The Hunt : Week 7 : Hello Lucky Number 7, Mercury Retrograde and Super Full Moon.

in #realestate7 years ago (edited)


I am born on the 7th and have always considered the number 7 and myself extremely lucky. My whole life, when shit happens, it always ends up being fertilizer.

Sunday Dec 3 is the beginning of the last Mercury Retrograde of the year and also the last Full Moon of the year, which also happens to be a Super Full Moon, the first Super Full Moon in a series of 3. In my circles, Dec 3 is a significant day and one we've been watching for a while.

It's also the first Sunday inspection we have ever been to in the last 7 weeks.

Could we get lucky on our 7th week on the hunt?

Mercury Retrograde

(Mercury Retrograde Dos & Donts)

Mercury Retrograde is a planetary occurrence that lasts for 3 weeks, 3 to 4 times a year when Mercury, ruler of communication, travel and technology, passes the Earth's orbit and seems to slow down, stop and appears to spin backwards.

When this happens all matters of travel, communication and technology are brought into focus and are often affected. This is why I often warn people to back up their computers in preparation for the retrograde, and for the love of God, don't buy big ticket items during the Mercury Retrograde.

It was for this reason, when we bought our land last year we made the sellers wait until we AFTER Mercury Retrograde and came out of it making the best choice we could ever make for our future, enabling us to be at this stage in our lives.

I am a seasoned Mercury Retrograder. I know the drill.

If you are travelling, communicating, buying big ticket items or technology, you need to wait until AFTER the Mercury Retrograde and you should also use this time to comb through all the details. Mercury Retrograde is all about the REs. Re-Think, Re-Evaluate, Review.

The Super Full Moon

(Moon Phases and their meanings)

There are Full Moons and there are SUPER Full Moons.

Full Moons represents growth, transformation, completion and abundance. It is a time for harvesting seeds planted and a perfect time to let go of things that no longer serve you whether it be people, jobs, circumstances, emotions, etc - The power of the Full Moon will assist you in your goal. This is the reason most rituals are performed during a Full Moon, to harness the power of it.

A Super Full Moon is when the Full Moon is in direct alignment with the Sun, and is also 6% closer to Earth due to the Earth’s rotation. Spirituality speaking, it just means a supercharged Full Moon - Think double the fun, depending on you and how you handle it.

You may or may have not noticed a lot of crazy things happen on Full Moons. You could either have the best, illuminating conversation you've ever had or you could have the biggest argument ever - Full Moons amplify energy.

Now imagine a Super Full Moon... Yeh... You're with me now.

This Super Full Moon is the first of 3 Super Full Moons in a row and one of them an Eclipse in January next year that I have been waiting for. To say there's big life changing things ahead for everyone in the coming 3 months is a total understatement.

Buckle your seat belts peeps. Your life is about to get moving.

Ok, where are you going with all this?

Well, I think we found our house.

I know I said that before about Photoshop House BEFORE we went to the inspection and I've been careful not to jump the gun again after that one.

We skipped last weekend and decided to take a break and go to the gem show so this weekend was our first weekend back on the hunt. With the buyers markets upon us and the sellers cluing in on this, I have noticed a big drop of new houses on the market.

Imagine my shock when I found this house on the market at a great price, ticking off a lot of boxes. Like A LOT.

This house has the exact floor plan as Bad Reno except the kitchen isn't as bad, and it's a bigger house as in our lounge will actually fit in here. The toilet is in the bathroom and you guys know what I'm like about that and I haven't figured out where I'm moving it - but I am surprisingly Ok about it.

BUT. It's bang smack at the start of the Mercury Retrograde, BUT the Super Full Moon has my back I think?

Is this our forever home?

We drove past the house earlier that day. As per usual I had already Google map stalked it and but we still had to check it out to see if it was even worth going to the inspection.

Judging from what we saw, it was.

It was on one of our favourite streets. We've driven down this street many times and have never heard a dog bark once. Only one neighbor beside us, no one behind or in front - which is great but makes me wonder what will happen when/if those empty lots get sold.

Located on the high end of the street, it had a commanding view of the mountains, with a wrap around deck where one can enjoy the crisp mountain air and the views.

Here are some pics!

Love how as you get to the front door you can look over and see the mountains.

This is the view from the front door.


More views inside.

I reckon that shed even has a view.

View from the back yard.

