The Genesis of Genesis How it all Began

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Many people believe that everything began with Genesis 1 verse 1. However, years of archaeological research and unabated skepticism have finally revealed the truth. Genesis was plagiarized from ancient myths. The Sumerian Creation Myth and Enuma Elish existed long before the Torah. The Seven Tablets of Creation from the Enuma Elish long predate Genesis and describe the Genesis story in nearly every detail. If modern laws existed at the time of the Hebrews they would be sued for copyright violations.

Some may ignore this and continue believing in the Torah/Old Testament but there is more. The story of Noah was copied almost exactly from the Mespotamian myth known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. The birth story of Moses, in the same fashion, was copied from the legend of Sargon of Akkad. If that is not enough then look at the ten commandments which were copied from two sources, the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Code of Hammurabi. Furthermore there are endless contradictions such as the name of the father in law of Moses and others.
If this is not enough, the Israelis today claim to own land based on the Old Testament. However, the original Jews were not white people. The paradox is solved when you learn that the white Jews come from southern Russia. The Khazarians converted to Judaism in the 8th century. White Jews have no genetic link to Abraham, assuming that Abraham even existed. The whole story of Judaism and the Hebrews is basically the story of ancient Babylon, Egypt, the Akkadian Empire, and Sumeria. Meanwhile, evangelicals and Israelis keep pushing the OT in light of mounting evidence to retain control of their Old World Order.

Whatever your belief I wish you well. But let us stand by reason before investing our indentity in myths and legends. As for faith, everyone has faith. If I'm going to believe in Genesis then by default I must go to the source and accept the Enuma Elish and Sumerian Creation Myth as the divine word. It seems that for now I can only have faith in myself . Best wishes and peace.

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