SOS discord - next steps towards SOS-actionsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)


Disclaimer: this second report on the SOS-discord is by no means an objective report. It solely gives my personal impressions on a week full of fantastic discussions. LOL

Even without an SOS-forum to trigger discussions a lot has happened on the SOS-discord server. With people coming back from holidays, the number of participants passed the magic number of 100 with about 1/3 of these engaging actively.

In some working groups you could enjoy real in-depth discussions. How about a look and feel of some expert chats?

On opinion-building through polls: “U must do everything u can to avoid criticism that the polls were not fair or that they were set up subjectively by bias individuals” @starkerz

On voting algos: since staking APR is inflation rate * %SP 'staked' via upvoting @josephsavage

On blockchain-building "It is better to store some files as torrents, at least one can see how many seeds are there @rycharde

Did you understand everything? Congrats, if your answer is “Yes!” But don’t be afraid! Here are some more highlights in what I believe is nonexpert English:

Development of the steem-blockchain

Do we need to reserve a fraction of the reward pool for development? This question came up since it seems to be difficult to invite C++ developers to participate in Steem-blockchain development. Since SMT's within the blockchain will come in a lite-version, several alternatives are being realised. They are "produced inside the blockchain, but not verified by the blockchain" / url
The big question: Do we need a call-to-action going for more community-based development of STEEM-blockchain? Check this poll:

The economics of steem
A lot of work is going into deeper understanding of supply and demand of STEEM. Triggered by a sudden rise of inflation in November 2018 due to SBD exchange the rewards creation and distribution was a major topic. Questions arose like: How to calculate the rewards pool? How to move towards a quality driven instead of a stake driven ecosystem (if desired)? Are sites with human moderation an answer?

Another point of discussion: crap posts seem to reduce STEEM-demand and ruin the STEEM-price – because rewards earned this way mostly are taken out immediately and thus weeken the ecosystem. One more reason to flag such posts?! What is a crap post? Do we need professional crap-identifiers?

Demand goes up with a rising number of shops giving the possibility to purchase things with Steem. Woo-commerce even offers a Steem payment function. Spend your STEEM within the ecosystem! Here:

How to come to calls-to-action without a CEO or a board taken decisions on the what to do and where to go? As a result polls will be introduced into the SOS-forums. These will give the audience the possibility to give their opinion on impact and feasibility of actions. Some tests will be done in the weeks to come. Main issue: make this a community- and not an expert-driven process.

Thanks to everybody engaging in the Discord. You're cordially invited to do reports on one or more working groups. Please just go on and do this. May the better report earn the most rewards! Especially somebody with tech-knowhow is desperately needed to assure the quality of reports on the tech groups. I'm still chewing on this sentence: " some files as torrents" For me a torrent is this:

Please comment and add whatever is missing: @pennsif @imacryptorick @starkerz @shanibeer @shredz7 @shadowspub @makinstuff @bigtom13 @wholeself-in @ura-soul @paulag @jonyoudyer @bluefinstudios @rycharde @sagescrub @anthonyadavisii @rhondak @leotrap @mids106 @wehmoen @disregardfiat @harpagon @jarvie @cryptocurator @makinstuff @therealwolf @bluerobo @thecryptodive @steevc @tarazkp @ericwilson @freebornangel @sagescrub @josephsavage @rutablockchain


Torrent (a la bittorrent, which is now owned by TRON) is a file-sharing protocol whereby files are chopped up into little pieces and computers share a list of which pieces they have via P2P networks. Users seeking access to the files search for lists of who has what and download pieces in a distributed fashion from the closes nodes that have the pieces they need.

It's a proven working system for decentralized file-storage, although it does have some weaknesses (over-dependence on 'seed' nodes that have all the pieces to a large file, for example).

Thanks a lot. 4 lines in one word - that's expert language :-) But now I think I got it.

I need to learn how ipfs works to know which is a better solution. I think it's similar to what @rycharde suggested.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, that quote was in the context of how IPFS stores and distributes files. It is very similar to torrents in that files (and directories of files) are broken up into pieces and then distributed (Freenet also works on the same principle). The problem with IPFS is that there seems no way to know how many copies of pieces are out there, so that the original uploader has to keep a copy locally - in torrent-speak, the original seed cannot go offline and let other seeds take over as there is no built-in redundancy protocol - same with freenet, you have to keep a copy of your pages in order to guarantee that all pieces remain online.

Strange that they would design a so-called decentralized file storage system where each stored file has a unique point of failure. It does cover some of the legal bases though, as you only have to serve the uploader and the file is effectively removed from the whole system.

One question: I heard there are some legal issues concerning decentralised file storage, e.g. when there is illegal content stored in a decentralised way. Is this an issue?

Yes. Any node that shares pieces of unlicensed or illegal content can be held liable, particularly if they are a seed node.

Any functional distributed file storage system needs some way to meta tag contents with licensing details to shift liability.

In effect, if the contents are meta tagged as Creative Commons or permissioned for decentralized distribution, then nodes should be absolved, with liability for meta tag accuracy shifting to the upload source.

Though DMCA would still require nodes to investigate complaints and take down improperly licensed content (delete from node).

Realistically, the legal system is far behind current technology and there are grey zones if legality, along with conflicting laws between countries and even within countries at different administrative levels. (Disclosure: I am not a lawyer, but I try to keep up.)

Very interested to see how these polls go - thanks for sharing the summary

This post has been included in the latest edition of SOS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

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