The Road to Steem Fest | Planning, Wanting, Doubting on going to SF4?

in #roadtosteemfest5 years ago (edited)

In response to @anomadsoul’s SF4 writing challenge, I’ll now present mine that needs to arrive on our beloved blockchain before Saturday 14th July 2019.



I don’t want to plan anything as yet due to the lack of information we have received so far.

@roelandp has announced the dates, the location and even the main hotel that is the new equivalent of the Cubus in Krakow but since then we have not heard a thing. When is the next announcement going to take place?


After SteemCamp 2 (a UK meetup) where the date was changed AFTER the announcement I’m a little wary of something similar happening. Forking out for hotel bookings can possibly be changed, but flights cannot.

Someone tell me that this is NOT going to happen and I’ll rest a little better and begin to have a look around at the cost of flights.


The possibility of me attending SF4 right now is ‘very likely’ though I don’t tend to fare well with long haul flights. I suffer from back problems and those cattle class seats really don’t do it any favours.

I could down some Tramadol before we leave, that will fix me up but I can’t bring any due to fear of being arrested for drug trafficking.

There was an incident in Egypt recently where some woman was jailed for trafficking this pain killer.

Who knows what the laws are regarding Tramadol in Thailand but I would rather not test them. The stuff is downright nasty but it fixes me up for a while and I use it sparingly.


Jet Lag is another major problem for me (and most people). I will be arriving at least a day before the main event to alleviate some of the symptoms.

@goblinknackers is also coming, and he’s more enthusiastic than me! You don’t get many new Steemians who start their boggling careers as a Dolphin, but he did.


There’s going to be a lot less Europeans and Americans than Krakow and a much larger contingency of Asian attendees. Are they going to want to talk to me?

These are my old nagging doubts returning again of insecurity and also the fact that I am no longer as young as most other Steemians.

From experience I have noticed that people don’t tend to give two shits about such facts but it still weighs on me.

Some other Information

If the price of STEEM continues to recede then I’m going to panic and sell.., yes of course I am. That’s what we do when prices go down isn’t it, sell and get the lowest possible value for your goods?


I fully intend to join the ranks of the Orca’s BEFORE November unless STEEM changes course and starts heading up at rapid pace.

After the crash last Thursday, STEEM is now 28c per token. £125 recently bought me around 530 STEEM. It’s cheap but not as cheap as last December.

I’m currently around 12000 STEEM short of Orca I’II so will continue to get a little here and little there as well as investing in other coins.

Will it go lower? I think so, until this HF21 has settled into place and everyone knows what’s going on and we have a clearer vision of the future.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


I hope that things stay stable for SF4 and your able to get there, if there is ever one I can get to with a road trip then thats the one I may well join

I think your right Steem is going to go lower until after the HF and then lets see what happens

Well, if you decide to go I surely hope you don't get arrested for trafficking some pain killers, my friend. That would be very unfortunate. Not only you would be in jail but you would have no pain killers for your back as well. And, that would suck. lol

Well, I was wondering about the prices but it just seems a lot of content creators started to power down after the new author rewards changes. Who knows to be honest?

Well, if you decide to go I surely hope you don't get arrested for trafficking some pain killers, my friend. That would be very unfortunate. Not only you would be in jail but you would have no pain killers for your back as well. And, that would suck. lol

I think I'll be fine.. :) just pop a couple before I go, and then get the rest over there.

Well, I was wondering about the prices but it just seems a lot of content creators started to power down after the new author rewards changes. Who knows to be honest?

I just wish they would get on with it now, its coming and we know it.., it wont make any difference to me.. I will keep creating.

Well, then I wish you a pleasant trip over there. Have some fun. :)

Well, I am like you. I use Steemit to connect with people more than anything so any reward I get after that is an extra for me. :)

I am afraid the coin is going to be hard to rally when StInc brings so much to market every month. Seems we are in a death spiral and pulling back on the flight stick is having no effect. BTW I started when steem was a dime.

We will see... lets say it gets to 1c each, would you sell or buy or hold?

Hmmm interesting question. Would we still be operating at a penny? It would not be worth selling at that point. In fact it is almost at the point where I will ride it to zero. Kind of going down with the ship. Would you still post here for no rewards???

Would we still be operating at a penny?

Probably not, but the question is hypothetical.

Would you still post here for no rewards???

