Shifting sands and investment decisions

in #steem5 years ago

As you may have seen, my @steemcommunity partner in crime announced today that she is powering down the account for the Steem Power to be used on other projects. This is her first power-down and when we spoke privately she expressed 'sadness' at pressing the button. I can't argue though, the SP held in that account is just a poor investment right now.

@steemcommunity was put in place not to be a community, but in an attempt to help support communities on Steem to grow their accounts and reach. It was a bold project, particularly as the general fuel for 'success' around here is Steem Power based. We had the time, the energy, the willingness to help, but even combined we didn't have the Steem Power to support at the level we had planned to.

We did try though, and with the support of @yabapmatt, @curie, and more recently @esteemapp, have hosted weekly posts to encourage smaller accounts to both engage and power up their Steem. Those initiatives are still running, some at a loss, and all of which take time and effort, with little personal reward.

Well no-one asked you to do it.

And this is true, they didn't. But we didn't join with 10-20-100k SP, and have a reasonable understanding of the difficulties a newcomer faces. From managing your account to looking at the utter bollocks on trending thinking 'why, what is that all about?'. I guess we felt something was required to encourage and help, and that feeling of being of use, for me anyway, was enough (and still is) to take that time to help.

As we spoke privately today, one of the conversations was about the state of Steem at present, and in particular with regards to the Scot tribes. Paula has been busy earning real money, whilst I've been slumming it and throwing all my time and STEEM at the new 'communities' and their tokens.

Paula stated that she may be missing the tribes, but everyone is running their own project or their own tribes.... that Steem used to have a good community..... and that all that's left are community leaders and devs.

Too many little islands to have an impact. I'm no different really, now I just want to use my SP to support my own project and those that engage with that.

I see her point, especially with wanting to use that SP to support her own project. The 3.8k SP in the @steemcommunity account was used largely to support communities, and honestly, they didn't really return the favour - even on the one post we put out each week.

Islands though? I was unsure:

I don't see them as islands, more like small boats setting sail for new lands. One of them is gonna land, and hopefully find untold riches

Right Paula?

small boats with no gps, reading the stars


Which of us is right, time will tell. I've spent more time in the tribes though, and do see the potential of some. What I haven't seen much of as yet is advertising and marketing of these tribes to on-board creators, curators/investors from outside the already existing Steem community.

I would hazard a guess that over 90% of the tokens have been purchased by existing people (not accounts, I've seen more alts than ever before). I am not sure if the tribes will manage to bridge the gap and start bringing in the above from outside Steem - actifit, spliterlands, and as outside bets, dporn and creativecoin could be in with a chance. Or will we have to wait for SMT / Communities / a bull market, for anything serious to happen?

Another thing I've noticed with the tribes is that the spammers and thieves are back. I've not always been a fan of @cheetah and @steemcleaners, but on their huge list are a number of outright fucktards. And without the aforementioned accounts having stake in these tokens, the moderators and users that give a shit have a tough task to stop the bullshit from getting out of control.

Anyway, I'd like to think the tribes are boats seeking new lands and not islands, and the abusers are just 'have a go' pirates who can easily be thrown overboard. Helsing anyone?

Where is this post going now, I'll have to scroll up and read......

OK, I think most of that makes sense.

We are certainly not going anywhere, but you could see a little more of me (and my alts) than Paula over the coming months. My investment into the tribes should ensure that is the case, as I desperately try to support as many of the content producers across multiple 'communities' as I can each day.

I've not managed a #stem / #steemgeeks post yet, but hold the 9th largest account. I've managed one post for #creativecoin and that was a struggle, but hold over 11000 of those if you fancy being creative. I'm closing in on half a million SPORTS tokens, and hold around 7k PAL and LEO. Those numbers make me a Whale in most cases, and as you might expect by now, the vast majority of my vote is there for you - it's just I get a better return for visiting your shop with the author/curator percentages.

Mine, not the boat...

I'm going to go with the boat analogy to finish, and say it's good to see many I appreciate sailing along too.




So many boats.....

Sailing to greet millions of new recruits :0

In all seriousness though, thankyou for all you and @paulag do and have done for the community here. Steem has evolved, and users will evolve as well. I just hope the evolution brings the growth along with it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @sparkesy43, I appreciate that.

Here's hoping the shifting sands bring growth, whilst I look for a job just in case :)

Hey @abh12345, this comment might wander a bit, juts like your post...

I'm just returning to more active involvement after somewhat of a hiatus... what seems noteworthy about current developments in Steemlandia is this sense that we are in a gradual process of returning to "old school," albeit in a new "outfit:" This (tribes and their associated tokens) feels ever so much like the focused forums and message boards of 20 years ago. I think the state of Steemit (Steem)
perhaps speaks to a broader trend that "general" social media is in a slow spiral of decline.

I'm still defining my focus with this brave new world. PAL makes sense to me, just because of the track record and broad support. CCC makes sense to me because I can fit posts in under creative photography. LEO makes sense to me because I'm interested in the investing angle. INT(repreneur) makes sense to me because everyone in this household is self-employed.

So there seems to be an "invitation" of sorts, there. Instead of focusing on will this make money, I am probably going to focus on the things that interest me most, and it WILL make money because I am approaching it with some degree of passion.

