagement on her site over others.  Engagement is an important part of the sales funnel as it allows trust and relationships to be established.  Although her blog posts are widely shared, there is little or no interaction.
Jane is willing to invest $10K to improve her situation. 
Right now $10K would get Jane around 23K Steem Power, giving her around 0.58 stu on a 100% vote.  By using tools such as Steempress, Jane could allow her readers to leave comments on her blog which can be rewarded with upvotes.  A perfect reason for her followers to want to engage. This engagement will build trust and relationships and in turn increase sign ups.   She is hoping to increase her signups by 3%.  Based on currently levels this would increase her sales by $6K per year. that would be a payback of less than 2 years on her STEEM investment. 
STEEM as an asset can be used like other assets to increase sales.  My vision of STEEM is of a blockchain for enterprises of all sizes, from the small website owner to the large corporate. There are thousands of businesses out there just like Jane and bigger. We have a blockchain that is scalable and has 0 transaction fees and continuously evolving. 

You can read that full post here  

How to bring Content Consumers to Steem

It's easy.  Two simple steps.  But it actually works.

1. Publish content for web2 audiences.  Content that gives a reason to engage.  Content that has an audience.

2. Promote that content like crazy.

When I say web2 audiences, I mean content that tends to do well on the web.  Tutorials. How-tos.  Guides.  Searchable stuff.  When you are creating that content, give people a reason to engage with it.  Ask them a question or for their opinion or for an alternative suggestion.  

It's simple right!

Does it work?  Will it bring content consumers to steem.  Hell ya and I can prove it.

Do you see all of those steempress comments?  Well, they are guest account comments left on my blog.  Content consumers that have been given a reason to engage.  What reason did I give them?  Learn and earn activities.

I have produced a lot of content now to learn and earn activities.  however, engagement was not great.  Recently I set up a learn and earn signup funnel for people to receive 8 emails over 2 weeks.   Each email linking to a blog post that contains a learn and earn activity.  The aim is to collect as many tokens possible over the 8 emails.

And as you can see from the comments, it's working!  Boom.  I am finally bringing content consumers to steem.

A big shout out to @howo and @fredrikaa on the SteemPress team for getting the guest accounts going.

If you wanna check out my learn and earn funnel, you can read more about it here 

You can help me.  Share  on all of your social media platforms.  Excel is a massively popular topic and although it might not be what you would tend to share,  I am sure it will be received well.  Just copy and paste the following to your social profiles

 Become an #Excel Ninja in no time and earn rewards for doing so with The Excel Club Learn and Earn Activities   #theexcelclub #steem


we're doomed

Not from where I am standing

Posted using Partiko Android


Steem needs more content consumers

A synonym for that is also "people who ain't here for the money".

Lol I cant argue with that

Posted using Partiko Android

What an awesome idea and what a great story about "Jane"

I've never thought about it, but I wonder what kind of change could be seen if instead of using $10,000 for online advertising, using that $10,000 and rewarding people who engaged on your site $0.10 per engaging comment.

Would be an interesting experiment to perform and I would have to guess the engagement rewards would do a lot more to drum up exposure for your site then random online advertising.

I am hopeful that "the engagement rewards would do a lot more to drum up exposure for your site then random online advertising". I guess I will know next year :-)

I think it’s still too hard for people to create accounts. Steemit has the least friction, but I don’t see the same for other front ends.

If Jane does the onboarding and uses something like Steempress to publish on the blockchain and starts moving the best commenters there by giving prizes, or better replies, or something; it can work.

Moving audiences is always risky, but it needs to happen.

Steemit is not steem, there are so many ways to access the blockchain.

And well Jane is not here yet, but I am and steempress works like a treat

Posted using Partiko Android

6.04 USD has been spent to promote this content using Steemium .
Learn more here!

Hi @paulag!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.559 which ranks you at #158 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has not changed in the last three days.

In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 93 contributions, your post is ranked at #79.

Evaluation of your UA score:
  • You've built up a nice network.
  • Your contribution has not gone unnoticed, keep up the good work!
  • Try to work on user engagement: the more people that interact with you via the comments, the higher your UA score!

Feel free to join our @steem-ua Discord server

I am tempted to ask if you saw my talk at Steemfest 3 last year where I touched on this :p .

Indeed driving engagement using Steem as an asset/resource that then benefits you outside of just the author/curator/benefactor rewards is imo the way to create sustainable demand for STEEM that is based on actual value creation.

