QWISO Cheap Poison for Cannabis Extractions (Why STEEMERS Don't Use Isopropyl Alcohol)

in #qwiso8 years ago

Say No to QWISO and Use Food Grade Ethanol for Cannabis Extractions Instead

Isopropyl alcohol is the “ISO” in QWISO, the term stands for “Quick Wash Isopropyl.” ISO is one of the cheapest and most commonly used solvents for cannabis extractions. Look in any place you’d find information on cannabis extractions and you’ll find fan-boys for QWISO.

The Isopropyl is Always in the End Product

You can wash and vacuum purge and re-wash and re-wash QWISO with ethanol and the result will still test positive for Isopropyl. Use isopropyl for extractions and you’ll be slowly poisoning anyone who uses it. Isopropyl alcohol is poison to animals (yes, humans are animals). The MSDS information on the chemical is pretty clear. The real danger is through repeated exposure, since the damage accumulates. Who only takes one dab of oil… Right?

(MSDS Info) Potential Acute Health Effects:

Hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant,sensitizer, permeator).

Potential Chronic Health Effects:

Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: A4 (Not classifiable for human or animal.) by ACGIH, 3 (Not classifiable for human.) by IARC. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Not available. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Reproductive system/toxin/female, Development toxin [POSSIBLE].The substance may be toxic to kidneys, liver, skin, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage.

Less Expensive Ethanol Methods

Yes, ethanol is expensive AND there are ways to reduce your costs with it.

Use a Still

One way is to use a still to reclaim about 80% of the ethanol back from each run. Having a still also allows you to re-distill cheaper alcohols to 95% pure before doing an extraction.

Dry Ice Saves Ethanol!

Another way to lower your ethanol costs is to reduce the volume of your plant matter first. Follow the directions for dry ice hash, only keep everything in the bucket (no mesh screen or smooth surface) and then do an ethanol wash with it. Awesomely simple. :)

Use Care and Be Clean

You’re making extractions of a truly medicinal plant, let’s keep the contaminates we introduce to a minimum. We want the best results while doing the least damage and using food grade materials and tools goes a long way toward that goal.

Keep it Clean!


use food grade propylene glycol and it's a 2 for because It's like flax seed oil and will keep you regular. Plus invest in a Magic butter machine and you'll double the output and keep the potency

No offense, but Grooooosss. That's the main ingredient in anti-freeze and your body does not digest it, why would you lock precious cannabinoids up in the stuff, it just slides through your digestive system.

Seriously, if you're going to use an oil, use one of the two best. Olive Oil or Clarified Butter. You'll end up actually using the cannabinoids in your body AND, they also absorb the most cannabis oils out of any other oils. :)

Olive Oil and Clarified butter have the fastest absorption times and nearly the same efficacy times for all blood types. Makes dosing super simple. :D
Appreciate you posting that, love helping people find a better solution.

I used to do QWISO. It was so cheap and easy. But then I noticed my ears started ringing randomly. I am a drummer, so I have experienced ringing from loud sounds before but this was different. After I stopped making and smoking QWISO I stopped experiencing the random ear ringing.

Now I stick to CO2 dabs and flower in the volcano. QWISO is just some dirty ass ghetto shit, it is the crack of dabs. Just dont do it.

I feel the same way about QWISO. I'm very sensitive and I'm unable to use iso products at all. One, they're nasty tasting, even when it's only a faint taste. Two, I get raw throat and lungs. Just horrible stuff and that's washed and 'cleaned' iso. Washed multiple times with ethanol. Bleah

Isopropyl Alcohol, just don't do it. lol

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