Short stories of my dads dark humor volume #1 ADOLF THE GOAT

in #funny6 years ago (edited)

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE DARK HUMOR STOP NOW!!! Earlier today i was replying to a post by @trumpman
and he liked the response so much he asked to me to elaborate more and make a whole post about the incodent.

Back story real quick: My dad passed away 10 years ago and he had a particular sense of humor that was hilarious but dark and twisted. He was a big biker, well over 6 foot, 300 plus pounds and was an all state wrestler when he was in high school and had the Harley Davidson wings tattooed all the way across his back and was a bit of an outsider of society. He could make anyone laugh though and was the absolute best father anyone could ask for. On to the story.

As i was growing up we had a small farm with all sorts of animals . All the usual chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits, even had some guineas, but we also had goats.
So one morning we were out at the fence feeding the goats and these 2 nicely dressed ladies pulled up in their car and got out. They were in their Sundays best and filled with the holy spirit, they were the Jehovas Witnesses.
If you are not aware of this particular group they are a religious group and they are known for going up and knocking on peoples doors and shoving their religion down your throat. The 2 ladies in their late 40's early 50's come up and start talking to us , just making small talk before they sprung the trap of finding out if our souls were saved. We just kinda give them short and sweet answers while we continue to feed the goats. The goats were jumping up on the fence and eating corn out of our hands so the ladies ask if they can pet them. My dad says sure and smiles. The church lady proceeds to reach over the fence and start petting one of the billy goats.

But first a little backstory on this goat. This one in particular was the most disgusting, foul, and mean asshole known to man so my dad named him Adolf. It was a fitting name for this abomination. A short list of his charming qualities were.

  1. never ever ever turn your back on him or he would ram you full force in the small of your back.
  2. He was an escape artist and would escape the fenced area during the night and would be standing on the roof of the car when you woke up in the morning like a rooster only silent and staring at you making eye contact so you knew he was doing it on purpose.

    3rd and the most charming, he would litteraly raise up his back leg and suck his own dick then jizz on his head.

Back to the church lady. Still preaching the gospel she reaches down and starts petting old Adolf. She pets ol Adolf for about 2 seconds before hastily drawing back here hand with what visually looked like cheese on a pizza being picked up in the movies

Her nose wrinkels in disgust as she pulls her hand up to her nose and takes a wiff. At first a small gag and she looks at my dad and asks him what that is. He says "that right there" and points at the devil goat. Right on que adolf is giving himself a happy ending and rubbing it all over his head. She looks at Adolf then back at my dad with horror in her face and turning pale. My dad says " Oh looks like he likes ya " and starts to laugh out loud. At this point she starts to dry heave but makes the mistake of bringing up her jizz hand to cover her mouth and catching a fresh wiff of goat semen that has been baking on in the summer sun. By this time me and my dad are bent over laughing so hard our sides hurt. The ladies both let out a shreak , screamed something about the devil or being possessd and sprint back to their car and haul ass down the driveway. After that day we never had another door knocker, I believe that got us put on the jahovas witness BLACKLIST.

I hope that you all got even a small amount of the laughter that i did that day and I hope this was up to @trumpman expectations. If you guys liked it let me know because i have a TON more of these about my dad and even a few about my dear mother.


Great story, well written, engaging,
cheers A

Thank you. I am still new here so i will take all the pointers i can get

And here was i thinking i know it all about goats. for one, i didnt know goats could attack humans. lol. and prior to your comment on @trumpman 's post, i certainly didnt know they could wank off too.

Adolf. Mean bad boy!

they are straight savages. here is an example taking down a bull.

Well would you look at that...
Holy cow!, the cow's hurt! Medic! Medic!

I am trying to figure out which story i want to go with next all the memmories are kinda flooding back now. Damn , sombody must be cutting onions around here. Everyone that reads this do me a favor and give your parents a hug or a call and tell them you love them. You never know how much time you have left with them .

That's a hilarious story, i dont care if it's real or fake.:p resteemed in hopes more people see it! Also next time make sure to use tags real people actually check! For this one I would have used story and writing instead of summer & goat :)

I assure you they are real. As for the tagging process i really dont understand all of that yet. Is thier a list of popular tags to chose from that would help me in the future? Can i edit the tags still? Thank you for talking me into writing this. I was smiling ear to ear the whole time remembering my dad.

yes you can edit the tags! To see which tags are popular just check them manually and see how many new created posts they get over the course of time. For example science is quite popular:

done. thank you for the help.

I edited the tags. Thank you for the guidance.

It's a really disgustingly funny story, I don't think dark humour is the correct description (you just reminded me of my blog-in-progress about the different types of humour) gutter humour is more fitting, which I am quite accustomed to, having a husband as well as a close (female) friend who are masters of this skilled art. I especially like the pizza analogy & expect your place in the fiery pits of hell have now been cast in, well, cheese! Looking forward to hearing some more great stories about your wholesome family history 😅 ✌

Yeah, i told @trumpman i was going to have to put a disclaimer at the beginning because i didnt want to get down flaged. Gutter humor is pretty good explanation but a lot of it was just dark to. I sure do miss him.

He sounds like he was a great guy, I miss my dad too sometimes <3

Ahahahahahahaha! I'm giving you a follow just because I want you to write some more of this!
This goat was adolfable... ehm! adorable!

Well thank you for the follow . I will try and put 1 or 2 of these out a week. I try not to do to much resteeming of stuff unless it is important so that i dont clog up other peoples feeds. I will be doing some stuff with our racecar during the race season also if you like racing.

Lol. agreed!

But first a little backstory on this goat. This one in particular was the most disgusting, foul, and mean asshole known to man so my dad named him Adolf.


3rd and the most charming, he would litteraly raise up his back leg and suck his own dick then jizz on his head.

This goat gets the no fucks given award of the century.

Oh he was really something else. Very innocent looking animal but truely a wolf in sheeps clothing . When he would get out he also liked to" peeping tom" into the house so you would just be sitting there watching tv and something would move in the corner of your eye like a ghost so you would look over and there was Adolf standing on his hind legs so he would be tall enough so that he could see in the window and would just start at you. Just a creepy animal. Also thanks for coming over and taking a look at my blog. if it is ok i might drop you a link now and again so you can come laugh at my fucked up childhood.

Sadly I barely have time for that or the upvote power to reward your efforts.

I really cannot spread my votepower anymore, I have to give 3% upvotes otherwise I cannot reward comments.

Dont worry about the upvote. I just enjoy getting people to laugh and have a good time.

you can drop them to me :*

He has a very dedicated channel on here. You should go check it out. It is filled with some amazing information. I am very glad i followed him.

"Teaching people how to be successful", rarely makes more than 10 $ per post despite having more than 10k sp... this combined with the fact I hate people publishing self improvement shit and yeah no thanks :p

Contact me on, I can teach you how to make more money than him starting from tomorrow if you are willing to put a couple of hours into your posts ;)

It's all good. i just try and help hook people up with information. I am still learning so it is very helpful to me, you are way more advanced than i am at this so i assume probably not helpful to you at all. As for the teaching me , that sounds great!!! I have never been on do I just go on there and make an account like i would on dtube using my screen name and a key? I am assuming that is all i need to do.

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