Chronicles of Alan: So You Want to be a Rockstar part 4

in #rockstar8 years ago

After Gordon Left, as mentioned we tried to find a replacement, without success. Floods had become an Alcoholic , and we could not rely on him ( unfortunately) Frano contacted me and said there was a Big demand at his Club to get Thor back .

I found a Krugersdorp Drummer Andre, who owned a Pawn shop ( not Porn). Two young Guys from the South contacted me wanting to play with us, we rehearsed at Andre’s , place ,he had a huge house.

Graham played lead Guitar and Mossie Rhythm and between the 2 of them , sort of made up for Gordon being missing. We were on a tight schedule to get ready , so gave the entire repertoire to Graham, Mossie, and Andre to catch up on , while practicing together at least 3 times a week!.We also did a few songs the others wanted to do.
Come’s the night of our triumphant return to the “ Nash” We set up, do a soundcheck ( see my forthcoming Sound Engineer” series) and are A for away and ready to Rock!

I am about to learn what the saying “ Crash and Burn” actually means!

We start the first set, seems to be OK but no fireworks, Graham complained that he was feeling a bit Flu-ish.

Second set Graham is completely out of it ( says he has taken some medication for it ) I am not sure if the medication is legit ?, or the type you get arrested for? Big problem is that he is no longer capable of playing, Mossie manfully tries to fill in , but is no lead guitar player!

I once read a description ( revue) of a record “ It drones on and on till it falls through the hole in the middle” That pretty much describes our all conquering return to the Nash.

Frano comes up to me , I can see his disappointment Pack it in Guy’s. I had a lot of respect for him, and was sorry to let him down. I organised another good band for him to take over our spot . I would occasionally go through to see friends of mine in other Bands play there , but never performed again myself.

I have mentioned Henry F as being my Brother –in-Law, as well as my Best Friend. We met at College and I introduced him to Chris’s Sister, Elize and their’s is a very happy marriage. Now here is the part that no one who knows him will believe, he was extremely shy when on, stage and though he was the singer, it was more Gordon and then I, who engaged in repartee with the audience.

Elize worked for L’oreal and One of the Manager’s approached me and asked if I could arrange a Band for a Hairdressing, Modelling , Makeup and Fashion Show. Song’s between every part of the show. This was to take place in the President Hotel ( First 5-Star in JHB as I recall) , TV ( early Days) was going to be there. I was really chuffed to be there.

Arranged for Andre on Drums , Keith Burrell on Guitar, Another Guitarist ( I’ll call him Tim) Henry and Yours Truly.

We called ourselves “High Voltage” after the AC/DC song.

We needed about a Total of Six songs for the event.

Rehearse like crazy ( we were being well paid ), day of the event dawns, we all need to be there early to rehearse the sequence of events. The Compere has a fairly big PA there, when he hears my setup, asks if he can use it?, I say sure.
I had recently acquired a Marshall 12 Channel Mixer ( only one I have ever seen) and a set of Bose 901 speakers, that reflect sound, no deadspots in the auditorium!

I pace out the length of the Stage (High Voltage starts with 4 Hi hat hits before everyone comes in , Andre starts the song !( Please remember this!)

Now for all you Perverts reading this” Models do not wear underwear” I am sure you do not need this in Capitals.

Here we are , common Dressing Room, All our Guitars and items in the change room. Hen and I had costumes we had worn with THOR, we got another room on the next floor to change in.

I go over the startup plan, “ Hen, I want you to be halfway out on the T when Andre gives us the first “Dishhhh” Pace yourself so as we all come in you are landing from a mighty leap” Everyone understands!

Time comes to start the Show Compere gives us a huge introduction “ Please Welcome “High Voltage” from their Record Breaking Tour of the UK and the unprecedented success we have had in securing them for our event despite myriad other offers!"

Much clapping and cheering takes place.

At this point Andre is supposed to give the first hit, nothing.

Tim,” for Fs sake Andre” , he starts at quarter speed Henry has reached the front and lands on stage to nothing! ( I watch him wither and die out there 20 ft from us).

Keith hits the First Chord and off we blunder to a drummer playing at half the speed he should be, takes the whole first verse and half the Chorus to come right. Henry comes up to me after that intro song and says in a heated whisper “ I will never play with Andre again”, and other than finishing off that evening as per contract ( no more problems), we never did! Andre’s wife had spotted him checking out the models changing ,just before we went on and had sort of disapproved!( I believe loudly)

Henry and I had gone to change in the other room just before this , and caught a lift down which contained some MOTHS who looked disapproving, as it opened at our floor , Henry grabs me by the arm , kisses me on the Cheek and says” Lets go Sweetie” , did not affect our performance at all!

I think this is how to tell the difference between a real musician and a Wannabee, or for that matter, any other profession, the professional switches off to the world and gets on with it the amateur allows other things to get in the way!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


You are awesome writer. Upvoted, resteemed and followed

Thank You so much for the Compliment, I have just been lucky that I have had a very interesting ( if not stable ) life!

It's not luck. It's the hard work that you put into. Every hardwork shines. Good job.

Thank you, I stand corrected!

good article

Thank You, appreciate the comment

Fantastic! Another installment!

Thank You , KZN! glad that you appreciate it.

By the way , sent a message to you in answer , on your Bright Blue article.

Good work continues ...

Appreciate it, My kids have always asked me to keep a journal, which I have never done, now reliving it on Steemit!

Thank You, appreciate the Two thumbs up!

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