SECRET WRITER: Grab Your Balls and Face Your Fear - @MrWang - Episode 3

in #secret-writer8 years ago (edited)

Don't be afraid

We all have a story to tell whether it be happy, sad, dark or enlightening. I personally feel it's impossible to hide behind a mask and expect to feel better when somebody else shares your own story

"If we only arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage."
-Rainer Maria Rilke
(thanks to @reneenouveau)

I'm not here to bash #Secret-Writer actually I'm rather impressed. Great job and kudos to @stellabelle for opening the door for so many hopeless and conflicted #steemers to vent. I feel that option might not be for everybody and I would like to offer some advice or suggestion for you to consider...

Let's Tell Your Story Together

Mental Health Awareness

Extremely Awkward and Incredibly Honest

Episode 1 - Awareness

Episode 2 - Heaven Shine a Light on Me


If you feel you can contribute to my idea.. please reach out to me or comment below so we can make a positive impact in this community. Please upvote and share if you believe in this project and idea. I would like to turn this into something just as great as the "Secret Writer"

Maybe suggest a permanent hashtag for me to use for these videos and blogs. I'd welcome anything you can contribute to this project and looking for people to collaborate with.

I hope you enjoyed this video, please subscribe and share with others.. maybe you know somebody that is dealing with similar issues. Struggling with problems and/or mental health issues is frustrating, embarrassing and can be very challenging to deal with. Our pride alone will not allow us to seek the help that we need and I will continue to post videos like these, to provide hope to others so they understand they are not alone

Till next time...
Adios Amigos

#originals #psychology #community #steemhelp #steemit-help #steemithelp #stellabelle #secretwriter #mrwang #wallacecarranza #drunkcooking #mentalhealth #secretwriter #help #video #youtube #mentalhealthawareness #bipolar #ptsd #attentiondeficitdisorder #agoraphobia #anxiety #mentaldisorder #disorder #introduceyourself #introduction #motivation #inspiration #RainerMariaRilke #Rilke #poetry


excellent post MrWang I will stew over some ideas and comment back here

Now that is a productive and quality comment.. Thanks @mrgrey I look forward to it

Well MrWang I have stewed over this and you are correct people should not be ashamed of who they are and should write their own story they have a right to be just as much as anyone else has a right to be so why be ashamed of that, my idea for you is to start a campaign with a vibey title like #beyourself or #rocktheworld Im sure you get my meaning brother.

I love both your hashtags and appreciate you taking the time to generate some ideas and interest. Let's hope this gets some more traction and attention so we can take this even higher

Thank you Mr. Wang. Your candor was charming and you made me smile. Thank you for being an advocate for people to tell their own stories and live their truths!

@reneenouveau thanks. Yes this world will be a better place if everyone can share and not be afraid or ashamed of the secrets holding us back.

So powerful! I can feel your essence pouring through! Absolutely love and props for sharing. I know first hand that just by being able to see a single person overcome something relate-able, gives them strength to begin down that same path them-self.

Thank you @sykochica it's a good feeling that people should be encouraged to pursue

Very powerful, very brave, thank you for sharing.

thank you.. please share with anyone you know that
might be dealing with something overwhelming

#nobodysperfect - click the hashtag for more information and to contribute.

Nice @mrwang
Shot you an Upvote :)

Keep up the great work @mrwang

Keep up the great work @mrwang

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