Yes, I've gotten various other airdrops... but honestly? I'll probably dump them and use the funds to buy and stake in my "core interest group."

But that's just MY approach (and it's still being fine tuned!), and keeping an eye on not getting spread too thin. Will all this ever become "worth" something? Beats me... but my combined PAL, LEO and CCC stakes are already "worth" more than I have managed to build my SP in the course of almost 18 months. Which perhaps says something...

As for Steem? Strikes me it is STILL a pretty awesome blockchain project, in the greater context of the blockchain world... and there surely must be some point at which someone will wake up to the idea that the Steem currency is undervalued, vis-a-vis the blockchain it's built on. But maybe that's just not how it works...


I'll probably dump them and use the funds to buy and stake in my "core interest group."

I think this is a fair approach if you plan to be active in those areas as it's possible that soon there will be 100's of communities and it won't be possible to keep tabs on all of them.

Welcome back from your cat-nap :)

Thank you for all you do here Asher, though how you manage all those accounts is beyond me. I have just a @slobberchops.tri account configured via steemrewarding with some rules for mine.

How can this be portrayed to the masses? It's far too technical. !CHOPS.

Thanks man. Don't under-estimate how much your accounts have been keeping people around this past year via support and production of quality content.

The account management isn't so bad as I've got a combination of trailing the main account and some 'local' rules set out which I'm building as I go.

I have a feeling the masses will come for one tribe/interest. It's only us guys doing the juggling act with a hope that we can be in early on the future winning communities.

Cheers for the chop!

I have a feeling the masses will come for one tribe/interest.

With the tentative announcement of SMT's, what is going to happen I wonder? To me it looks like a decentralised version of the Scot-Tribes which are going to compete with each other.

Is it wise to invest in these tokens if 'the real thing' is going to fart all over what is happening now. If only I could see 1 year into the future.

There are some technical differences regarding Scot being a side-chain, and tokens here being less likely to go on larger exchanges, but I hear that the tribes doing well will likely have the option of integrating (becoming?) an SMT if they wish.

So with that hearsay in mind, I'm not overly worried about SMT farting over what has appeared due to the 2 year delay.

but I hear that the tribes doing well will likely have the option of integrating (becoming?) an SMT if they wish.

Interesting, is this from STInc? Are they actually noticing things that are happening on the blockchain besides their stuff.

I never though that would happen, or is this simply my assumption?

I heard it somewhere, maybe in an Direct Message on Discord, and/or maybe when @exyle interviewed Yabap last week. That interview is available in his feed and it's always worth listening to what the top Witness has to say.

I'm so far behind on tribes I didn't even know that's what they were called. Still here, though. Glad to see y'all moving resources to where you think they'll best be used, and for the continued encouragement in general. We change, we evolve, right?

Hi @katrina-ariel, nice to see you!

Personally, I think you should be looking to add #creativecoin to much of your content. Have a read about what is deemed acceptable to the tribe.

The tribe URL is (but you can post from where you usually do and just log in here to claim your rewards) to either power the CCC (creative coins) up or trade for STEEMP or whatever else you fancy.

Good luck! :)

@abh12345, Yes, it's difficult to push that power down button but hope that wherever it will flow will bring effective returns and productive results. Good wishes from my side towards this Community.

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Thank you @chireerocks, same to you.

Welcome and thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

I guess I have to catch up on my feed but I think it is totally understandable that we often have to go for a certain reset to move on. I think both paths will lead to better things over time. I would have wished the project to achieve its goal for a longer period of time but I think we also have to recognize the impact it has had which has been positive! Thanks!

Yes me too - the bear has won out in the end and time on other projects makes much more sense.


The tribes open up new opportunities for rewards, especially at a time when Steem is so low.

But on the other hand it also creates a lot of spam and shit content when some are pushing out multiple content each day just for the upvote. Hopefully mods from those tribes will keep a strong grip on the content otherwise their token may end up just like the content.

Yep, and yep.

How the tribe is moderated will be a key factor in it's success or otherwise. The new rewards and the lack of influence from the 'old' cleaning accounts has given the abusers new opportunity.

Both you and @paulag have been instrumental in helping so many people, including me, build their accounts. You have been great examples on how to Steem the right way and I hope the future holds great things for both of you.

That's very kind of you @melshadow, thank you :)

Where is this post going now, I'll have to scroll up and read......

OK, I think most of that makes sense.

...I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that when I write posts...

I appreciate both of you, and here's hoping things get better for everyone! <3


Thank you @phoenixwren :)

Yeah this one wasn't really that structured, I get lost without a graph or pie chart!

Mods in scot tribes sure are busy. In one community I’m in they noted they just spent a lot of time dealing with stuff just for today. At least they a number of options for dealing with stuff much better than a random tag.

Tribes have been very kind to me. I’ve made it onto some more front page trending. Has sure changed things up and made things fun again.

I spend an hour or two each day at present managing rewards for a tribe. It's not fun but more of a necessity.

Glad to hear that, I forgot to mention I've got some GG and BATTLE tokens, that I hope you are receiving a share of :)

SteemAce tribe has been very kind. My posts are getting so many random upvotes even days later from my content getting discovered. it's quite amazing and not something I'm use to seeing.

Exactly how it should be. A post on Trending receiving votes because new eyes see and appreciate :)

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