Calling all club members and investors !! Let's talk SPI token split

in #spinvest5 years ago

Hello everybody, today we will be mostly talking about splitting the SPI token. This is something i have been thinking about for 4 months already so get prepared to suck up some information and make a judgment as this will be next weeks club vote.


Steem powered investments @spinvest has been set up to offer an investment fund based on funding from STEEM POWER. Investments are funded through extracting value out of STEEM POWER and taking advantage of STEEM's high inflation rate. The aim is not to get rich quick; the aim is to build a safe portfolio of investments that will stand the test of time while ensuring all investors starting capital is not at risk. Full details can be found here

What is a token split?

A token split is an action that increases the number of SPinvest's outstanding tokens by dividing each token, which in turn diminishes its price. The token's market capitalization, however, remains the same, just like the value of the $100 bill does not change if it is exchanged for two $50s. If you still do not understand, think about it as a big SPI token dividend payment.

Why should we look into this?

One of the key missions of SPinvest is to become fully decentralized when 1 million tokens are issued. This would be the main reason for a token split, to issue more tokens and get closer to 1 million. Resetting the token price might also increase token sale's a little bit but that would be a bonus at this time of thought. People talk about millions and billions every day and we all see these numbers but not many people truly understand how big 1 million is. To count to 10,000 at 1 number per second, it would take 2.8 hours and if you continued until you counted to 1 million, it would take you a total of 11.57 solid days, no sleeping, no eating, no pooping, no steemit, no facechat, just counting...... If your interested, counting to 1 billion would take you 31.7 years, that shows just how fast billionaires make money and 1 trillion would take 31.7 millennium's (madness)

With that said, SPinvest is not issuing more than 1000 new tokens per week for the past month. At this rate, it would take 17.98 YEARS are longer to issue 1 million. A token split in my mind is the only way we will ever get to a million tokens issued. From my point of view, i (SSUK) do not wonna be still be selling SPI tokens in 20 years when I'm in my 50s. Even issuing 5,000 per week from today would still take 3.6 years and there's no chance of that ever happening. I hope this paints a picture to show you guys the mountain we have to climb before true decentralization happens and the weight on my shoulders. Sorta joking on that last comment but not totally. lol

Questions i have got in the past

The main questions i get from members are, 1/ what's the rush? 2/ why not try other things first? 3/ will i lose money? and 4/ how does it affect me?

  • The rush has always been on, i don't know if any club members/investors have noticed but i have a lot of ideas all the time and i put a lot of them into action, 3 sub-accounts, monthly PayPal buy, weekly video's and more recently the great SPinvest treasure hunt. There's much more behind the scenes but 95% of tokens holders don't know about that stuff, mainly small things like having SPI tokens listed on the LEO.dex exchange are other projects using SPI tokens to back their tokens, things like this. I've been rushing and pushing this hard from day 1 so for me, a token split is just another thing to do. A token split is very easy to complete. On a time scale vs work involved, token splitting is miles ahead of organically selling tokens are tribe delegation rewards. It'll take me longer and require more work to write this post than it would complete a token split. That's the truth as well, not just saying that. Maybe what some think is rushing, i think is grinding it out. Results don't come from nowhere, they have to be fought for.
  • I'm open to ideas if anyone can think of a way to issue thousands of SPI tokens. If you think we should try other things first, i would suggest thinking of something, an idea and then make a post about it are even tell all in the comments below. Sharing ideas is how we aspire as it's food for thought.
  • Nobody will lose money, the value of each SPI token would go down but you would hold more SPI tokens. For example, you own 500 tokens and the SPI token price is 1.20 STEEM. Your investment is worth 600 STEEM. SPinvest reset's the price to 1 STEEM. We need to issue new tokens to make up the lost 0.20 STEEM to each token already issued. 0.2 STEEM is 20% of 1 STEEM (new price) so everyone would receive 20% extra tokens. Your SPI holding would increase to 600 with a selling price of 1 STEEM. Your investment is worth 600 STEEM. No club member/investor will lose any STEEM value.
  • You'll own more SPI tokens. For club members, the voting weight would be adjusted and increased so no change for voting. Apart from owning more tokens, not any changes.

I am sure that lots of questions will need answering but these are all questions i have been asked more than once so maybe pre answering will help a few investors

How would we do a token split?

In a nutshell
Do a club vote and wait for results
If voted YES, i crunch some numbers
I release a post with final details and split date
I do the split

But.... we need to find a number first. The most important part of a token split will be picking how much to split by, the percentage number. If we look at some numbers, we can see that there are 2 ways of us doing this. I should also say that we would skip through the 75,000 issued and consider this the price adjustment and have our eyes set on 100,000 issued. Then we would be playing with the bigger boys.

Resetting to 1 STEEM
We can reset to exactly 1 STEEM. This is very simple, we just take total SPinvest holdings value in STEEM and issue that many more tokens. Right now, total holding are just over 78,400. We currently have 65,500 tokens issued. To reset exactly back to 1 STEEM, we take tokens issued away from total holding and issue the difference. In our case, 78400-65500 = 12900 so we issue 12900 new tokens to token holders. This would mean that we would be selling tokens for less than their true value after a day of earning. I guess we could reset and make a starting price of 1.05 STEEM but that's backward maybe, are maybe not.
Splitting by a percentage
Because SPI tokens selling price is always a little higher than the true price, splitting by a percentage gives an option to split a little under 1 STEEM. This allows us to issue new tokens for 1 STEEM each while not losing value for each new token issued.

