My Cafe Drawing inspired by my Witch free write

in #slothicorn6 years ago

A witch and her fat cat familiar


That is the thumbnail of this drawing I did today. My 'cafe drawing'.

Here is the entire image with the cat.

I did my first 5 minute #freewrite today, which you could read here. After writing it I was inspired to do a study of a witch and her fat cat. It was fun.

So, today at the cafe I decided to do one of my cafe drawings also inspired by a witch and her fat cat.

Having this wonderful coffee (and a little fag break) whilst watching the snow turn to rain, I kept thinking about my witch character. I knew I wanted to do one of my 'cafe drawings' which I like to do in dark contrast of digital black and white ink.


I also decided I wanted to share it with #slothicorn tag and recently having read the rules for using the tag, I found out that we are allowed to contribute any of our art we feel is good quality and it does not have to include the slothicorn character. And while I do love drawing her, I also like to share my general artwork.

Part of the #slothicorn rules, I believe, are to share some of the process. For me in my cafe drawings I like to start with a rough pencil sketch.


Then I like to determine where the stark shadow will be with black digital water colour. I think comic artists call it 'finding the black'.

I really like the idea of sharing our work for collaboration and being used by other artists to riff on it. Therefore I'm also including this image in the #creativecommons license.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

If you appreciate my work please feel free to upvote, resteem, and by all means comment.

Check out my other posts:



This is one strong character, love how you underlined her personality with using b&w drawing with strong shades. But fat cat :))) @donnadavisart, she is star at this drawing for me :)
Coffee and cigarette, you are my type of person. Hope one day we could sit, have coffee and cigarettes together.

Yes please! I'd love to have a smoke some dark coffee and a good old talk about art and life. It would be so cool if I could do a mini steemit art conference here where I live in the US. But, next time I'm in London, do you ever get to the UK?

No, haven't been there yet and it's hard for me to get visa for UK. But who knows maybe we will meet somewhere else in Europe one day, who knows what tomorrow brings @donnadavisart :)

Well I Love France, do you ever get there? :)

It's on my wish list :) But I was looking Barcelona this days..:) Love to travel but i am still able once a year to afford something like that.

Oooh I like tha they are both grumpy!! Sooo cute!

You've just got to love a witch and her cat with attitude, right?

Hello my dear friend ,
I hope you're fine.
I have not been able to do a few things that I love and have had in a long time.
like reading and writing books ..
I do not have much opportunity. you have made your time very nice. You reveal a perfect illustration. I like this kind of coloring. and the composition is great ...
congratulations. hugs

Thank you for taking the time to look and comment. I know how our time can get away from us and we've all so much to do in our busy lives we can't always make time for the fun stuff. Well, I hope you can find time for some reading and writing. That is what is so good about 'free write' you have have 5 minutes to do it! The drawing I had to do because, well I just draw all day anyway. I've always made time for that. ;)

Thank you @slothicorn and I read your new rules so I will imbed a wallet address next time. I promise. Go slothicorn!

You are so blessed, a good artist i really like your works

Thank you what a sweet thing to say.

You are welcome❤

I hope we see and hear more about these two they rock :)

Maybe I'll just do a free write about these two every so often ;)

Yes please :D

Love it! Kinda reminds me of the poster for Black Sunday, a superb horror film from the 60's. <3

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