Orca 2020

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Goals, apparently we need them. So that's mine - to become a 50 k SP account by the start of 2020...................

Blogging your way to 50k these days I would suggest is going to be pretty tough - many managed it in 2016 but it's likely a 5+ year job if you are starting out now. I started blogging frequently in April 2017, even though my account is 7/8 months older, and I've made it to 16.5k. I have taken some off the table, during the boom of Jan 2018, and at times when I really haven't wanted to over the past 6/9 months. But, I've also been super lucky in the support I've received and the timing of @utopian-io was perfect - just a month or two after I quit my last role. Without some seriously kind assistance and analysis Posts often taking days to put together, I'd be lucky to be close to 10k.

So what's the plan to get to 50k by the start of 2020?


Buy Steem every month (probably starting in April) thanks to slaving away in my new Job :D

Yep, I got a job - the first one I applied for, and the only one I really wanted, in Valencia - Spain. It's IT stuff again, but no-one reading really gives a shit about that, what about Valencia?!

It's a sweet city, cause things...

Science is important, but sometimes considered 'dull', so we made this as the museum source

Towards the beach and at the mouth of the Turia (a river which was redirected because it kept flooding the city), is the Science Museum, which is pretty stunning - better than the museum in my opinion. The old river bed, now a park which cuts through Valencia, is something every city should have. It's packed at the weekend - cycle lanes, running tracks, cafes, and even a baseball court. I'm looking forward to visiting the park for lunch and a beer, unless I'm going for a jog of course.

City first, trees later source

There cant be too many cities in which a second chance to fill the the place with trees and social stuff was given, but when the river was moved, the decision was made to make the riverbed into into a park. Totally cool.

Looks nice? Yeah we burn this plastic right down yo source

In March, Las Fallas, or The Fires. Supposed to last 5 days or so, but pretty much takes the first 3 weeks of the month up. Kids leave school and mum hands over a box of fireworks. Es normal. Okkk then!

The Mascletà, which 'is a pyrotechnic event characterized by the achievement of a noisy and rhythmic composition that features, particularly during daytime, in street festivities' source, is a must see, or hear. They seem to be happening constantly as streets are closed to allow the organisation of 5 million 'bangers', and statues like the photo above. They sit in the middle of the road prior to the final day (19th Match I think), before going up in smoke, and shorting the life-span of every inhabitant. The material is some sort of plastic, and its painted. HELLOOOOOO???? Cool stuff though, loads of food (plastic taste likely), masses of people (paying triple for an airbnb), and of course, they do beer - which I will be able to afford to buy again at some point!

Work though...

Hmm. I have 3/4 weeks until I start, and then I'll have to wake up at 6:30 am again and sit at a desk... That's going to be tough to begin with. I'm hoping to be able to catch a lift to and from the office in the beginning, but when I've been paid and the mornings are lighter and warmer, I'll probably buy another mountain bike and cycle again. Depending on where I get a place to rent, it's something like 13 km to work - A fair distance, especially when travelling home at 4:30 when the temperature could also start with a 4 and a 3. Good exercise though - 6 pack at 41 seeing as I missed the 40 deadline? :)

The positives are the cash, the city, more exercise, some people to talk to, and yeah, I still got the beach to visit. Two large screens and 300+ virtual servers await though - not so lovely. But needs must, I want that STEEM, and this is my chance to make it to Orca 2020.

Wish me luck!



You are going to one of my dream destinations. Why can't you live closer to the job? That would be my goal.

And you could post more often, although probably not now with the new job.

I have nowhere near your goal in mind, but I do hope to get fitifun over 1000 sp and fitinfunfood over 500. I do not have timeframes, but maybe I should. It is hard to plan when I never stop typing except to sleep these days.

My next goal is to go get and lug water back here, but it just started pouring so maybe not.

It is a lovely location for sure!

The job is based very close to the airport and a little out of town. It's not the nicest area to live, the city is much preferred.

I could post more often yes, and have posted twice in one day on at least 3 occasions in 2 years :D Sometimes it's not about quantity, and I'm not saying my efforts are quality, they just arrive, generally once a day.

Goals are good for ya! I'm crap at taking my own advice but if I do reach 50k, I'm going to pretty happy with myself.

I hope you get some rest and come back with a full bucket of water :)

I did trudge up there and get water! My 2:00 am run :) Yes, you are better off in town for sure, so I guess you will be commuting. You have many sights to see each weekend and be sure to post about them!

I missed the post, but then again, I missed a lot on steem this last week. Congratulations on the job. You now have a very good Idea of how much you will need when you retire full time. Valencia should be a great place, I remember in I think it was sixth grade we had to do a report on a city somewhere in the world. The teacher had a list of 50 cities to choose from, I picked Valencia Spain. I don't remember why, probably because I liked the sound of the city name.

