God Kept Some Secrets Which Human Don't Know

in #spirituality6 years ago

Hello Friends,

Here I am Lucia again trying to find a good and virtuous topic to inscribe and share on my blog.

So the topic for today is "World's economy position".

The main secret that God hid us is reincarnation. We have all returned again and again and in each life we ​​were pushed, thrown, tested and, sometimes, brutally murdered. Those who have a link with the Spirit of the Universe grew stronger while others weakened. We are fast approaching the end of the day when we are counted as who we are and what we have done in our lives.


My reincarnation and my link with the real God is meant to explain the secrets and why they were not revealed before this time. Religion was allowed as a barrier to prevent someone from discovering them and my commission is to remove that wall from man's confusion and reveal the facts.

The evidence is in the prophecies of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation but they are also part of the confusion. The Bible is a very polluted document in which men have inserted their own interpretations of life and have destroyed the purity of the words of the Spirit for their own, the children of Israel.

In the same way, they would also have destroyed the evidence that was established as a trap to trap them. At the time of its compilation, those responsible for the production and interpretation of the Bible had no idea of ​​what God had in store. The prophecies, therefore, were overlooked because they practically did not make sense at that time.

One of those prophecies refers to the wall. God promised that a stormy wind would tear him apart and great hailstones would destroy him (Ezekiel 13: 13-14). At the time he was received by the prophet, no one expected the bombs to fall from the sky by plane or missiles. Nobody expected something like the Internet to be invented to send a stormy wind of knowledge and rumors to bring religions to their knees.

In that prophecy, the Spirit also promised to expose its foundation so that the understanding of man's deception would destroy his systems. The notions of heaven and hell are very important in God's list of destruction (Isaiah 34: 4) where it is promised that the host of heaven will dissolve and fall like leaves on a tree.

That host includes the angels, the saints, the gods of the trinity and the false gods of the invention of man. If they were supposed to survive for all eternity, why would they dissolve? The meaning behind this is that their religions will be wiped out by the wind and the false gods will collapse.

Reincarnation has brought everyone back into a body during the last days, a time in which we are now. They are judged according to how they have lived throughout their lives (Job 5: 19-22). Those who are not of the Spirit and whose actions are against are being taken out of the way since the bombs are in place and some are already raining.

The greatest secret that is saved from the world is that the Universal Spirit is God. He is the Great Creator who fills all space and is within each one of us to determine how we live our lives. The children of God are called by the name of Israel. They are those who are linked to the Spirit who hear the voice of God and are experiencing the return of miracles (Isaiah 28: 9-11).

It was promised that the last prophet will be a woman called the Daughter of Zion (Micah 4: 10,13) and that she will have the answers. This will happen through the Internet, which is the Mountain of Zion (Mich. 4: 1) through which the Spirit speaks to the world at the same time and everyone can hear the message.

These are the secrets that are kept from man and in his ignorance he has opposed the power of the Spirit. Now it is coming to a conclusion and the prophecies are correct and man has not been allowed to change anything important.

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So friends, upvote & follow me if you like my post and share your thoughts in comments.

Bye for now, Take care...

Read my other posts...




Regards from: @luciamuresan



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