Parenting IS Everything - You can feel it in the small stuff!

I'm sitting at the kitchen table at the @gardenofeden
Steeming with two of my favorite people in the world,
@quinneaker and @saramiller!

Oh, you should all be so lucky!

And...on top of that, I am quenching my thirst
with a refreshing Lemon Tart Turmeric drink.

And...on top of that, I am listening to the conversation and
joyous squeals of two of my other favorite people in the world,
4 year old @noki-power, and 6 year old @qiqi-power.

QiQi is perched backwards on the back of a 2-1/2 foot tall stuffed horse,
while Noki is sharing pretend hot cocoa with Barbie and friends.
"We must beware--it's Evil Pants!"
Noki remarks her evil Barbie's name over and over!

I can't help but giggle!

"Barbie has betrayed us!"
"Our pants are now on fire--douse them with water!"
"Let's now put on our fireproof pants!"

Seriously--what 4 year old do you know who uses words like
"Betrayed" - "Douse" - "Fireproof"?

Though I hear their conversations everyday,
I am not immune to being astounded.
Not only do they use words that are far beyond their few short years,
they use them in perfect context too.

Watching children develop is such a delight.
These two particular children are so much more aware of life,
of the possibilities that exist in almost everything,
and are more expressive, open, honest and alive
than anyone I know.

The way we parent has everything to do with the way our children engage their world.
If we squash them before they even get the chance to breathe,
they will already have issues to work through before they can really be
the people they came on this planet to be.

@quinneaker, the father of these children, holds space for their awakened well-being.
I am witness everyday to the unfolding of their lives,
and the relationship they have built together based on unconditional love.

If you are a parent or are in contact with children,
I encourage you to tune into @quinneaker's blog for tips on living in freedom,
and especially his perspective on parenting.

If we want to change the world,
challenging ourselves to become better human beings,
and dedicating our lives to making our children's world the very best it could possibly be
is the best place to start.

“I believe that all problems in the world begin with parenting,
and thus all solutions lie in New Paradigm Parenting.”... @quinneaker

My #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @qiqi-power
My #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @noki-power
My #thankyouforbeing post dedicated to @quinn-eaker


ooh you Steemit together, that sounds so nice.. you can all gossip amongst yourselves as you discover things!

The kids who live in community's like yours are SO blessed! I cant imagine how i would have turned out if i had been brought up like that!

Let me leave you with a pic of dear ula who was brought up here with us in our little community in the jungle.. what a faeiry queen she is!

That's my daughter :-) I guess she will be ok with her pic on Steemit as she is quite camouflaged :-)

Awe.....thank you for sharing this photo with me @eco-alex. You just made my day! It is truly amazing to watch children thrive and as you say, imagine how we could have turned out if we had been brought up like that! I grew up freer than most, I believe. I grew up in the mountains without all the keep up with the Jones' and pretentious ideas of how we are supposed to be. Of course, it was not a perfect world, but I know there is a better way. After raising my own unschooled chlidren and living the life at the @gardenofeden with children like @qiqi-power and @noki-power, I am blessed to receive hope in humanity again.

A community in the jungle---oh what a beautiful life! Thank you so much for sharing Ula with me!

It's a magical life in the Garden of Eden :)

Indeed it is! What an incredible blessing on sooooo many levels.

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Thank you for sharing this beauty-full glimpse into your life there at the Garden of Eden <3 I would love to live within a community like this, and I am excited to connect with you here on Steemit! My blog is focused on healing through Earth Connection & Embodyment, Plant and food medicine, Sustainability, Creating community and sharing my art and different expressions of my life and my prayers. Your support in sharing my messages are very welcomed, as I am new here and hope to connect with as many like-minded folks as possible.
Many blessings to the little-ones and grown ones alike, and to this growing community that exists in tune with Earth and natural laws.
Peace & Love

I am grateful you have found me @onewithearth. Great screen name btw.

We are blessed to connect with many like-minded people, and our community worldwide is growing ever stronger. Seems we will have much in common to share. Good job finding the @gardenofeden. We are truly living the dream here, and helping as many others as possible along the way.

