Why Only Learning SEO Is Not Enough To Be Successful

in #seo6 years ago

If you're learning only SEO and nothing else, I would say to do something different and amazing. SEO works the best when you combine many fields in order to gain the maximum efficiency for your site and business. 

Reasons Why Only Learning SEO Is Not Enough To Be Successful

1) You have to study Psychology, especially Business Psychology. How you will impress the visitors. What you provide to them that they can be impressed. The more deeply you look at the people's problems, and try to solve, the better. If you study about Colour Psychology, you will learn which color suits the best with your theme. 

2) You have to become a better writer who can make the audience engaged what you write on your website. If your way of writing is interesting, people will read from top to bottom, from the SEO perspective, your bounce rate of your website will be lower. 

For this reason, you will read books on your favorite topics. I am a regular visitor of BBC Future and Propakistani -  I read articles, comment and look at other people comment. Improving English is critical. It's up to you how you improve. You can find a thousand tips if you search via Google. 

You will observe what would be the font color, and size so that it doesn't irritate the visitors. You will try to learn which color would be best if I make a banner between the paragraph of my post. You can also check the Neil Petal's & Brian Dean's color combination of banners. 

3) You will learn web developing. Sometimes, you will find such amazing keywords with great per month volume and high CPC, but you will not able be make such a site yourself on Wordpress unless you have a good budget. You will learn web developing so that you can make a site that has more user experience and advantages. 

4) You will visit most popular websites on this planet to keep updated yourself with the latest trends for getting the best user experience. Visit Techradar, eHow, Propakistani, etc. You will read articles as well as observe everything that makes the site look amazing. You can follow any good blog related to your interest. 

5) You will keep updated yourself in the SEO world which is the ever changing field. You have to read new articles from many websites. It would be an uphill task for you, but I use feedly where I've put all the popular and authentic SEO sites. I commonly read on its Android app when I free - on a bus, at the university etc. 

These were the reasons why only SEO Is Not Enough To Be Successful! 

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I do hope that you will have a wonderful time & get success on this Steemit platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you, please do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.    

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