Bringing Celebrities to Steemit

in #socialnetwork7 years ago (edited)

Celebrities on Steemit

Could you imagine if just 1 celebrity or even semi-celeb from instagram or youtube brought a million of their followers.

This only has to be ONE..

Now if you have been around awhile then you might remember Ned's bounty for a list of 500 celebrities, which was a great idea!

Bounty: 100 SBD - Create a list of 500 celebrities that should come to Steem and blog.
Requirements: Celebrities should be reasonably able to manage a Steem blog; should have significant following on other social media; should appear to be a good cultural fit for Steem. I will give you first right to this bounty, however, feel free to open it up to others. First to accomplish the task takes the bounty. A second list meeting the same parameters of 500 unique celebs will be bounty-ized if the first list comes together successfully. Once this bounty is complete we'll put a bounty on getting these celebrities to open an account and post.

Now I'm not sure if this is still being worked on, but if it is (even if it's not) we should all work to get at least 1 celebrity to post on Steemit.

Post - Vote - Earn :D


well.. I've been thinking.. I might be ready to start using my real name on another account I have and promote steemit... but steemit has never approached me about it.

I'm a celebrity on the rise.. not on youtube or instagram.. I'm what most you guys like to call a.. "Movie Star"

I've been here all along and even tho I said I wasn't ready to use my real name... no one has ever reached out to even try and sway me any other way.

Why would any another "celebrity" feel the need to come here when there really is no effort in utilizing what steemit already has already?

Am I not celebrity enough.. not the kind of celebrity you want or what?

Ya keep bringing up this idea like it's the missing piece of the puzzle..
Maybe it's because you think all "celebrities" have money... and if that's the case.. then you want somebody with money who just so happens to be famous.. not a celebrity.

Is Steemit Not Interested?

Wallace Carranza on IMDB
wallace carranza EDITED HS 002.jpg

Should I keep going?

Wallace Carranza on Instagram
Wallace Carranza on Twitter
Wallace Carranza Fan Page on Facebook

You Know What.. I'm turning this into a post

Are you not entertained? LoL.. I have the potential to be a mega star.. still, no one has reached out to me whatsoever.. your celebrities ARE ON HERE... and I don't even do porn

lol, I used your name in chat when I talked about writing this blog. Hey, if anyone is in the mood to create a #steemstar they could run with this idea. Right after I wrote this post there was quite a bit of "Steem" related drama and I didn't want to try to bring new people here.

Maybe after an announcement from Ned about the future, and the experiment ends, someone with more visability would like to run with this.

o yea.. all good, yea maybe

I approach tons of celebrities.. and have since July 4th, 2016 including the dollar vigilante (if you look at his first post there is a screen shot of me inviting him 3 weeks before he joined) And my point is not about people with money.. It is about offering a service (platform) for them to actually earn from the "upvotes" they get vs from the slave owning labels that they are normally paid from.. But the benefit for Steemit would be a flood of new users who have a reason to come vote and even post on Steemit.


Celebrities use social media to keep their fans interested in them. They post pictures, little updates and sometimes drama, because it keeps their name in circulation.

I am not sure that we have a user base OR earning potential for a celebrity to come here.

Please, I will be very happy to be wrong.

Back in the day of the $40k make up tutorial (and we can be at that level again if THAT many followers were "upvoting" them on here).. A "celeb" could post something and make A LOT of money on one post vs posting ads on instagram for alcohol companies or something

It would be great! I've heard that in the early times of Steemit there were the mexican famous playmate @brendazambrano. Now, I think we had our own brand celebrities called whales :-)

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