Found this tree on the property, not quite sure what it is or if it's edible. Anyone know what it is?

And back to this picture again. I actually sat down and savored the view when I took this photo. I'm pretty sure soon after I spoke to the agent and asked her to email me the contract.

Interesting things to note.

  • Sunday is the 7th day

  • We woke up Sunday morning to a crying bird and I knew that sound.

When we went to check out Pee House we saw a baby magpie crying out. I looked around me and saw mum magpie with a little something something in her beak. She looked at me and flew off to her baby, who gobbled the food up and began crying again.

That was the same crying I woke up to and I opened my curtains surprising the magpie, and myself, as it flew away. I swear to you I feel like that bird was hanging on my window.

Being a believer of signs, I looked it up in my Animal Spirit Guide book by Steven Farmer (this morning lol)

If a Magpie shows up, it means:
Act on opportunities that present themselves. It’s also important now to check and balance your polarities, such as masculine-feminine, intellect-emotions, or spiritual-mundane. Be straightforward in your verbal communication, saying what you mean while at the same time listening carefully to what the other person is saying.

  • We received the contract via email shortly after we got home and we replied with an offer 7 minutes later.

  • And sometime yesterday afternoon...

Our offer was accepted!!!

So here we are, at the start of the last Mercury Retrograde of 2017 which is amplified or tempered (depending on how you want to look at it) by the Super Full Moon.

Although I'm not in the habit of expecting bad things to happen to me, I am fully aware about the possible dramas when purchasing during the Mercury Retrograde, like I said, I'm a seasoned Merc Retrograder.

In fact we are already seeing and catching things.

A word of advice for the next 3 weeks.

Be meticulous and check all the details. Slow down and don't just jump into things. Especially if you're buying big ticket items. And if you haven't back your PC up lately, do it now.

Right now our conveyancer is our BFF.

Wish us luck!


The Hunt Archives

Week 6:
Week 5: Part 02:
Week 5: Part 01:
Week 4: Part 2:
Week 4: Part 1:
Week 3:
Week 2:


Photos taken by me on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3


Nice post.
You are correct, storm is here and things are about to get a bit rocky.
HODL your hat, socks & esp your Crypto!

I hope this helps get you through :-)

Aww thats awesome!! Thank you kindly! Wishing you a very productive retrograde!

Great! Buddy. So keep

Kumusta bearone! :) lucky 7! makes me think of the '777' of the lotto machines.. :P cool!

Lol! Great advice and reminder @bearone-- I keep on forgetting that it is Mercury in Retrograde :) upvoted!

@nichi my pleasure! If I didn't check facebook last week I would have forgotten too.

So you have a new house now? Yay :D

We're starting to look now as well, first two were duds, got another 6 on the list (assuming they don't disappear by the time we go look at them), we're not really in any particular hurry though, as I think I said to you before, we're happy to sit and wait for a good one to come along XD


I think we do Ry!!!

I think you'll find the one will pop up out of no where like this popped up for us. We kinda just resigned ourselves to wait until next year until this one came up.

That's what I'm figuring :)


Wow nice deck.... and love the view... have a good a day

Thanks! Have a brilliant day @arshi :)

it was actually my first time reading about Mercury retrograde. that's pretty amazing and full of wonders haha! anyway, I like the house! it looks warm and cozy and the view is really beautiful too.nice deal ❤

Thanks love <3 It is quite cosy and that view <3 <3

Nice Deck..I love the view.. and I am still at the New Moon level haa Have a good Day.

Isnt it gorgeous? <3 Haha you;ll be at full moon before you know it! Thanks for stopping by!

I am so excited for you! I can't believe you found the home you wanted. You totally deserve it. Hope everything works out! The view is amazing I must admit.

Thanks @topkpop!!! I cant believe it either, it took long enough!

That super full moon on Dec 3 was right by the window of our room. It woke me up 3 times and I saw it in 3 different positions through the dawn. I knew I should have paid more attention to it!

The house is gorgeous. I will eagerly wait on your next post. Sending you positive vibrations all the way from Bulacan 💗

It was smiling and blessing you. It's actually quite normal to have disturbed sleep during a full moon because there is so much energy coming from her :) I was up with you guys Full Moon night, I went to bed about 3am after the Yearender. It was such a great night!

Many thanks and love for the great vibes Danda. 💗

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