The Race is on for Space Mining - Unlimited Resources Gold Platinum Iron Nickel WatersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

An asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter is said to be worth USD $10,000 quadrillion, over 100,000 times more valuable than the entire world economy. (, 2017)

Is it just a castle in the sky?

California's Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory conducted a feasibility study estimating that the complete cost an asteroid capture and return mission would be about US$2.6 billion. This seems like a small cost considering an asteroid recently passed by the Earth that is worth as much as £3.5 trillion.(, 2015)

How to get it?

Leading the effort to mine asteroids is Deepspace Industries which is developing prospecting technology for near earth asteroids. Their website indicates that the primary resource they want to harvest is not metals...but water.

Water is the most abundant chemical compound in the Universe. It is abundant in our solar system and is fundamental to life and business operations in space. Water is vital to supporting human habitation for things such as drinking water, agriculture, radiation shielding, and oxygen. Additionally, water, as super-heated vapor, can be used as propellant. It can also be broken down into its constituent parts — liquid hydrogen and oxygen — to be used as fuel.

Demise of Government Space Monopolies

It will not be a space race between countries like the one that brought us the first satellites. There is no race because space is so abundant with natural resources that it is only a matter of developing the technology to harvest it not getting there first. However, a few industries could make large profits in the beginning if they can gain first mover advantage.

At present, the high start-up costs, high risk, and long timescales on investment returns make it difficult for governments to safely invest in asteroid mining. Since some resources are projected to become critically low very soon..


Read my other articles about life.

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Just wait until they start towing earth killer asteroids in near earth orbit. "Don't worry" they say. Then a big chunk breaks off and the next thing you know, the apes have taken over.

I agree, forget nukes asteroids will be the next terrorist weapon of choice. Hopefully we can get better planetary defence some day, and stop pointing our weapons at each other.

Never thought about this topic before. Like we can't monkey enough with earth. . . Or planets - Gotta go catch'em in motion!

Not sure what side you are taking on this subject but if you are thinking that we should not mess with other places like space. I would like to give you some perspective that I have taken from this subject I love. The asteroid in the article that DSI are after could provide all and much more resources then the earth has. We as humans could mine all resources off the earth and return this planet to the original garden glory. Never again would we need to rip so much of the Earth for something so little as batteries. Alas knowing humans if we dont settle down and stop burning the candle at both ends we will mine both space and earth. I for one hope that humans can evolve some day and eat our cake and keep the planet healthy.
I do agree that keeping Wilderness in all places that we visit and live should also be a top priority.

Thank you for your response. I'm hopeful that we purse calculated risks safely.

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