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RE: Successfully Bringing Content Consumers to Steem - BOOM!

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

I kind of like how we are all content creators and how we have to interact to find people who will enjoy our own content. It forged a sense of community


I think the real potential of steem is to enrich people who have already their calling outside of the traditional financial system which rewards less cooperative behavior, people who have something they love that is positive and has human value but does not yet have a market value.

If wealth and attention were already decentralized, we could just be as we are and the platform would grow naturally. Wealth and attention are still concentrated outside of this collection of communities though and we want this place to grow, so yeah, we could really use content consumers here.

The ideal content consumer would be people who have money and a desire to invest and interest in discovering new creators, or people with time, energy and good taste to curate good content to those with more money or steem power.

I think the best thing for the platform is when people with cult followings bring those followings to steem, but it would be much better if those people actually became part of the community and got to know how it worked rather than just enjoying their upvotes. A few big you tubers or instagram profiles or artists not just joining but taking a real interest in the place and campaigning for it because they love it. That is what will fuel an onboard of content consumers. Or if steemians go out and find audiences outside and bring them back to steem

We haven’t had that yet because those who come here with existing followings usually just stay for the rewards and those who are part of the community are so die hard they don’t want to connect with people off chain unless it’s for the sole purpose of converting people.


I came with an existing following and had not brought my following with me because steem was too difficult. Ok I am nowhere near an influencer that can make a big difference, but +60K signups is not a bad complaint.

things are changing and steem is becoming more user-friendly and we may see a shift because of this.

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