My Long And Winding Road That Leads To SteemFest 3 by @luzcypher

in #roadtosteemfest6 years ago (edited)

Last year's SteemFest 2 in Lisbon, Portugal was so much fun I made up my mind right then and there to attend every SteemFest event in the future.

Minutes before I was about to book flights to Thailand, a place I have always dreamed of going to but was waiting for @roelandp to announce the location of SteemFest 3. The anticipation of that announcement had me on pins and needles. Not wanting to wait anymore I was literally sitting at my computer booking my flights to Thailand when my inbox was flooded with notifications announcing the time and place for SteemFest 3, so, I booked those flights too. Perfect timing.

John Lennon memorial, Central Park, New York

So my road to SteemFest this year will be a long journey starting in Cancun, Mexico. I'll spend a week in Mexico City before catching a flight from there to Bangkok, Thailand where I'll spend 2-months, then go to Krakow, Poland for the event before returning to Thailand for at least two more months, maybe more.

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. - Mark Twain

I had a chance to hook up with my friend @anomadsoul a couple weeks ago when he hatched this idea for the #roadtosteemfest, a wonderful idea to get to know each other before meeting up. One of the things that really stood out to me at SteemFest last year was this feeling of meeting people for the first time who you already felt you knew through reading their posts, it's remarkable in that sense.

So let me share a bit about myself.

I have done many things and traveled to many places around the world but this will be my first time going to Poland. I joined Steemit on August 31st, 2016 and soon after started an initiative called Steemit Open Mic, an online, live music venue to give musicians a chance to share their music with the Steemit community and get their music heard.

Bizarre travel plans are dancing lessons from God. - Kurt Vonnegut

A study of the trending pages on the platform clued me into the understanding that the more one can help others on Steemit the more successful one could be. This is truly a gift economy. What is a gift economy you ask? Here's a great post about that titled, The Reason You Don't Understand Steemit: It's Like A Gift Economy Not A Commodity Economy -- by @stellabelle

With so much support from so many talented musicians on Steemit and the generous support from a handful of witnesses, (@pfunk, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @curie, @isaria) I'm now gratefully living on Steem 100%. I'm not rich and live a modest lifestyle, but do get to travel quite a bit.

It took me about 8-months of working 8-12 hours per day on the platform to make enough to replace my income and thanks to Steemit have been introduced to crypto, one of the mission statements of Steemit.

Before getting involved in Steemit I was selling timeshare (vacation packages) in Cancun, and instead of talking about traveling as I did for 12-years, now I'm traveling myself.

One's destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things. - Henry Miller

People have the mistaken belief that traveling is expensive, but not anymore as renting a house really. Doing both at the same time is expensive so I only do one at a time. I will either rent a place and stay put for a couple months or hit the road and travel.

@luzcypher and @lizanomadsoul at the beach in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

My friend @lizanomadsoul who I also introduced to Steemit says the Germans have a word for my condition.

Fernweh which translates to wanderlust. Apparently the only cure is to keep traveling and if one can't travel then getting a job in the travel industry and reading travel magazines and blogs can keep the symptoms under control temporarily, but actually venturing into the world and seeing it first hand is the only real remedy.

Sometimes I'll stay in a fancy resort for a couple nights but mostly I've grown fond of hostels. Not only is it less expensive which translates into staying longer, but that is where the real travelers are. In fact, that is where I met @anomadsoul and introduced him to Steemit.

People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the people they ignore at home. - Dagobert D. Runes

What is a real traveler you may ask? Simple. Someone who travels extensively, not just for a week or two vacation once a year, but continually, staying in places long enough to really know the culture.

For example, as I mentioned I'll be in Thailand for 2-month prior to SteemFest, but will be returning to Thailand after the event. There are so many places around South East Asia to see like Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Philippines. For this reason I have not booked flights returning to Cancun because I don't know when I'll be returning and plan to visit these places while on that side of the world.

Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going. - Paul Theroux

@luzcypher and @anomadsoul at SteemFest 2 in Lisbon, Portugal

Hostels are a fantastic place to share and recruit people to join Steemit. Not only are they fascinated that I can live this way, but they have great stories of their own to tell and see Steemit as a way to share them. Hostels are so much more social than staying in hotel rooms and when you're traveling all the time getting to know people is important.

A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place. - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

I have had all the trappings of success in my life, cars, money, houses, etc., but sold everything and can now fit my life into a suitcase, a camera bag, and a guitar. Things no longer hold the importance they used to. Experiences are the new shiny toys that hold my attention. Relationships are the glue that binds it all together. This perspective has created a priceless, global network of friends in my life.

With that in mind, one of the coolest things about attending Steemfest is the friendships one makes from all over the world. Being part of SteemFest is like meeting your extended, global family. A room full of excited people doing what they love and are passionate about while sharing the common point of interest we express ourselves though, namely the Steemit platform. It's such a unique experience.

Plus, once you buy your ticket and get there, Steemit Inc. generously takes care of everything else. The food, drink, and, entertainment spared no expense last year and I'm sure @roelandp has a great time in store for us this year too.

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu

Last year I won a ticket through a contest sponsored by @quinneaker and 80% of my flight was reimbursed by the SteemFest Travel Reimbursment Fund which really helped with the costs of going to the event.

