in #shaving8 years ago


The deliciousness and nutritional value of the Kiwi Fruit is rivaled by few others, but those tiny hairs all over the skin can make eating them whole kind of uncomfortable. When I recently posted my 'TIL' Post about the Kiwi Fruit health and nutrition benefits it seems that a few people thought that I may have been promoting eating Kiwi Fruit with the hair.

While it saddens me deeply that people would think that a man of my reputation would be a promoter of such views, I tried to respond with tact.

However, I was not completely able to restrain myself, so I have taken the time to create this incredible "How To" video on the matter, in which I discuss and demonstrate the different methods of shaving Kiwi Fruit.

Photo of Old Method of Kiwi Consumption - The "Cut" Kiwi

Here are the methods that I cover.

  • The "Shaving Cream" Method

  • The "Oil Method"

  • The Water-Based "Wet Shave"

Shaving your Kiwi Fruit prior to eating them can increase the pleasure of eating Kiwi incredibly. Seriously, I think that pre-shaving all your Kiwi prior to eating them is the best way to go. I also cover some of the concerns that Kiwi Shavers have, and some excellent advice from years of experience as well.

Without further ado...


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:



Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)

The long-term purpose of this account is to help provide the necessary funds to live a self-sufficient lifestyle at home with my family.


I prefer the straight edge and shaving soap. It's a little old-school, but really is the only way to go. And the razor can cut slices, if you're in a pinch. The soaps come in various flavors too, which can enhance the culinary experience.

I met a guy in Vegas who used Nair. Honestly, it seemed really odd to me. I was afraid of the chemicals. But he said it accomplished a couple of things. First, of course, it came out baby butt smooth. Second, it didn't matter how ripe it was, as long as it wasn't already over-ripe. If it was underripe, for whatever reason, it always came out nice and soft.
He was a nice guy, but had a funky beard. Not sure if it had anything to do with the Nair or not.

Also, if they're a little firm after shaving, I've found that the Gallagher method helps quite a bit.

Ahh yes, the Gallagher method softens them up real quick, but I've never tried Nair yet.

Thanks @anotherjoe!

I can't see the video on my phone but I can hear the audio. Literally laughing til I cry. This should come with N S F W warning for those whose work environment does not appreciate raucous laughter!!!

It was one of the hardest things that I've ever done.. not laugh while recording!!!

Looks like 2 days stubble. Kiwi's must be itchy and impatient...

Yeah, they got that constant 5 O'clock shadow.. in a sort of sacred geometry kind of way!

The roots are just following orders^~

"It takes some time, and I'm a busy man so I use a three blade razor"


Yeah, true story. Busy Man!

Also, if anyone knows of any better methods to shave Kiwi fruit, please let me know.

This was the best that I could do so far, but I'm always looking for ways to improve my life even more.


Step one - buy gold ones not regular ones
Step two - don't eat the skins

Now then - are you taking the piss? LOL I hope so!

I have never met the Yellow ones yet... I need to check them out, and get some seeds!

Bahahahaha no you didn't, this is perfect! hahahaha

I'm not sure what's so funny, did you even watch the video yet?

Yes, I did watch it. I thought it was hilarious that you actually shave them. I just eat the hair. I never thought I would actually see someone do this. To think you even put tissues on the nicks. Oh man hahaha

I'm gob smacked that people eat the skin, hair or not. In Kiwi-land (aka New Zealand), we cut them in half and scoop out the centre.

Yea a lot of people I know (sister included) do it that way, they don't like the skin or the hair. I say food is food either way you look at it. Haha I love your screen name!

Short, sweet, and people can tell at a glance my name and where I'm from. I'm talking about the screen name, of course. Though I am short...

Yeah, gotta prove the work (shaving!)

Haha. This is brilliant! I love eating the hair it feels like biting a furry little animal 😂

Hmm.... biting furry animals... that brings back memories!

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