A commission for @osm0sis a photo-themed divider

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Here is my first divider I made for @osm0sis for photo posts on her blog.


That is just a thumbnail to show the main bit.

Here it is in its full horizontal glory:


It is really detailed, but I like to do that. It can certainly be shrunk down to fit smaller and centered in the page. Here it is at 500 pixels wide and using the < center > tag.


I saved it as a .png with transparent background but it would show up white here but can easily email it to her that way.

Here is how it would look on a black background with the osm0sis smaller in cetner

Here it is with osm0sis on the side.


Here it is with the same images shrunk down to a thinner divider and I moved some more of the photo snap shots to spread out the look with osm0sis in the lower right corner. Let me know which you like best, or just take em all. I'll have to email you the png file though if you want a transparent background which is easy enough to do.

I hope she is happy with it. She wanted osm0sis incorporated in there and since it is a bespoke piece for her blog I made it front and center. I thought this was a fun poppy bright one. I also have a version more subdued using antique looking camereas as well that I am working on. If she wanted to mix it up. I have saved it as a .png file but would need to send it direct as a .png with transparent when pulled into text editor here on Steemit just reverts in white for some reason.

I love making bespoke pieces like this for fellow Steemians

I hope she likes it, it was fun to do.

If you appreciate my work please feel free to upvote, resteem, and by all means comment.



Stunning work! I love the hand painted effect.

Well done xxx

That is so very cool, I love your cameras. Can't wait to get this going with you one day in the future. I'm working on getting McChook photographed. I'm very slow, and been busy trying to get some more posts done. Some take quite a bit of time. Love the polaroid, by the way. Classic blast from the past. (My sister just bought an old one, and has been messing with it. But the film is very expensive. Digital has us so spoiled. And stressing on how to manage so many photos. But it is so much easier to make an 'article' now...for a post.

I know, the more we move into our digital world, the harder it becomes to turn around and do things IRL. Is your mcchook just a chicken? I can draw the heck out of chickens. A motorcycle helmeted chook with some feathers and sandwiches and pens and ink pots flying about might be just the divider you need ;)

Yes, the Real World is rapidly becoming fantasy land and fantasy land our new reality. Some of it I like, some of it I 'old fashion' away.
As for icon dividers..."Is your McChook just a chicken"? I fear that is a bit of an understatement. He's a most special entity. Much like our Stinky the Cat, he abhors his own kind-can't even stand the sight of them. OK, I'm a bit wonky about my icon. But he is sort of a 'schteinn-brand'.

I certainly do not want to sound un-appreciative here of your wonderful ideas, and would love to pursue them and some activity by you in the artist realm in the near future. Possibly tempered by a few of my own ideas as well? What I originally envisioned, is more of a cartoon character, since that is what he is. Patterned after his actual visage. And I love your ideas about other items. I've actually been putting quite a bit of thought into this since our first discussion.

I like your idea of things in the picture, either flying around, or on the shelf, like the books and cameras. I think I know what flying about means. Kind of mayhemish and whirlwindy? A lot like the author ( :
There would be things on his shelf or buzzing about. Quick brainstorming here....a pencil (behind the ear???) and Speedgraphic, a tennis shoe from shoe shots, a diploma from the S.S.S.S., your ink pots (I like that a lot), and other 'regulars' I'm perusing to discover, from my 200 or so past posts. (My, how time flies, when you are doing things you love and having fun).

By now you can tell why I don't post nearly enough. I put enormous amounts of time and effort into the details of things that probably don't really matter. But just can't help it. Though I've always considered art in any form to be much like the set design of a big movie. All those simple "things" that layer into/onto any art, that others don't' overtly notice, but do add to the overall effect. And without them, you still would not notice, but it might not have the same feel in the final result. I think I shall call it subliminal visual layering. Does that make any sense? Sort of a curse in a way, as far as time spent on things. But I live with it. I've got a whole post about this in the makings...just have to finish it some day. "Get in line, posts, get in line".

I will take a photo of McChook soon. I have to retrieve him from his 'perch', when I'm on my bike today...as he is rather large, and lives in his own ivory tower. I am excited by the prospect of this project heading across the grand prairie and into full fruition.

Busy and so much to do on Steemit means I am only now, today, just reading this.

Life does get in the way sometimes ;) and our new house schedule upheaval of two curmudgeons sharing a space (with separate office and studio of course) being made into one me here whilst the other @winstonalden, has to fuss about with train time tables and lunches in the city, add to that 3 days living like the 'old days' sans power and internet, and the need for another wretched car ( a thing I abhor shopping for).