My suggestion

I would split by percentage and aim for 25% meaning for every 4 SPI tokens you currently own, you would be issued 1 more. This would put a total of almost 82,000 tokens out there and 18,000 away from the 100,000 issued repricing. We can see from the ballpark figures 25% would give a true token value of 0.96 STEEM giving us 4 STEEM cents to work with before hitting the selling price of 1 STEEM. At current rates of earnings, it would take 8-10 weeks. We have always priced at around 5 STEEM cents over the true value so this sorta continues what we are doing. I would not suggest another split until we at least at 1.20 STEEM and ready to move up to 1.25 STEEM just as we are now.

These are my thoughts and what i would do. Please do some research, ask questions, talk with other members and come up with what you think is best and when the time comes, vote accordingly to you would do it.


Don't be. Its not that big of a thing for us. A token split now would issue out 1.2% of the total token supply. The main focus of this is to get to 1 million tokens issued. We are still a very far way away from that point and sometimes i seems like an impossible task. Everyone would have 20%-25% more tokens worth the same as now. Token price increases might take 5% longer but each time the token price increase's your investment makes more because you have more tokens.

I was going to do an advantage/disadvantage chart but to put it simply, it would not be fair because i am very pro token splitting. If you are against it, write a post about it and get your word out for feedback before the vote happens next week. That's what being part of the club is all about.

A token split is a token split and there is not much more to say. I think i have provided enough information for members/investors to get talking about it in the comments below on over on the SPinvest discord server. There are roughly 5 days before the club vote takes place so questions sooner than later please


Below are steemconnect hotlinks that allow investor's to buy SPI tokens directly from @spinvest. Each token is currently priced at 1.20 STEEM and beside each link is the true STEEM cost to reduce confusion. You can also send any amount directly to @spinvest and i will issue you SPI tokens to 2 decimal places for the value of STEEM to send. All tokens bought directly will be sent to investors SE wallets within 24 hours but most likely much sooner.
5 SPI tokens - 6 STEEM
10 SPI tokens - 12 STEEM
25 SPI tokens - 30 STEEM
50 SPI tokens - 60 STEEM
100 SPI tokens - 120 STEEM
250 SPI tokens - 300 STEEM
500 SPI tokens - 600 STEEM
1000 SPI tokens - 1200 STEEM
2500 SPI tokens - 3000 STEEM


InformationURL Link
SteemPower Investments Introduction PostClick HERE
SteemPower Investments Club Partnership AgreementClick HERE
How to become a club memberClick HERE
How to convert SE tokens into SPI tokensClick HERE
Join the SPI club Discord serverClick HERE
Join the SPI curation trailClick HERE
What's best for the SPI Club? Centralized vs DecentralizedClick HERE
SPI tokens 95% buy back guaranteeClick HERE
SPI Club monthly Fiat to SPI token group buyClick HERE

All questions are welcome, please ask in the comments below


I'm trying to think of how I lose?
I like the percentage split and everything makes sense to me.
Just one question: who are the bigger boys? 😜

The bigger boys will be us when we have over 100,000 STEEM in holdings.

percentage split sounds best to me as well ty for your feedback

There is no need for any token split in my opinion. The value of one single token comes from the earnings and is represented by the exchange rate on the market.
As the value is bound to increase continuously, we had to perform a series of splits neverending to peg the value to 1 steem per token.
To come to a dedision you should use dpoll.

By the way, thanks a lot for effort. I believe in steem and in the project.

I don't think pegging SPI tokens to 1 STEEM would be a good idea but this is the only way i see us getting 1 million issued. Splitting when the price touches 1.20-1.25. Of course, after 1 million have been issued, this practice would cease.

I'll need to check dpoll out. Is it for discord only?

and your welcome my friend

I'll need to check dpoll out. Is it for discord only?

Dpoll is connected directly to the steem blockchain and it's accounts. Thus every steemian can use dpoll. Example @maarnio with his crypto contests:

You only have to log in with your steem account to participate.

It would not be a neverending peg as the maximum amount of tokens is 1,000,000. I am assuming that at the end of selling 1,000,000 tokens we will have 1,000,000 SP + our other investments.

I'm warming to the idea, my first reaction when you raised it was that all tokens would split, including un-opened ones. This is more like a dividend than a split really.

You want to boost token's in circulation - do this split, brings us back to 1 STEEM. Then each month distribute all earnings to holders through percentage based token issue. EG, task has 15 % of all tokens (hypothetically) club makes 2000 steem for the month, Task is issued 300 tokens (2000 * 0.15) - same for each investor.

Keeps the token at 1 STEEM, issues a heap more each month, much quicker to 1 million.

As to the split, I'm coming on board. It would have implications for delegators to LEO and NEO accounts, more so LEO as I have a fixed payout.

I wondered what you thought.

Your second paragraph suggestion would mean a dividend proportional to token holdings every month, is that right?

I need to understand more about the implications for delegators - as spinvest-leo pays 1 spi per 1,000 leos delegated, in effect, their payout would reduce in value?

Yes, spot on, a monthly dividend. I only float that as an idea to fastrack our path to 1 million. Just thinking out loud.

For LEO delegators I would have 3 options if the split/distribution happens.

  1. Change the payout rate to keep a similar R.O.I.

  2. Keep payout rate as is. Lower effective return for delegators, but faster asset growth for the club.

  3. Swap from a fixed payout to a variable, "percentage of profit" model.

If the split is approved we'll have our own decision to make.


Love the idea, its like getting a dividend.

I like the idea that makes the tokes worth 1 steem again. I like the idea of making them worth .96 even better.

My question is what would be the buy back price of our tokens.

Yeah, big juicy dividend :)

the buyback would remain at 95% of the sale price. Not one person has ever asked for it, lol. If someone wants out they sell on the exchange.

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