I'm excited to see what valuable content you bring to Steemit. One with such an open heart for the beat of the earth will do well in this community. I hope to be seeing a lot more of you around here! <3

Thank you Everlove 💙 maybe I'll come visit one of these days! Have you heard of any other communities like yours out here on the West coast?
So grateful for connection and support 🙏

I honestly am not aware of other communities, but then I haven't actually done any real searching, except for one in Arizona. I'm certain there are many on the west coast -- much more likely than around these parts. I too am grateful to connect with you. <3

Blessings <3 I would love your feedback on my posts, if you have space & time to read and share my journey.

Lovely photography . To me there is no picture so beautiful as smiling, bright-eyed, happy children; no music so sweet as their clear and ringing laughter.

Music to my ears @syediaquat.

I liked the sweet pictures, thank you for sharing beautiful pictures among us

Grateful you enjoyed them @razib59.

Wow, this is just beautiful. You are making me hungry to become a parent now.
But parenting is not easy too, i commend you for your endeavor in bringing up these two smart kids of yours.

Being a parent really is a blessing. We have so much to learn from children, and if we take their lead, they will show us the easy way! These children are not my biological children, but I am blessed to be their Shellie Mama and get to play through the eyes of a child. May you one day receive the blessing too @josiahebighe.

Amen o. Thanks!

You are really blessed to have these adorables and i can sense the joy and pride you feel when you see them. Smart kids are always the joy of the parents and even anyone who sees them. No doubt these kids are special and kudos to you all for giving them a free hand to operate with so they don't have to struggle. I can't wait to have mine too, only then would i be able to perfectly understand how you feel right now but i leave with the lessons embedded in this post. Thank you as always @everlove

I believe we have so much to remember and unlearn as human beings to truly give a healthy and vital upbringing to the next generation. When we look at our children, if we're paying attention, we can see that they are a HUGE reflections of us. They are a definite clue as to where we are on the inside, and what they are bringing out for us to look at.

Though I raised my children with as much freedom as I could see at the time, I sure wish I knew then what I know now. We can always do better. Taking parenting seriously is an investment in lifetimes of many children/adults to come.

From what I know of you @olawalium, you are asking the important questions and opening to shower them with unconditional love. May it be so!

You absolutely nailed it. This will stick with me for a long time to come and them being a reflection of who we are on the inside that we can see manifest in the flesh. Your advice is so valuable to me and yes, as parents learning never stops and with people like you around me which i will never be shy to ask for tips and help on the art of parenting, and with the great instinct God has given me, i know i will turn out well. Thank you so much for your kind words. These are way valuable to me than money. You just gave me a valuable preparation to run with. Learning never stops and giving them freedom and "catching them young" since whatever we do with them at that tender age would go a long way to make or mar them. Our kids will always turn out great. Thank you so much. You know how to make me smile and happy. Thank you for being.

I'm so grateful to be of service to you and know that all of us together can really make a difference in life as we know it. I believe we have to look at parenting and the way we treat children and interact with them on every level. Learning never does stop as long as we engage new possibility. Parenting is an incredibly important role, that most of us take too lightly. I'm excited to see what comes! Thank you for being @olawalium.

I am excited too. Yes, a lot of children turning out wrong has a lot to do with parenting. Once they children have a good basis from the start it is a bit easier and it might be a soft landing for them later on. A child truly love in the house most of the time won't go out looking for relevance. I intend to pick up every bit from you. Haha

Agreed @olawalium! Children who can feel safe in telling their parents anything without fear of punishment or disapproval, get a very good beginning as they will have a loved one they can rely on, will not have to look elsewhere for advice or leadership, will be honest and truthful, and can truly be themselves. What an incredible beginning!!!

Sounds so simple, and yet so profound! Grateful to be here with you!

I totally enjoy learning from you and this will stick longer. Creating a good foundation for them in love and trust is always a good start. Thank you for always having me.

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