So this year I want to give back. That's why, with the help and sponsorship from @anomadsoul and @blocktrades, @openmic will be giving a ticket away to one lucky winner this year. Be sure to follow me and look for that soon-to-be-made announcement on my blog for your chance to win a ticket to SteemFest 3.

If you are going to SteemFest this year be sure to visit @anomadsoul's blog to find the latest #roadtosteemfest post and write something about yourself. Once you do feel free to add a link to your post here so I can read it. Looking forward to reading your stories and meeting you all in Krakow, until then may Steem be with you.

Here's is a lesson in Thai that will make you laugh.

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Looks like a wonderful adventure.
I have a LOT going on but am interested in a trip to Thailand for sure especially if you and a gang of Steemians are in on it!

I would be SO cool even if just a handful of us went to Thailand after SteemFest. Whatever we do it will be fun.


2 months in thailand! u are not telling me u stay 2 months only in bangkok right? i liked koh tao east-side of the island most during our 4 week thai trip in 2014/2015 something.

No, of course not. I'll be traveling north heading towards Chiang Mai and Pai as it's the best time to go there and not such a good time for the beaches in the south, but when I return from Poland will be hitting the islands and get some beach time in. Besides, I live in Cancun and can have the beach every day.

Would you be interested in coming back in November and getting sunburned in Thailand with me and a few others? Also, seeing you've been there do you have any recommendations? Here's a short list of some of the places I'm planning to visit.

What Are The Must See Places In Thailand?

I remember the first time I met you in person in Lisbon. It was the first night before SteemFest and @quinneaker and I were about to buy the first drink in this bar when you walked up and say, "Would you like a drink?" You then proceeded to open the bar for everyone there that night. I liked you from that very moment on because that is usually me busting that move. Hahahaha! Next time I see you I'll buy you a drink.

Hahahaha fantastic times!
Love you guys

Can't wait to see you and the Garden Of Eden gang again. More fun time ahead.

Love you man. Sounds like your adventure to SteemFest is going to be awesome!
Of wait....looks like your LIFE is awesome haha

Hello am nnorukaanointing, are you on discord? @roelandp

Hey @roeland, just thought you should know we're giving away a ticket to SteemFest this year once they go on sale. You can read about it here.

Want to go to SteemFest this year?

Your Chance To Win A Steemfest Ticket Plus Accommodations Giveaway Sponsored By Blocktrades And Openmic --- by @luzcypher

How nice to see your example @luzcypher and many of us are already living thanks to Steemit. I wish you every success.

Steemit has changed many people lives and even more so in places like Venezuela. You may remember this story from last year. If I recall you added a comment to it.

Help Me Solve This Mystery The Man That Blew My Mind At Steemfest

I truly resonate with statement below,

Hostels are a fantastic place to share and recruit people to join Steemit. Not only are they fascinated that I can live this way, but they have great stories of their own to tell and see Steemit as a way to share them.

I definitely prefer to be staying at hostels because the people have so much to say and offer.Not to mention, they are open to learn something new. I have introduced people I met about steemit and also cryptocurrency in general. It just, I hope steem inc will be fixing their registration process.

Indeed, hostels are awesome places to meet interesting people from all over the world.

@roelandp did a great job last year and I'm sure this year will be the same. Flights are booked, rented a house through Airbnb, just waiting for the tickets to go on sale.

Seems like such a dreamy life...traveling and meeting friends and learning about the ways of the world as you go. I hope you have a beautiful time...and hope you take plenty of pictures to share with us!

I will for sure take lots of pics and post about my travels along the way and share the music of musicians entering Open Mic with the people I meet. When I met @anomadsoul at a hostel in Playa (he was working there as a bartender) we would hook up my computer to the bar speakers and play the entries so that everyone at the bar could help me pick winners for the week. This was before we had judges. It was a blast and that's how he got introduced to Steemit.

This is one of my dreams! I hope to experience it at least through you! Grcias for sharing!

What is one of your dreams?

Travelling around the world to know new places, people, friends that I´ve only met through internet. It would be nice!

I remember that at steemfest2, just outside of the pool venue we were quite a few hopping this one will be in Cancun. Well, keep it in mind for the next year :D I really love what you said about people and this is the reason that I am looking forward to see old/new faces of the big family :)

Cancun would be a perfect place for SteemFest. Gald I'm going to see you again in Poland though. We'll just have to drink so we don't feel the cold.

I really love what you said about people

What did I say about people?

You're the guy who got @anomadsoul here? What? Reading more and more and learning more about the people here, this is starting to intertwine into a legendarium!

Yes, and he's doing really well. I'm so proud of him.

Oh I love that you are now living your travel dreams! And all on Steem!! Amazing how this platform has really allowed so many to accomplish their goals and truly live life to the fullest.

Exciting to hear about your journey to the platform and the connections that I didn’t even know existed. It’s is really just a big family around here, love that.

Looking forward to seeing your continuing journey and finally meeting you at SF3... also, thanks for your work with openmic... I think it has brought a lot of talent to this platform and it is and will always be one of my favorite tags ❤️

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