Howdy sir Asher! I love the looks of that park and the city looks really nice and the job is going to pay off big time so well done and good luck on reaching that 50K!

Great news and well deserved! Will be great to hear your experiences getting back to the desk. Let’s have a race to Orca?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks very much!

I will certainly be writing about the desk, hopefully with some positivity as I am pretty keen to get stuck in to something else for a little while - especially if the end result means I can be a buyer again.

Race to Orca... (checks current @newageinv SP).. Just a few K in it... OK you are on!

Yep, I got a job


Buy Steem every month (probably starting in April) thanks to slaving away in my new Job :D


Congrats and good on you. You’re one of the few community people I can stand to read when I catch their post on one of the trends page. I unfollow a lot of people just so I can filter out the self-serving garbage and narcissism

If more people on here would write:

I got a job...

I go to work...

I pay my own way to...

I buy my own steem...

This platform might seem less unhealthy. Maybe they also need their parents reading their posts. ;)

Good luck on your well balanced plan of becoming an Orca!

Maybe they also need their parents reading their posts. ;)


Hi mum!

Thank you Linny :) It is a plan at least, and if I fall short I don't think it will be the end of the world - there's always next year.

It's been hard to miss the goings on here recently, and some may think I'm closer to the 'action' than most. I decided last year though that my opinions will stay off chain on things deemed negative to Steem, and that I would be focusing on the positives. And I think that plan is working OK so far.

Thanks for the best wishes!

Don't worry man, if he can do it, you can too!


Congrats and good luck with your new job.

haha :D Abs of steel! or glass - either way, pretty tough!

Thanks very much. If you fancy a weekend away.... :D

Congrats with the job! What is the job about with all those virtual servers? Hopefully those screens are in front of a window with a view😎 Valencia has plenty of great views. Great city to live I guess!? They ain’t there at the moment but @for91days lives there.

About the goal, though one but you have to raise the bar high to get some things done I assume🤓 good luck with chasing that bar hope to be somewhere around when you reach it💪

Yes there is a nice view, of the airport haha :D

It is a real cool city, and I'm excited to return (more than starting work I have to admit!)

It's a target at least, 50k seems far away but if the price stays around here (hopefully lower sorry!), I may have an outside chance. Cheers!

Hopefully only the view not the noise?🎧

Hope to have a trip to Valencia somewhere later this year! We must do a pre-toast at the ages of the Orca🍻. I really don't care about the lower Steem prices, as long as the platform stays as fun as it is now. So let's cross our fingers for some lower months of steem this summer😈? (Think we're making friends here 🤣)

No noise at all really, so that is a plus. The travel to/from the city is a bit of a pain, I hope to ride my bike during the warmer months :)

Well if you can make it to the city then be sure to let me know - by then I will have found a couple of nice places for a toast :D

Valencia looks like a place I'd like to visit when I become a whale :)
Goodluck on the 50k SP journey, it totally looks doable.

Thank you @greenrun! I'll do my best to make it there.

Valencia has a lot going for it and I recommend putting on the 'to visit' list for sure :)

My to-do list is already checked. :)

Wow! That sounds amazing, fabulous city and Orca goal. Good luck with both, you're certainly going to enjoy the journey! 😊

Thank you @shanibeer!

I wish I had beer in my username, but at least i'll have some really nice local craft beer again :)

See you at 50k!

Hey, congratulations man!! Valencia is beautiful!

Buying steem is the way to go. I have a similar goal! Exact same number and everything. I am a wee bit closer than you but I suspect you will have more disposable cash than me!

Hope that office has air con! :0)

I always assumed Asher was your alt.

You have to have conversations with your alt to maintain cover :0D




You have to have conversations with your alt to maintain cover :0D

Don't I know it.... @ned

Damn, did the guitar playing in my earliest posts give it away!?

Better spin up my other alts, I've been rumbled!!

It is the lion's mane hair.

The clippers are coming. Hey that works be a good name for an alt!

Yeah it's a sweet city and the main reason for wanting to head back.

If the price drifts around where it's at right now for the majority of this year, I reckon I'll be close. Watch it scoot over a dollar in the next four weeks now!

Thank you!

It always bloody scoots up when you don't want it to, lol!

Not so much these days but aye!

X marks the moment I accepted, what a twat!

Hehe, isn't it typical! I remember when the price was plummeting I said to myself that I would do a big buy when it went to 25p, thinking it could get no lower. If course two days later it was like 19p or something!

I'll be hoping to buy multiple times under a $. For some reasons I see 1$ as fair game - based on nothing at all!

based on nothing is as good a guess as any @abh12345!

It's good to have reasons, even if they are based on just about nothing!

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