Energy Healing & The Law of Attraction

in #spiritual7 years ago (edited)

I tend to assume that people know what I’m talking about when I talk about my energy work, becausee in the past I have been mainly chatting with people who have been following my work for years, but from some of the comments I’m getting on my posts here, it is reminding me that most people on Steemit are very new to my work, so an explanation of what I do would probably be really helpful!

When I channel energy I am mainly using the following types of energy work:

Adding and Working on the Positive

  • Filling
  • Divine Transmissions
  • Floating

Getting rid of the Negative

  • Releasing
  • Cutting
  • Disconnecting
  • Revoking
  • Clearing

Working in the Quantum Field

  • Pure Intention

To understand what I’m talking about with these types of energy work, then imagine that your energy field, that is all the energy inside of your aura, is a big balloon and energy outside of your aura is the global energy that can affect the energy inside your balloon.

Whatever energy work we are doing is to change what is being stored inside your energy field to make it better. We want to get rid of all the low, dark, sabotaging and unwanted energies (releasing) and add lots of Pure, good uplifting energies (filling).

We have all heard about the ‘Law of Attraction’, probably watched the film ‘The Secret’ and tried out the positive thinking and sending out intentions for what you desire!

Many people got really ‘hyped up’ with this information, had really high expectations and got really dismal results and probably decided that the Law of Attraction was a load of rubbish / garbage that didn’t work!

The Law of Attraction does work though, it is a Natural Law of the Universe, however there was missing information in the movie The Secret and this is why it didn’t work for most people!

This missing information is that the magnetic effect of the Law of Attraction, where ‘Like Attracts Like’ works on the most dominant energy in your energy field and not what you are thinking about in the moment.

So for an example:
You think hey cool; I’d like lots of money, so I’m going to send out and intend that money flows to me, or even more specific and get a picture of a car or holiday you want and imagine this flows to you. You repeat doing this daily and keep sending out and hoping that this car or holiday flows to you.

However, your most dominant energy, hidden beneath the surface, like the hidden 2/3 of an iceberg is sending out a different message. Hidden beneath the surface is all the lack energy, not good enough, can’t afford, never lucky, good never flows to me etc and this energy is bigger and more powerful than your intentions in the moment, so you continue to attract your most dominant energy instead of what you desire . . not cool!


To have the Law of Attraction work for us we need to change our dominant energy and this is where energy work is so powerful with getting rid of the bad and filling with the good!

In this post I will talk about the ‘Adding and Working on the Positive’ or Filling with the Good.

Filling Audios

To have more of what we desire we need to add good and Pure energies to our energy field. I call this type of energy work Filling. 

I will ask a Pure energy to ‘Fill’ an area of your energy, (mind, body, spirit, heart, soul etc) with a certain Pure energy. The Pure energies that I channel are:

  • Pure Love
  • Pure Light
  • Pure Peace
  • Pure Stillness
  • Pure Joy
  • Pure Wisdom
  • Pure Truth
  • Pure Abundance

Source - original image from

It is good to filling energy work anytime to just feel better! Filling is also recommended after doing releasing and other energy work that is removing unwanted energies away. We don’t want to leave a ’space’ for the unwanted energies to sneak back into again!

The more we fill with Pure and Divine energies, the more the Law of Attraction will work for us.
We can only attract what we have stored in us, so if we want more love then we need to fill with Pure Love so we can attract.

To see my  Filling Audios click here.

Divine Transmissions

My transmissions are longer audios designed to really relax you, fill you with lots of Pure Energies and take you on a journey into a higher vibration where you can really start to feel the beautiful energies and enjoy relaxing and feeling the tingles and lovely experiences!

Some people might liken them to a mediation because they are so relaxing, but they are not ‘guided meditations’.
Their intention is to really relax and calm you and work on raising your frequency with lots of filling and floating energy work. Because of this people often feel a little spacey afterwards, so they are great for switching off and before bed.

You can click here see my Divine Transmissions.

Floating Audios

If you are looking to really raise your vibration in the most beautiful and profound way then 'Floating' is the most amazing way I know to do this! To feel this energy work you can say ‘Floating, Floating, Floating’ and notice how you feel! 

You can also hear me do Floating energy work on this video:

This energy work is very Light, high, Pure and feels so amazing. You do feel like your energy is being lifted or made lighter and you will feel relaxed and blissed out afterwards, so I recommend you listen when you have time to chill afterwards!

My Floating Audios will have you feeling blissful and spaced out so best to listen when it is ok for you to relax and just enjoy these beautiful feelings!

My Floating Audios include the following audios:

  • Float Clear Transmission
  • Floating to Heaven Transmission
  • Floating & Being Your Mind, Heart & Soul
  • Floating into Being

You can see me doing energy work on dtube, also I have Free Resources on my website that you can check out. I honestly believe that energy work has huge power, so if you've never tried it out then I recommend you take a look and give it a go!

 To read my other posts - click here  

© Copyright Michelle Carter    


A friend of mine loaned me that video of "The Secret" a couple of years back. Although I found it interesting, I did feel at the end of it that something was missing but I could not put my finger on it.
I was not convinced.
Your explanation goes a long way to clear the matter for me Michelle: Excellent job

By the way, have a check your link to the dtube, it was not working when I tried it. : )

I'm pleased my explanation has helped you understand 'attracting' more. It never made sense to me it just being about thinking and desiring with so many living in poverty and lack and not desiring this!

Thanks for letting me know about the dtube link. It isn't letting me edit right now, so here's the link -

& I'll try editing again later! :)

Very neat. Thank you for the intro on the topic. Being the nerd that I am, I always need concrete empirical evidence in order to believe such things exist. After years of research, especially on quantum theory, it does suggest that our reality is under a veil only exposing us to a small part of the spectrum that actually exists. I look forward to listening to your audio and reading more of your articles. Peace be with you <3

You're welcome, thanks for your comments.
Yes science is really stating to prove much of what spirituality has shared now through Quantum Physics. Gregg Braden has done work showing that 'heart / love energy' is 5,000 times more powerful than thinking energy, which shows the power in love and positive emotions for healing!
I'm really pleased that you're looking forward to reading more of my articles and listen to my audio. I hope you enjoy them and feel the peace in the audio.
Peace and blessings to you <3

Hi Michelle - thanks for the info on your work and your thoughts about the LoA. It's such a nuanced, complicated subject. I definitely agree with what you say about hidden dominant energies. Sometimes it's hard to even know the right questions to ask to discover the blockages, and even moreso do the work to overcome what holds them in place.

Filling is very important, and you have a really lovely selection of energies you work with. Beyond personal healing, I think this is why when people smudge and clear a space, negative activity returns because nothing was put back to change the environment so it's just a vacuum for whatever happens to be nearby.

Your Floating work is really unique and exceptional, and I really hope to be able to get some of your tracks and work with it more in the future. :)

Thanks for your comments on my posts. I intend to comment back properly this evening...weekends are crazy with family activity.

Again, thank you for the excellent work you do and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

<3 K

You're welcome K! Thanks for reading and for your comments.
Yes those hidden energies can be tricky to find and get rid of, does take does delving and determination sometimes!

I did releasing for quite a while before fully releasing the power and need for filling, so I did it backwards, so now I work to let people know how important filling is to bring in the good, which is the result we all desire!

Thanks for your lovely comments on my floating energy work. I'm so pleased you enjoy it and I'm sure you'll love my floating tracks, they are amazing to listen to and feel the floating feelings! :)

You're welcome re your posts, and worries about time, we all have busy times! Family time is important!

Thanks for your appreciation and thank you for all you do too! May you have a wonderful weekend! <3

health are most power of life.

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