In terms of USD, it would be terrible, but you could earn a lot of STEEM as there would be barely any posts, and those that were would gain more rewards.

I couldn't help it... I had to read the entire thing.

I wish I could get around more on the site, but, I spend so much time commenting on my own posts unless I quit work and do it full time, I have no chance.

But, I try.

I wish I could commit to going, but, there is no chance I can do that right now with my life having a gazillion things going on. I hope you have a great time and if you get a prescription for the meds, you shouldn't have any problem. People DO have medication they have to take and then, it is all legit.


I wish I could get around more on the site, but, I spend so much time commenting on my own posts unless I quit work and do it full time, I have no chance.

I know the feeling well... I'm commenting less and less on others' posts but make the effort on my own. A few extra hours per day would be useful don't you think?

Shame you cant make it. There were several hindered at the last one.

Haha! Several hours would be wonderful! It used to be I could finish two days of comments in an hour. Now I can't finish one day worth of comments in 6 hours. Either I am getting slow or something!

Sadly there will be one less "oldie" to keep you company on this Steemfest as i have decided I definitely won't be there. 😢

It just happens to be the one November when I already have 3 things booked, 2 of which can't be changed. Normally nothing happens in November but not so this year.

i'm sure you'll have a brilliant time there. And you'll have @goblinknackers to party with too this time.

Getting a flight where you can sleep for as much of it as possible, taking a sleeping tablet once you're on the plane, is probably going to be the best bet for managing your back. That's what I did when we went to Australia and it worked liked a charm. 😁

Sadly there will be one less "oldie" to keep you company on this Steemfest as i have decided I definitely won't be there.

Ah that's a shame, I see some of this one being held outside and in swimming pools.

i'm sure you'll have a brilliant time there. And you'll have @goblinknackers to party with too this time.

I do, he's really up for it.

taking a sleeping tablet once you're on the plane,

Unless, of course, the plane crashes and you're trying to manage a water evacuation while ... sedated.

(Don't worry about me. I'm the one who looks around once I'm seated and after glancing at all the other passengers, I ask myself, "Are these the people I really want to die with?" I don't fly any more. Now there's a surprise!! All the crap following 9/11 ... and the "security measures" instituted afterwards finally pushed me over the edge. It wasn't much of a trip actually.)

Sooo, the next time you stand in the X-ray tunnel at airport security with your hands raised over your head, ask yourself ... "Is this the posture of a free man?" Or woman. Or WTF-ever.

There is no place on this Earth I need to go bad enough to fly there!!

If I can't drive there ... forget it.

All in it took me two and half days to get back from Brazil - three flights awkwardly timed. After that the thought of a long haul flight is off putting, plus I have been back two weeks and still haven’t caught up fully at work. And my next trip really needs to be Turkey to see our coffee toaster supplies.

Wow you really did power up Steem didn’t you, now the dip had dipped again I might grab a bit more myself - although every time I do the price drops even more so maybe I need to stop!

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All in it took me two and half days to get back from Brazil - three flights awkwardly timed.

I'm not a fan of long hauls, or even flying. It's not a fear, I just find it incredibly dull.

Wow you really did power up Steem didn’t you

Yes, most was in December and January during the lows. I was lucky I guess. I'm still way in the red though if considering it as an investment.

Now that is certainly a worry for many I think, I certainly didn’t expect to see the low value’s we are getting right now - and I don’t really understand why either - I love the Steem Blockchain and the people I have met through it - to me it’s unique and offers far more then the majority of other cryptocurrency around.

What does it need to pull value back though? I hear many suggestions, feelings and ideas from various people. There are so many different community groups working, and individuals to help grow the Blockchain and it’s value - but I’m either not seeing or getting totally missed on where everyone can get involved.

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I love the Steem Blockchain and the people I have met through it - to me it’s unique and offers far more then the majority of other cryptocurrency around.

I have to agree with you, I try and pull away from it at times but it keeps pulling me back in. I have an urge to post and sometimes am full of ideas and yet other times can offer little.

The retention rate is abysmal and from an outsiders perspective it looks rather closed shop.

'Why do I not get all these votes'.. is what I can hear from them. I got none too when I started and STEEM at over $3 each then. I had several posts that gained me $0.00.

It's the same people we meet as the community is small but very tight. Until the token price goes up, we will gain little interest.

