How much of the rewards get distributed by boosters ?

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

I recently got asked, if I could figure out, how much of the STEEM Reward Pool is being distributed by boosters.

I have come up with a script and it returned some numbers ... first:

What's your guess :) ?



I had to make a list of all 'booster' accounts first.
I didn't spend much time on this and simply copied all bots from here:

Then, here is what the script does in simple words

  • Go through all transaction during the last 24 hours
  • Filter for 'author_rewards'
  • Add up all the author rewards.
  • For each reward, check if a 'booster' has voted for the post.
  • If there are votes from 'boosters', calculate their share and add up those rewards

Find the code here:
( Sorry about the lazy documentation ... )

At the end it should have two numbers:

  • Total author rewards
  • Share of those rewards, which has been allocated by 'boosters'

These numbers are inacurate, because:

  • Not all of the votes by 'booster' accounts were paid for
  • I am only looking at root_posts, not comments
  • I didn't check, whether the vote was an upvote or downvote
  • smartmarket sells votes, which are not tracked by this method
  • Other stuff I can't think of right now ...

Nonetheless, I think the numbers are good enough to illustrate, how much influence 'voting services' have on STEEM rewards. And that was the whole idea behind this exercise ...


As mentioned above, take these numbers with a grain of salt.

During the 24h period:

  • 27,016 main posts received a payout.
  • 6037 votes were made by 'boosters'
    (I meant to count a different number, but made a mistake)
  • 110,234 $ in posting rewards were paid out.
  • 17,626 $ of those payouts were allocated by 'boosters'

That is ~ 16%

Further metrics, I could include in the future:

  • How many authors have used more than one booster ?
  • How many posts generated their payouts mainly from boosters ?
  • Check comments, too
  • How many votes the 'booster' accounts made

Furthermore, I could change the method and look at transaction histories and memos instead.
I could also compare, how many SBD are moved through 'boosters' and compare that to the total (and liquid) rewards claimed during the same period.


I would like to leave this up to the reader.
I think it shows how 'linear rewards' have created a dynamic, where the quality of a post plays no role, but I am sure, someone will find this an 'interesting phenomenon' ...


I plan on compiling this into an automated report.
Perhaps, I could include some charts, too.
Please let me know what you think of it.


Thanks for conducting this analysis. Even if the 16% is an approximation, I consider it a highly descriptive metric for the new pay for exposure -economy that has arisen since HF 19.

I would like to see this updated at least on a monthly basis.


(self-voted with 16% to make a point)

Pay for exposure has arisen with the first @randowhale and got into the extreme with the bid rounds and the latest developments of @minnowbooster which does upvotes for 100+ sbd...
But that's a snake that bites it's own tail...
Sbd back to 1 dollar cause of excessive supply

I didn't really catch that. Could you throw me a 16% vote just so i can make sure i understand? :)

Haha, that was a good one :)

I gave you a 16% vote on your endeavour towards 1 MVest...

Good luck!

Ich glaub du hastn Zahlendreher versuchs lieber mal mit einem 61% vote bei mir.

Lasst mal den armen @shaka in Ruhe 😂

der hat wohl genug Liebe für alle :D

Thank you very much. I am busting my butt trying to get there any way I can. I appreciate it.

edit: Thanks for reading my blog. I missed that somehow when i read it the first time.

you might want to check this one out also if you are looking for a laugh. i will warn you it is kinda gutter humor.

I also Vote but i think you get nothing ^^

Followed you!

I'm not fund of the linear reward system either. I like people are using the bots just to create awareness how bad it can become. I myself am guilty of using them from time to time. But overall I hope its just a period of steemit and the boosters one day will be of the past.

16% sounds like a lot! Given that are relatively few booster accounts.

It would be very useful to see the trends over time, then again I loves data analysis posts!

Maybe a 'top 20 users list of shame' could be added in too - although you might want to call it something different!

Goid effort, even with all the problems filtering the data.

Great analysis! We should store these numbers daily. Then we can make cool graphs :)

Edit: here is my %16... :)

Wusst ichs doch! Alle sind nur wegen dem Geld hier und bleiben auch wegen dem Geld.
Kein Fisch in dem verfickten Ozean interessiert sich für die Community.

Man sollte eigentlich annehmen, dass ab einer bestimmten Investitionssumme jeder daran interessiert sein sollte, die communitey zu stärken ...
Mit dem derzeitigen System sind jedenfalls diejenigen die Verlierer, die noch nach 'content' suchen.

Mit Ausnahme derer, die nach content suchen UND sich für die Mühe über den reward pool belohnen (lassen).

Da geb ich dir zu 100% recht, bzw stimme ich dir schlicht und einfach zu,...
An dem derzeitigen System ließe sich viel verbessern, zum Wohle aller

I don't wish it for Steemit but if we don't fix this issue of paying for upvotes it will kill the platform. It is already become like a boring monopoly game where someone owns all the hotels and no matter what you try you're never going to come out as winner.

I really dont understand steem/it - the math and mechanics is just not something I'm 'turned on' by, but I am very interested in the principles involved.

It seem to me, that with bid bots and downvoting - coupled with numerous accounts held by the same persons - that the system is manipulated.

IF steem is define as a real asset (money or otherwise), then these systems must surely be illegal (manipulating financial markets!??)


Ich verstehs eh nicht, benutze keinen einzigen Booster... glaube nicht dass das Sinn und Zweck sein sollte und ich muss ehrlich sagen so wie das hier alles zugeht glaube ich zumindest wie es im Moment mit allem ist nicht gut für die Zukunft aussieht....

Sehe ich auch so.. als neuer hat man da kaum Chancen 🤔
Bin noch gespannt wie sich das entwickelt.
Werden wohl nur die großen Fische davon profitieren 😥

Interessant. Ich freue mich auf weitere Statistiken über die Bots und was das ausmacht auf steemit:)

Bots can't be blamed on linear rewards, I don't think. Another aspect you should include is how much is added to the post, after the bot votes. You might have to control for those votes that also followed the author, but I think it would be closer to 25 or 30% of the pool. But, why were the payouts so low in that 24 hour window, anyway?

Linear rewards are actually the fuel for bid bots. The most profitable use of SP since the introduction of linear rewards is to either self-vote OR to lease-out SP to bid bots. With n square it was curating popular content.

Okay i can agree with that from a minnow perspective, but for the bot owners thus would always have been most profitable, no risk, all reward. That's my biggest problem with it. It rob s the rewards pool, then moves the profits of that heist behind the scenes where it can't be downvoted.

Ich bin nur knapp zwei Monate dabei und ich stolper immer wieder über das Thema Reward Pool und Booster. Das Booster aus reiner Nächstenliebe betrieben werden sei mal dahin gestellt. Und es ist auch eine Lüge, dass Bots gleichzusetzen sind mit Werbung für den eigenen Post.

Hin und wieder wünsche ich mir mehr Sichtbarkeit, zwischen all den Post und experimentiere im Moment mit Bots, es hilft nicht viel, stärkt aber den eigenen Ego :D Jedenfalls mir scheint es nicht zu helfen. Ich scheine sogar etwas dadurch zu verlieren. Ob es manchen dadurch gelingt wirklich Geld zu drucken oder ganz allein nur den Botbetreibern hilft, sehe ich noch.

Steemit scheint zu einem eigenen kleinen Wirtschaftssystem geworden zu sein. Für die einen Hoffnung auf Gehör, für die anderen Gelddruckmaschine.

Hab Mal gevotet aber gibt nix aus ^^

Das ist ok! Freue mich für jeden Vote :) Mich giert es mehr nach der Aufmerksamkeit als nach dem Wert des Vote :D

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