Well, here I sit, with my coffee, Puss bellowing in my ear in our quiet house and another car in the drive. I am finally able to consider getting back into a new pattern (and really introvert that I am I am loving the entire house to myself again, selfish wretch that I am :) )

If you decide you would like a divider do let me know. I am rather behind in making a few more. I do not really like to do graphic design work and thus never really pursued that too wholeheartedly even though life always tries to throw it in my path. But, the few on here that I really like and have asked shall receive, even if it's not super prompt work :)

Steemit can be loads of fun but sometimes can nag at you to get your keister in gear and get to all the things you have planned for it. I feel bad I have not as yet done my artistbehindtheartist post for @reinhard-schimd and I've not posted about Monty and his growing friends, but I have been so increasingly busy with all the new things happening around here, that when things get busy the one priority I make is my art. When there is very little time the one thing that rises to the lists top is drawing/art. So, I've been making sure I draw and post and post and draw etc etc. We do live in a busy typing age!

Well, this comment on an old comment on an old post which may or may not even been seen has taken up far too much of my morning time so I'll end here. I hope you find this, as I did yours, like a message in a bottle in the very dregs and bottom of your que of 'replies'.

Pish Posh, I am constantly sending comments as stale as old white toast. As they say, better late than never. And oh how I enjoy messages in electronic bottles. (I'd like the other kind too, but making it's way across the ocean, or around the horn is highly unlikely. But I can always dream.)
I can surely relate to the busy thing. And my life does not sound half as hectic as yours. But it will no doubt 'smooth down' soon. Though being w/o the accoutremon of daily life, like electricity and such, would pretty much be a downer. Glad it's back on.

I appreciate your thoughts on the dividers. And glad you might still make one for me. I would love to have one made by you, as you are one of my fav-peeps as well. It would mean alot having an ORIGINAL dda on my dds site. I went and got McChook today, and will take a photo of him and send it. When I get to it, as you say. And no hurry, and if you really do decide to scrap the idea, that's ok too. (Sorry for the umpteen page book way up there, but some things are ultra important, you know ( :

Steemit, though fascinating on so many levels, can be relentless,that's for sure. When life gets busy, it's SO hard to keep up with the social and artistic end of things. Though you do seem to do well. So many artistic entries. Gotta hand it to you for organization and perseverance. Like still reading all of this, major perseverance! Hope you enjoy your womancave while you have it. I agree, it is great having space to yourself. And quiet. Have a nice, electricity-filled full night. Ta'

Great work @donnadavisart, I love it!!! What a great service to offer here....I may have you make me something too.... hmmmmmm

That would be fun, I'd be honored. :)

AWESOOOOOME!!! I love the tiny details you put into the photos and cameras. And my name with a zero in the middle... YES! So many people get confused, I was wondering how I could make it more obvious and you've done just so :)
One question, do you know how to make it with a transparent background? So the white background blends into whichever color is behind (I use the night mode for example, which is black). If not, it's ok, it's gorgeous.
Look forward to seeing your other version as well :)
(can you show me one with my name written a bit smaller somewhere on the side? I like this style but I'm also curious to see how it would look with my name less obvious)
Thank you so much Donna for taking the time to do this for me. I can't wait to start using them on my posts!

Yes. I will post with transparent or send it transpatent and will move mane to side. It's all digital and layers so i can do that. Ill add it to this one as an edit. :)

My favourites are the last one, longer with the name on the side. And the 2nd last one but with the name on the middle camera (like the one you did in black), if possible.
It's so tough to choose...
You can find me on discord, osm0sis#1875, if you have already signed up :)

I'm still new at discourse and honestly I accidently sigend up twice with a different email on each of my two computers. I want to start using it more so maybe today is a good day to start that. I have NO idea how to search for your username on there. I just tried and haven't a clue, so if you see this let me know how to search you and we can meet up there :) Sorry.

Hi Donna! I hope you are well. I've replied to you on Discord but I'm not sure if you check it too often.
Anyway, let me know what work best for you.
Happy Sunday :)

Hi Donna. No worries. 2 ways we can find each other:

  • either you send me your discord username so I can find you (you'll find it in the user settings, on the bottom left side, near your icon photo/name)
  • or you find me by entering osm0sis#1875 in the search box at the top left where it says "find or start a conversation"

I think this should help. I've also messaged the username donnadavis#6945 but i'm not sure you are still using this account.

I LOVE THIS. Haven’t seen the other entires, but this would be a top contender for me if I were judging. So cool, you have an amazing eye/aesthetic.

Oh its not a contest i was asked to make some for her :) just wanted her opinion. And thanks.

This is amazing! I was looking for the random animal though lol Great work! :D ps I'd love it if you could do one for me one day...ideally combining bulldogs and trees haha xD

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