
in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


Two years ago I had a very profound energetic connection going on on the Astrals where I was directly connecting to five Souls I will share a very close bond with next life. What happened more specifically was that we connected telepathically through our Hearts, and Astral projected towards each other. The six of us will be born onto different planets, with each planetary 'theme' being tailored to our Soul's interest.

In case you haven't read Part 1, I recommend you to first do that here.

Technological disinterest

My birth planet is a place where technology will be almost non-existent in many cities. Technology will literally be a rather alien concept to the humanoid population, which is not to say that there won't be any involvement with technological means at all. As a matter of fact, my home planet cultivates a healthy relationship with the technology planet one of my five "Soul mates" will be born onto. But what I mean by "alien concept" is that the Soul interest 'technology' is very scarcely represented among a planetary consciousness which largely draws its ideas from multifarious nature. As such, technological applications' electromagnetic waves even pose a real thread to some of the planet's natural transportation systems (which I might go more into depth in another article).

Many people on Earth see technological development as a means of life facilitation, hence the elimination of technology would be considered as a major regression. Yet as so often, this is a subjective perspective based upon our Soul's resonance with a certain consciousness expression. "As within, so without" as the hermetic wisdom goes, with our Soul's individual interest being the "within" and the matching planetary collective consciousness the "without".
Having said that, I have rather detached myself from Earth's planetary stream of consciousness, and connected to the consciousness expression of another planet.
Yet without any sense of one being worse or better, more or less important than the other. It is just about Soul resonance.

Universalisation instead of Globalisation

With that in mind, there are going to be some items and inventions which are from extraplanetary descent. When here on Earth we talk about "Globalisation" to refer to the process of increasing interaction between people on a worldwide scale thanks to transportation and communication "advancements", here we talk about "Universalisation" to refer to a planet's increasing interaction between races on a Universal scale thanks to transportation systems like that of portals and space ships on the one hand, communication devices such as inter and intradimensional mobile phones on the other.

Portals as Quantum doors for extraplanetary travel

Now, portals will be the commonplace method used for extraplanetary travel, and on a simplified level portals are Quantum doors lazing together space fabric within one dimension or between several dimensions. The moment we enter a portal our body becomes Quantum as well, and when we leave the portal we get back into our 'normal' body density state. Which is why Portal travel can be exhausting, because the longer we are Quantum, the least dense energy state, the more it will wear us out upon returning into our higher density body state. In a sense, this is where we feel the heaviness of our body's energetic density. Depending on the distance to be covered, entering a portal leads us to several portal stations to reach our destiny, since one portal alone might not be designed for straight transportation.

There will also be space ships, yet my birth planet will rather serve as a landing and departing site for extraplanetary spaceships instead of engaging in the build-up of spaceships themselves. You might wonder why space ships are necessary in the first place when there are portals making the journey not only much quicker but also less complicated for the user. The answer is simple: exploration. Portals serve the purpose of transportation from A to B yet nothing else. Spaceships allow for thorough reconnoitering of the planet's surroundings and data harvesting about other planets' atmospheric anomalies. Of course they too can be used for simple A to B transfer, but this kind of usage will be among the less common ones.

Intradimensional and Interdimensional mobile phones

One of the few extraplanetary technological inventions which took hold on my birthplanet are intradimensional and interdimensional mobile phones to connect for example to friends from other planets. A dimension is a location in the Universe where distinct Light matter property exists. "Intra" refers to a planetary cluster within the same dimension, while "inter" refers to planetary clusters from different dimensions. These kind of mobile phones are exlusively designed for mutual connection (NO internet). When I received this message about intra and interdimensional mobile phones in the dream state I didn't like it so much, but as far as I grasped it the extend to which these mobile phones are being used is nothing compared to Earth's mass addiction.

That's it for part 2!


I have written whole pages at Home dedicated to insights pertaining to my next life, and they keep coming in. Most notably, I always receive information I never counted with, while the questions I DO have turn out to be the ones I don't get answer for, because I don't need to know them now and get to experience them when I am there. We all have access to our 'Universal dreams' as I like to call them. Yet most of the time people are too immersed in daily worries so that their entire dream state is teeming with exactly these worries, making for the Universal dreams' repression into our subconscious. Practising mental Silence to eliminate outdated thought patterns in combination with the regular recording of your dreams will eventually bring you closer to your own Soul's treasure trove of unique insights undreamed of!

