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RE: Insights into my next Lifetime Part 2

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

I nearly missed this article series, fortunatly I found it. Resteem.

It makes a likely possibility realy vivid and real. I think People need storrys like this to understand (by feeling and not by reasoning). Sciencefiction or in thise case Scienceperception is a powerfull language and in hindsight often realy pricise.

Do you think, one can find a way to solve earthlings problems by going on spiritual journeys? Because most journeys and dreams are kind of extrapolation (into past or future) or extreme deviation in parallel worlds and therefore dont hold solutions


😃 I agree that many readers of this article probably think that it is a fictional write even though I clearly say it isn't. This is owing to the great split of consciousness, hence difficult to grasp for many. But we can all do that!

'Extrapolation' is a great term!
I often say, transitioning is like dreaming, only that we are no longer tethered to our body. All we link to 'death' is due to our thoughts we have about it, which in turn are merely a result of external conditioning, but the actual process is much more wonderful and has nothing to do with these thoughts.
So our dreams lead all of us into our next lifetime, whether we are aware of it or not. Those stuck in daily worries mostly do not even remember their dreams. The more we practise mental Silence the more we release our fears in the dream state. In this way, we do not only remember our dreams better but we also become more awake in the dream state. Yes, there are dreams which give us encrypted hints in our life decision-making. Yet these are different to those 'Universal dreams' which hold data of our past lives, future lives, parallel lives. The best way to heal the world is in healing ourselves. I highly recommend it!

thank you for clarification. I think mainstream spirituality (or the term spirituality) brings most people far away from what actualy is possible. Im still not a practitioner of any meditation but the more i digged into biology and natural science (down to quantum-biology and up to cosmology and then entered meta-theories and fractal-cosmology) the more i felt the need. But every where it is kind of noisy (not accoustic noise) like the places are disintegradet or poluted. Even the City in my back, feels like its interfering, not sure if its imagination

I love this comment! I would like two upvote it twice! :)

I agree. Mainstream spirituality distracts us in the real possibilities. I don't watch any spiritually related videos or movies etc because they are somewhat external conditioning on the one hand, somewhat deprives me from my own unique path on the other.

I love that you found to spirituality through Quantum science!
And yes, noise is really a big factor. Most people fear the Silence because this is when the fears become louder within us.
I love silence and life in huge cities is definitely not my thing. It drains my energy. :)

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