The Flame of Liberty: Passing the Torch from Encryption to CryptocurrenciessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Cryptocurrency has emerged at the perfect time in history. When taxes are overwhelming and governments are more corrupt than ever, the middle class tax slave supports a rising welfare class while wealthy elites funnel money through offshore tax havens and unaccountable private foundations. The socialist programs which were built during times of prosperity but leave people indentured during economic slowdowns are a tab waiting to be picked up by the greater fool.

The UN finally supports encryption after realizing that they cannot do anything about it. (, 2017)

It seems that block chain technology has emerged at a time when those who seek shelter from the disastrous storm on the horizon are the most desperate. Cryptocurrency is the the escape hatch from the burning house of socialist indulgence, uncoordinated and bloated bureaucracy, and the sinister multi generational plot of elite central bankers to consolidate wealth through currency manipulation and inflation.

Why should a person with no children support the education of someone with five children? The The U.S. spends $17.5 billion per year on school bus transportation at an average cost of $692 per student transported.(, 2015) There is no test or standard that determines if a student stays in school. It is mandatory. So people are forced to cover transportation of students to a government reeducation center where they are innoculated with Marxist Leninist ideology which supports central banking and socialist wealth distribution programs.

Students never learn about the Federal Reserve or benefits of private property and their history is a glorified propaganda narrative. They never learn the basics of personal finance. Not only that, there is a GED test that could exempt everyone from high school but people trapped in the system paying taxes are forced to bus these students to school for four years of high school, a subsidy for their parents who should have never had children if they are too broke to support them without government reeducation masquerading as education and serving the function of day care. Of course universal education is great when it is done at home and not foisted upon the backs of workers who can barely support themselves let alone someone else's children.

Some people have converted government welfare into a family business with multiple generations receiving housing benefits, food subsidies, and government insurance. They often have multiple children since it increases their welfare subsidy. Those children will go to government reeducation, also known as "school", at the expense of middle class and poor tax slaves. Finally some of those children will go to prison instead of the workforce or back on welfare.

The US has about 25% of the world’s prisoners with only 5% of the world population. ( On average, a person is five time more likely to be incarcerated in the US and is just as likely to be fleeced out of their private property through confiscatory taxation and regulatory fines. Prison in the US has simply become another arm of the welfare state housing, feeding, and enslaving through compulsory inmate labor “chaingangs”. State corrections cost have quadrupled in the last decade while the state prison population has grown 700% since the 1970s with an average annual 2012 cost of $31,286 per inmate with each inmate living in crowded areas, working for free, and eating low quality vitamin depleted food. (, 2017)

There is no need for a government post office with private shipping companies and email. The post office doubles as an enforcement arm of the central banking controlled governments seeking to identify everyone in the system except for illegals who have actually been subsidized through the welfare system. The US government post office is also on its last leg now issuing “forever” stamps that can be always be used regardless of postal rate hikes.

Who is going to pay for this? It seems that the central bank controlled governments are no longer able to keep the sheep in the pen with cryptocurrency. It is only a matter of time before people stop accepting fiat central banking currency for payment. Already employers are using goldmoney to pay their employees salaries completely bypassing the taxable fiat currency system. (@goldmatters, 2017)

Legally there is nothing that can be done because it is a trade. For example, if I ask you to fix my car and in return I paint your house there is no fiat currency transaction and therefore no tax. It is a completely untaxable barter system, legal, and unstoppable like trading a one ounce bar of gold for 72 ounces of silver (, 2017).

It is only a matter of time before fleeing tax slaves embrace cryptocurrencies and precious metals as a way to escape confiscation. However, by then the early investors will not be selling them for fiat but will require other forms of value such as labor or metals. People trapped in the fiat currency system will be similar to people trapped in a non listed cryptocurrency with little or no proof of stake because the bankers will have long since cashed in their proof of stake in fiat and moved their wealth offshore leaving the tax slaves with their hands out waiting for a pension or food subsidy that will be worthless. The secret is that the bankers have no stake since they create currency from nothing. They will only be cashing in their power to create currency by inducing hyperinflation.

It is not only confiscation but a redistribution of wealth where their tax money comes back to them in the form of forced vaccinations, NSA spying through facebook, google, skype, etc. (, 2013) fake education (, and a law enforcement growth industry ( perpetuating an increasingly exponential rise in incarceration.

