What to do if your Steem newbie friend is getting Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Error

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Resolving Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Error

Why Does This Happen?

Many users are likely getting "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" error at the moment.

The reason for this is simple, lots of users are trying to use the network right now, but we only allow so much to happen per block. We limit this in order to prevent the costs of running a witness node from skyrocketing.

Steem's solution to the problem of limitless demand for network bandwidth and storage, is to allocate bandwidth according to stake. This is done dynamically, and ensures that everyone with at least some stake will get to use the network, although perhaps not all at the same time. If you're interested in reading up on this system, it is a bit beyond the scope of this post so I will refer you to the Steem Whitepaper.

What Can I do About It?

Solution 1. Delegate them some Steem Power yourself.

If you have a decent amount of SP available, you can solve this for your friend yourself. If you don't have much SP, skip this option.

Use the following URI:

https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=[youraccountname]&delegatee=[theiraccountname]&vesting_shares=20000.000000 VESTS

Replace [youraccountname] and [theiraccountname] accordingly. This will allocate about 9.6 Steem Power to your friend at the current rate. You will need to enter your Active Key or your main password into the SteemConnect form. This should allow them to continue to post for now, and after they have built up enough Steem Power of their own, you can take it back with the following URL:

https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/delegateVestingShares?delegator=[youraccountname]&delegatee=[theiraccountname]&vesting_shares=0.000000 VESTS

Solution 2. Contact a whale or witness to delegate Steem Power

Whales and witnesses have an incentive to take care of the network. We can't expect every user to be able to supply their own bandwidth, but it's in our interest to make sure legitimate users can post freely. So just ask one of us to perform the steps as shown in solution 1 above.

Solution 3. Purchase a Steem Power Delegation from Minnowbooster or Blocktrades

If you can't contact a whale or witness to solve this, you may be able to lease a delegation of Steem Power from a service provider.



Solution 4. Lobby the witnesses to increase the bandwidth per block

Increasing the bandwidth limits is kind of kicking the can down the road. Nonetheless, as the network scales we will need to be handling vast amounts of transactions, even if spam is 100% eliminated. The problem is that when we increase them now, the bandwidth is quickly consumed by spam, making the problem soon recur, only now our witness nodes are more expensive to run.

The ideal solution is to make sure that legitimate users have all the stake they need to post, and spam users are constrained, and only then increase the bandwidth limits. This isn't entirely realistic as many legitimate users will drop away from a bad user experience. It needs to be managed carefully. Nonetheless, witnesses will likely be forced to increase this limit quite soon.

Please consider voting for me as witness!


I'm curious about how this is supposed to differentiate legitimate new users who don't have a particular established presence on the platform from spam. Logically, rationally, observably – it literally can't.

Not only that, it actually has an observable negative impact on the platform with regards to new users versus spam. New users will absolutely go away. They have choices. They have other things they can do with their time and money. Spam accounts don't see this is a problem at all. They are automated; they can afford to keep spending all their time trying to post over and over until it goes through.

Why would this be thought of as a good idea?

In fact, it's pretty amazingly impressive at actually achieving the opposite of its stated intended purpose. You have to work hard to get that deep in the hole. Bravo, Steemit. Bravo.

If you're genuinely curious, I suggest you read Dan's old posts on the matter. Dynamic bandwidth limiting is the alternative to fees. Users are consuming a public resource, which increases the cost for witnesses and other node operators, and so bandwidth usage must be limited in some way. Dynamic bandwidth limitation allows you to make your comment without having to attach a fee despite the huge traffic on the network right now. Consider the fact that with 1/5th the number of transactions, a basic transaction on Bitcoin has been costing up to $25 in recent weeks.

Steem instead has a consensus method for the rules of inclusion, which ensures that small holders of stake can only increase the running costs of the system so much, while also allowing users like yourself to post for free.

The system doesn't differentiate between spam and normal users, but it prevents spam users from costing too much to the system. A human can differentiate spam and normal users, hence why I delegated stake to @ingaaa, since I know who she is. I would not delegate to a user who is spamming 'nice post' over and over.

I have actually read all of those pieces, I'm familiar with all of the justifications, and I am quite capable of analyzing the output and what will become of it – and combined with other issues of like nature on the chain,What I see happening is that such effects are given to the user by feedback, and if the user doesn't feel as if they are being rewarded as if they had access to good content

Thank you so much for helping me out, @demotruk! I really appreciate you taking the time and also explaining what happened in this post. All makes sense now.

P.S. Nice screenshot by the way :-)

Your sister gave me permission to use the screenshot. Hope that's alright.

Of course! You helped me out after all :-)

Resteeming this post. I had the same problem when my friend @davekavanagh joined. I got in touch with @neoxian on Steemit Chat and he sorted it out immediately.

Solution 3. Purchase a Steem Power Delegation from Minnowbooster or Blocktrades, It is the simplest and fastest solution in my opinion, even now I have a purchase order of Delegate SP to Minnowbooster, there are times when I simply can not do anything


That seems to be because nobody has accepted your offer yet.

Yes I am waiting,

I wanted to buy 500 for 2 reasons
1.- Have more bandwidth
2.- To Learn how works the modify the voting power

very good, clear and accurate information.
I see lots of new steemit users having problems as you mentioned above.
thank you and helpful postings and I am very willing to choose you as a witness.

hi @demotruk

how many more hours my delegate has been out of date
I will send the steem before the specified clock ends.
send a memo to it, i will send the steem now.

Yes, thank you
I already sent 100 steem to your account
you try to check

Great, thank you @abudar, I will update your delegation at the end of this evening.

ay I add steam, to get additional SP delegation from you.

hi @demotruk
yesterday, you once promised to send 1000 free SP to my account.
but never did I feel.
may know why?

Can you link me to this? I'm not sure what you are referring to.

may i add 100 steems again,
to get 20,000 SP delegates from you

I don't have extra SP available, but it may be possible next month.

I believe that what you're referring to was a conciliation offer. It was only in the case that we didn't continue our existing agreement. We decided instead to reduce the amount temporarily, and then increase it again.

yes it is true, I bid additional delegate to 20000 SP.
I understand, my confirmation, if it can get 20000.

Thanks for this educative post. It has just made my day.

A lot of persons most especially newbies have been complaining about their bandwidth getting exhausted and I've tried explaining the reasons for that over again. I guess with this post, I'll just hand over the link to this post and they'll read it theirselves.

Also, this post will serve as a reference article in future.

Thanks for sharing and

Happy Steeming

Thank you so much.I had to face this for several times and I did not have any idea of what to do or why is it happening.Thank you so much

Great post. I had this issue myself when I started posting regularly. Thankfully @condra came to the rescue.

  1. Tell them to go on steemit from 4pm to 8am EST. lol

The 1 was a #5 but it automatically switches to a 1.

Edit: nope, that doesn't work.

Thank you for this post @maryfavour directed me here. I made a post about this yesterday and would have loved to see your post b4 i made it.

It so sad that this is happening. I have lots of newbies i am tutoring and moat of them are getting the error and they come to me for help. I have delegated almost all my sp out for this.

Thanks this post

If a newbie is having trouble with bandwidth you can give me their username, I'll review and decide whether or not to delegate some SP to help.

Thanks for the list. I'll see what I can do.


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