Much Love and Light,


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All the fascistic power freaks, religions and technocrats is a world State, have a non-realizable Utopia of total control, but the global State of corporatism is trying to make uniform rules of domination, making the actual globalization a free trade agreement to stop free will of the growing numbers of impoverished people.
The States are getting bigger and impersonal to deal with the satisfaction of the citizen's needs.
The House of Cards of this non-ethical capitalism has too many "Revolving-Doors" with a brotherhood with the multinationals and controlling the media, that sell us the advantages of a fake-globalization that reinforces the concentration of the " Machine"'s power over people's will.
With your vivid spirit, I suggest you read some of my old posts (long reading hehe) for the view of a universal decentralization and control on the planet's health, where a total revolution of today's framework of power is proposed.
Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part II

"Is the blockchain the "Engine Room" of "Starship Earth"? - Part I
Is the blockchain the new Global City? - Part II
Is the blockchain the new Global City? - Part I

Thanks for your dedicated comment! I read them tomorrow when I am more fresh again! The headlines sound very promising :)

Very interesting to see how you perceived my article, and I agree with all you say. I too am aware of the 'real' Intentions behind Globalisation. Hidden agendas all over. I realize more than ever how people blindly judge others by their words, not their deeds. More people wake up the those hoaxes but there is still a huge dominance of unaware people.
As to technology, I do my best to decelerate as much as possible my use of it. Not because I harbour resentment towards it, but the overflow of technology simply shows me what I really want.

Thanks you very much! :)

You should publish some books if you haven't.
Your writing draws the reader right in to want more.

Haha, that is a nice gesture! Perhaps I'll eventually make a DBook comprised of these posts. Who knows :)

I nearly missed this article series, fortunatly I found it. Resteem.

It makes a likely possibility realy vivid and real. I think People need storrys like this to understand (by feeling and not by reasoning). Sciencefiction or in thise case Scienceperception is a powerfull language and in hindsight often realy pricise.

Do you think, one can find a way to solve earthlings problems by going on spiritual journeys? Because most journeys and dreams are kind of extrapolation (into past or future) or extreme deviation in parallel worlds and therefore dont hold solutions

😃 I agree that many readers of this article probably think that it is a fictional write even though I clearly say it isn't. This is owing to the great split of consciousness, hence difficult to grasp for many. But we can all do that!

'Extrapolation' is a great term!
I often say, transitioning is like dreaming, only that we are no longer tethered to our body. All we link to 'death' is due to our thoughts we have about it, which in turn are merely a result of external conditioning, but the actual process is much more wonderful and has nothing to do with these thoughts.
So our dreams lead all of us into our next lifetime, whether we are aware of it or not. Those stuck in daily worries mostly do not even remember their dreams. The more we practise mental Silence the more we release our fears in the dream state. In this way, we do not only remember our dreams better but we also become more awake in the dream state. Yes, there are dreams which give us encrypted hints in our life decision-making. Yet these are different to those 'Universal dreams' which hold data of our past lives, future lives, parallel lives. The best way to heal the world is in healing ourselves. I highly recommend it!

thank you for clarification. I think mainstream spirituality (or the term spirituality) brings most people far away from what actualy is possible. Im still not a practitioner of any meditation but the more i digged into biology and natural science (down to quantum-biology and up to cosmology and then entered meta-theories and fractal-cosmology) the more i felt the need. But every where it is kind of noisy (not accoustic noise) like the places are disintegradet or poluted. Even the City in my back, feels like its interfering, not sure if its imagination

I love this comment! I would like two upvote it twice! :)

I agree. Mainstream spirituality distracts us in the real possibilities. I don't watch any spiritually related videos or movies etc because they are somewhat external conditioning on the one hand, somewhat deprives me from my own unique path on the other.

I love that you found to spirituality through Quantum science!
And yes, noise is really a big factor. Most people fear the Silence because this is when the fears become louder within us.
I love silence and life in huge cities is definitely not my thing. It drains my energy. :)

Another great insight into a higher connection of consciousness beyond ones life. Thank you for the write-up!

Cool that you liked it! :)
Thank you!

I really love that show, Fringe, as it had parallel timelines. Also fan of Star Gate which has interstellar or interplanetary gates, travel, and I love Star Trek, technology. I prefer family first values and there are differences between globalism and globalization and also universalism. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Hi! Yeah, I have been in Spaceships quite often as well on the Astrals and used Portals about three times fully aware! :)

As you are such a fan of Star Gate and Star Trek, I have an interesting video for you which you can watch if you want :) Definitely worth watching! :)


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