I think since giving this talk about a year ago, the only parts I now see differently is that other Steem stakeholders, who may not be interested in your business, might not agree to significant amounts of new STEEM going to reward comments that benefits one private website, and thus one is exposed to the risk of downvotes, etc. So I'm more curious to see if there would be ways to make it attractive even if we assumed that the current reward pool was completely removed. And where the remaining value proposition is mostly centred on allowing more person-to-person tips/sponsoring/promotion/buying access to unique perks and features, etc. Thus making use of how fast/feeless/immutable Steem is rather than rewards.

I kind of like how we are all content creators and how we have to interact to find people who will enjoy our own content. It forged a sense of community


I think the real potential of steem is to enrich people who have already their calling outside of the traditional financial system which rewards less cooperative behavior, people who have something they love that is positive and has human value but does not yet have a market value.

If wealth and attention were already decentralized, we could just be as we are and the platform would grow naturally. Wealth and attention are still concentrated outside of this collection of communities though and we want this place to grow, so yeah, we could really use content consumers here.

The ideal content consumer would be people who have money and a desire to invest and interest in discovering new creators, or people with time, energy and good taste to curate good content to those with more money or steem power.

I think the best thing for the platform is when people with cult followings bring those followings to steem, but it would be much better if those people actually became part of the community and got to know how it worked rather than just enjoying their upvotes. A few big you tubers or instagram profiles or artists not just joining but taking a real interest in the place and campaigning for it because they love it. That is what will fuel an onboard of content consumers. Or if steemians go out and find audiences outside and bring them back to steem

We haven’t had that yet because those who come here with existing followings usually just stay for the rewards and those who are part of the community are so die hard they don’t want to connect with people off chain unless it’s for the sole purpose of converting people.

I came with an existing following and had not brought my following with me because steem was too difficult. Ok I am nowhere near an influencer that can make a big difference, but +60K signups is not a bad complaint.

things are changing and steem is becoming more user-friendly and we may see a shift because of this.

Hi, Paula. Do those commenters know that they're publishing to the Steem blockchain? How are becoming consumers of Steem content and not just consumers of the content in your own personal blog? How do you tie them to Steem?

First I am using steempress.

the commentator do know they are publishing to steem. it's all over the comments section. its also in my weekly emails and other funnels I have set up. most of these people are just consuming content on my site at the moment. However I do have a few ads ( which I placed free of charge at my own discression) back to steemmonsters and actifit. I was also sending users to and tracking the same untill steempress introduced guest accounts, now I dont need to send them anywhere.
soon we will have communities, this will also be part of what I am doing.
What I have been doing on the website with steem has gained attention. So much so that I was a big part of the talk I gave at the Online Excel Summit this week...hehhehehe and I didnt promote making money as suggested above, infact I made a point to say that althoug I did ok, dont expect to come to steem and start making money!!!!

steem is difficult for most. lol I feel like I am sneeking people in the back door and then without them even relaising, they are all of a sudden on blockchain and its caused them no issues or learning curve.

Yeah, thanks for clarifying everything. As you can see in my profile, I've been here for 2 years already. I did make a lot of money but not strictly through Steem but by socializing, among many things. I sadly lost a lot of it because I didn't take care of the lowering prices of cryptocurrency :(

But anyway, I know this is kind of a dry market at the moment for strictly content producers right now, and that you need way more to make money with Steem only. Aggroed has done well with Steem Monsters, and so have a few other business owners around here. Others have used the platform to pitch themselves into curation posts. It can pay well.

But Steem right now, for most people, you included, I imagine, is mostly complementary in terms of money. I use it mostly for fun, because it's built around a better idea than Reddit, for example, where if someone likes your post, they pay the Reddit company to give you a golden badge, instead of giving you the reward personally, lol. I've been exploring it the last couple of days to see what the changes have been, a lot is different than in 2018 :)

Things have changed a lot around here.
Personally I don't worry about the 'money' side of steem as I have a business that pays me ok. I have read your comments, which were very well put I must say :-) so I understand the situation you are in. Crypto is a terrible market to be in and like you, my investment of time lost value with the steem recession.

I use steem because I believe it can help me move my business forward. Lol I am still trying to work out how. I produce content, thats my buisness. a lot of trial and error trying to move it to steem, but hay, I am an early adpotor and I never said I would get it right. But I am trying.

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