Second passports are becoming more difficult to obtain unless one claims to be Jewish then they can get Israeli citizenship. See my other post Israel’s Top Secret Revealed. Cottage industries facilitating second passport acquisition have cropped up however the best way is to amass enough cash to buy a passport through offshore investment programs. (

It could be said that people were better off hundreds of years ago when everyone had to support their own families rather than become slaves of welfare and a globalist military industrial complex controlled by offshore banking cartels. Improved technology creates the illusion of a higher standard of living even though hundreds of years ago owning a house and property was common compared to today's large number of condo/ apartment tenants. At least then a person’s labor was their property and when they worked they kept what they could earn.

Now a portion of a person’s labor belongs to the state as if being born in a particular country makes that person partial state property. Before the Internet, people were effectively managed through a banker controlled pysops known as mainstream media. (

The bankers sense that they are losing their psychological grip on the masses that was once firmly in place by controlling the media as first reported by Congressman Oscar Calloway in volume 54 of the U.S. Congressional Record (Bowers, 2008)

Even in their final death throes, the bankers seek to hijack blockchain technology for their own benifit (, 2015) but they are too late. With bitcoin having led the charge for almost a decade, the bankers have lost the momentum they once had. Long ago, the Rothschild family overthrew the the British government after the battle of Waterloo making the royal family more or less a partner of the soon to be global banking syndicate ruled by dynastic families in Europe and the Americas. This banking system can trace its origins to the financing of the East India Company which pillaged countries like India while managing a global opium trade.

The players in the US, including notorious names such as Rockefeller and Morgan, achieved the same result with the surreptitiously organized Federal Reserve Act. It was concocted at a secret meeting on Jekyll Island (Griffin, 1998) , just as the Affordable Care ACT(Obama Care) was secretly developed by insurance companies and is actually unaffordable.(Zeese and Flowers, 2013) The Federal Reserve is not federal and it has zero reserves just as the Affordable Care Act has only become a tool of corporate welfare for the fascist elements which grew out of global currency hegemony.

The Federal Reserve Act was pushed through the US Congress by turncoat and Rockefeller confidant Nelson Aldrich and finally passed by the naive President Wilson who further described this new system in his book The New Freedom. Wilson indicated that the US would no longer be a country ruled by votes of people but rather by bankers. The bankers then caused the Great Drepression and consolodated their wealth and power.

After creating the privately owned U.S. central bank, President Wilson admitted the reality:

"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who, even if their action be honest and intended for the public interest, are necessarily concentrated upon the great undertakings in which their own money is involved and who necessarily, by very reason of their own limitations, chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom. "

(Wilson, 1913)

The “genuine economic freedom” that Wilson refers to is the system that existed before the banking monopoly began to suffocate the economic growth that US deregulation created. Before 1913 the US had no income tax. Government was supported through business tax and tariffs on international trade. After over one hundred years the effects of banker domination have become overtly clear and painfully obvious. The new freedom, just like federal reserve and affordable care, is an oxymoron which really means new slavery.

After gaining control of the US Dollar the bankers running the Federal Reserve created a Great Depression just as Congressman Lindbergh had warned about.

Wilson’s face was placed on the highest banknote, the US $100,000 for his patronage. The bankers’ enemies were put on the lowest notes with Washington getting the lowest rank on the US one dollar bill which today is practically worthless unless it is spent in a place like Congo region or Cambodia where USD still has some purchasing power. This does little to settle a long standing debate among historians as to the intentions of Washington when he retained the charter of Rothchild’s Bank of England. The charter was not renewed in 1812 sparking the second war between the US and England. Meanwhile the banker controlled education system in the US which was molded by J.D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnagie slowly revised American history.

Long ago people remembered Peyton Randolph and the first U.S. president Samuel Huntington. They also cherished sacrifice and family institutions. Home schooling created great minds like Abraham Lincoln while people were able to save and invest for their future without depending on a teetering ponzi scheme of retirement benefits promised by a government bordering on sovereign debt default. Education became a system of ensuring conformity and hive mind groupthink in an increasingly soviet type technocracy eventually resulting in what Zbignew Brzenski described in his book Between Two Ages.

The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.

Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970

Brzenski goes on to say,

"This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept."

