Are There Enough Active Users on SteemIt to Create a Steem Star?

in #steemstar7 years ago (edited)

I have heard people talking about bringing celebrities to SteemIt.  I have a better idea!

Let's make A Star - Let's make a Celebrity

Let's find a member that is successfully seeking celebrity.  A musician or actor someone the edge of making it.  Once identified, we get the whole community to blog about that person on SteemIt, on Twiiter, or Facebook.  We use that person's name and #SteemIt in a lot of posts.  Maybe we create a win/win for this person and SteemIt.  Can we make it "trend"?  Create our own 4chan type trending group..

Let's give it a try.  Step one, if you or a Steemian you know is trying to make a name for yourself and gain exposure please identify yourself, your website or other social media and your work in the comments.  (Or nominate a Steemian of your choice)

I will compile a list for the community to discuss.  We can select someone and see if we can get the whole community talking about that person on all available blogging/social media sites, and let's see if we can get that person... And SteemIt some attention.

Please resteem or better yet, create your own post, looking for a Steem Star.  For discussion please use the tag #steemstar


@Papa-pepper should be a world-renowned Steem star.

Hey, I just saw this! LOL! Appreciate the mention!

oh wow! now thats what im talking about. I am a full time singer/songwriter and collaborative artist here on steemit, I release original music in all genres of sound with producers from all over the globe. I have had my songs in films and on tv, and been on and beatport charts, I been breaking through slowly on my own with the help of alot of great fans and collaborative artists. Every bit of promotion is precious, every song that is made is on a journey to the right ears, and to help with that journey would be amazing. Im all in. check out my website here to learn a little more and listen through the various music I create.

This is an interesting idea and worth giving a shot, even if tough having a smaller community here right now. In my mind the worst case scenario is free publicity for the person.

I second steevc's mention for @soundlegion and also wanted to toss in @jessamynorchard (gotta love the 'sad bastard' music.)

Thank you for suggestions, second time @soundlegion has come up. I hope he/she will let me know if they are interested.

So long as time permits, I'm wanting to bring this up for discussion on tomorrows @steemittalk podcast.

I love the idea!

Awesome. What time is tomorrow's podcast again?

Ah, sorry I didn't put that in there. We start at 3pm CST (9pm GMT.)

this is a pretty cool idea @whatsup.. Maybe we can get a chosen one to go viral... resteemd

honestly.. if pizzagate can do it.. anybody with talent, ambition and determination can too.

lol, if Pizzagate can do it..

Hoping we can get some suggestions.

I hear that @whatageek guy is a great writer, and so cool :p.

followed so I can find out! :)

Thanks @whatsup, I will try not to disappoint.

I sometimes sing in the shower so if needed I can sacrifice myself to the cause...

Hmm, NSFW tag?

good one,
It is definitely doable, and I think this idea will have the whole community's support.

Yes! Fantastic idea!!!

We can do it. How do we get our star? Online Pap idol type contest?

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