It takes a certain tenacity to stick about and see what others gain while you gain less for perhaps better work. That's just the way it is.

Its all about the connections you make, and sadly the wallet size too.

Still there are people out there who can promote content of newbies if it merits it and I feel I do my part too. The latest one is a musician here.

I'm not saying I was responsible for gaining him a @curie, but he found me and his post was $0.00 before I give him a decent vote and resteem.

We have to help these people or no more regulars are going to be born.

I’m struggling to find the time to keep up, I post when I’m inspired but right now all my free time is going to comment on posts because I feel people deserve that the most - recognition for their work.

But I also just see the same people from different communities all over the Steem Blockchain - like you and @steevc but of course many other countless that are all working super hard to post and support - but it’s always the same people - like you say closed knit communities.

I agree that new accounts need more support and recognition, and the awesome groups like @welcomewagon and @steemterminal have been active in this. But I’m starting to wonder where the lead by example went, because the hardest workers to me are all the small and medium size investors - there are a few big investors whom we all know and I won’t mention because it is not needed who put the effort in - but there are many many more that just seem to be waiting it out.

I’m still confident the Steem Blockchain has a bright future, and happy to invest into it frequently because I am sure the value will climb again. It would be nice to see more recognition for the hardest workers on here though (which is by no means me - I would do more but I just have a ton of real life stuff to deal with right now) there are so many small accounts doing so much and a little help from bigger ones would go massively towards helping the wider community and all our stakes in Steem.

My biggest issue would be telling the missus im off to Bangkok on my own. I could get away with Europe Oor the states . Not the city of bloody sin. Plus consuming quite a large amount of alcohol in said city would be very very dangerous. Id end up having a game of russian roulette down a basement to get out of the debt from the money owed when waking up with 34 ladies of the night all wanting payment.

Or perhaps lose a kidney.., yes it does have a reputation but I'm going alone, nonetheless!

hi @slobberchops, this is quite a 'shoot from the hip' blog and I can see your frustration about lack of concrete information for us long haulers, .. I guess those that have already booked flights/hotels haven't had the same previous experiences as you. Anyway id take a tramadol for the flight and hide just one more (the Egypt case was a bit suspect, the lady took very large quantities under the guise that her boyfriend needed them.. (yeah right - there not stupid). So far the fear of speaking to people - ill be there and if things get really desperate I can resort to my 'shooting a bear in the woods' joke, … you know it sounds sooooo much better after a few shandy's …. don't worry ! :-)

From what I can gather, you can get 'anything' there, so I'll take my chances with just downing some for the outbound journey. It usually works OK with me, even giving me a slight buzz but can backfire and make you feel like crap occasionally.

So is that leaning towards a yay or nay? Can bring some Flake with you if you're coming out 😂😋

It's very much a yay. Cadbury's Flake? You cant get them out there?

I could down some Tramadol before we leave, that will fix me up but I can’t bring any due to fear of being arrested for drug trafficking.

I've had to take that stuff for back problems and you're right, it's muck. But does the trick. I'm pretty sure you can get anything over the counter in Thailand m8. I once bought a 6 pack of the strongest valium I've ever had from a pharmacy in Thailand, ate 4 of them during 'cough cough' various after partying States of mind to help me sleep lol....

Then necked the other 2 for my flight back to UK from Bangkok and slept most of the way. I can't sleep on buses and planes so it definitely did the trick. Not that I'm promoting the use of mind bending substances 😂

As to the Asian contingency, I found them quite friendly in Krakow m8. Especially @elizacheng chatted to me many times, and @bitrocker2020 is a cool dude.

P.s. ha ha steem price! I wish I had money to up myself to orca but I'm definitely not selling at this price or lower lol

There's a reason why they're called smart money 😉

I once bought a 6 pack of the strongest valium I've ever had from a pharmacy in Thailand, ate 4 of them during 'cough cough' various after partying States of mind to help me sleep lol....

That will fix me up for the return trip and maybe for some of the trip too.. heh...

I did see @elizacheng at SF3 but didn't really chat to her. The whole point of these posts is to break the ice, and maybe she will see this.., and it will do just that.

Hi hi hi! Really not enough time to talk to everyone during the SF3... I guess maybe 5 days aren't just enough... 😂
Would love to see you again @raj808 and then chat with you @slobberchops 🤗

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