For decades the bankers were able to manage political dissidents in two ways. Either they were branded as conspiracy theorists, despite the plethora of evidence indicating conspiracy fact, or they were ignored by the state media which of course exists today in the form of television networks.

Of course it was Brzenski and David Rockefeller who founded the Trilateral Commission, a steering committee for U.S. government officials and presidents.

Once the bankers captured education, economic theory stalled with Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage (1817) and the Heckscher–Ohlin model (1933). These models only dealt with factors of production such as land, labor, and capital but failed to take into consideration the currency regime being perpetuated to conduct transactions. These models are too simple in that they describe what a free market would look like in a barter system without currency. However, as Wilson clearly stated, “ The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men who ... chill and check and destroy genuine economic freedom.” So it is not only the factors of production that determine trade but also these “few men” behind the curtain.

The educational system and welfare state have hijacked the family and converted the worker into a slave for a corrupt burgeoning bureaucracy that serves itself while bribing the welfare recipients for continued political support. Every time the bankers needed to keep people in check they could always engineer a crisis or count on another war to generate consensus to back whatever policy they wanted to implement. After gaining control of the US media in the early part of the 20th century it was not difficult to influence public opinion through crises and economic manipulation. Then DAARPA gave away the keys to palace, global access to information through the Internet prompting governments to desperately try to control their citizens access through DNS poisioning, coroporate alliances with large tech firms, and compulsory registration.

“I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like that the banks can and do create money. And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of the Governments and hold in the hollow of their hand the destiny of the people.” – Reginald McKenna, Chairman of Midland Bank, 1924

With the advent of cryptocurrency and online gold accounts such as goldmoney it is now possible to exist in a parallel marketplace with the only border being Internet access. As labor or talent seeks its highest value in the marketplace it will be difficult for brick and mortar business to recruit in the future with people demanding payment in cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, or some other form of payment that cannot be confiscated by a growing fascist socialist industrial complex. Already devcoin has become successful in driving IT labor out of the banker controlled economy. Steemit may succeed in capturing writing talent that rejects a taxable paycheck from institutionalized banking propaganda mouthpieces such as the Washington Post or CNN.

Getting in cryptocurrencies now will ensure that you have a stake in the new economy that is developing. The unemployment rate will continue to rise as people opt out of a system that counts every unemployed worker, fleeces them when they work, then bribes and oppresses them with welfare and compulsory reeducation programs. People on welfare cannot work and students in government reeducation cannot learn. After all, nobody hears about people like Oscar Calloway, Rothschild, or Samuel Huntington in a history class.

The hijab of secrecy has been lifted and the truth is available for those seeking it. When the sheep begin to escape en masse it will be too late to be an investor in cryptocurrencies. How many finanical advisors from CNBC recommend adding cryptocurrency to an investor's portfolio? There is no profit for the banker controlled industries. It is only a matter of time before the flood gates are open. Maybe it will take a sovereign debt default or hyperinflation but the cards have been dealt.

Bowers, Ken. Hiding in Plain Site. Bonneville Books; First Edition edition (December 1, 2001)
Griffin, G. Edward; Shurtleff, Howard (1994). The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve
Wilson, Woodrow. The New Freedom - A call for the emancipation of the generous energies of a people (1913), Chapter VIII, Monopoly or Oppourtunity?New York and Gardn City: Doubleday, Page and Company
Zbigniew K. Brzezinski. Between Two Ages. Praeger; Revised ed. edition (December 20, 1982)

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Please resteem!


Wow, this is a massive dump of information, summarizing years of things I've been figuring out on my own as well. Many will write it off as conspiracy theory nonsense, but there's also a lot of factual evidence for the claims being made here. The truth will come out eventually.

I'm following you for more.

Oh god, please do not make all the texts large! lol, just an opinion. It's like getting slapped in the face..

Heheh. It's standard practice to publish content in a normal way and let people's own preferences work for them. If someone wants text at ctrl +, they'll already have it set that way. To publish so that everyone who wants standard text has to ctrl - is to communicate a lack of caring for the reader, which doesn't help promote more readers.

I considering resteeming this post, but I have to agree with Kevin here. The size of the text is a bit much.

Great article! I agree about education, so I homeschool my 3 children.

Amen! Great Post @zhanmusi.

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