Cannabis is NON-ADDICTIVE!

in #cannabis8 years ago

That's right, cannabis 'itself' is non-addictive. "Wait... Wait, WHAT??" What'chu talkin' about Willis?

Cannabis is NON-Addictive

It's true, there are no physical addiction properties to cannabis. No physical feening or 'pull' by your body reaching out for what it's addicted to. Unlike, oxycotin (heroin), most psyche meds, ritalin (cocaine), adderall (meth) and the majority of prescription medications on the market, cannabis does not set up a physical dependence in the body.

What About Mental Addiction?

Many people claim there is a 'mental' addiction to cannabis, I claim a huge misunderstanding. You see, cannabis brings significant relief to a vast number of issues people suffer from. The majority of the population are completely unaware of their issues, the use of cannabis just brings a general sense of well being, a higher ability to tolerate the problems affecting their daily life. The greater their issues, the more cannabis they'll seek out for additional comfort.

That's Addiction Though, Right?

Interestingly enough, when you remove the issue causing the, so called, cannabis addiction, the 'addiction' goes away. Cannabis becomes something the individual will use or not, without additional pressures from the subconscious or body. Ever hear of a social drinker? There are quite a few social smokers.

This process of an addiction 'fading away' is not something you can do with physically addictive drugs.

Cannabis is an Exit Drug/Herb

Contrary to the lies pushed by our govt. and their blind followers, cannabis is not a gateway drug. Cannabis is increasingly being used as an "Exit Herb" to assist addicts with quitting drugs. One of the effects of cannabis is a low level meta programming effect. Issues with the psyche are easier to deal with and understand, when the correct cannabis is being used.

Cannabis helps significantly to alleviate a variety of complications arising from drug withdrawals. Nausea suppression, comfort, mild euphoria (with the right strains), pain control and more.

There's a new day coming to the world, a day where cannabis once again takes it's rightful place in the medicine cabinet. A better day for us all.

Keep it Clean!


The research say that marijuana is very helpful with mental issues and people are starting to turn away from prescription drugs:

ty for posting! :D

In 2013, 17 states had medical cannabis programs. Those 17 states, even with the low numbers of people taking advantage of it (A lot of people still avoid it due to federal illegal status), those states saved Over $150M in Medicare prescription medication costs.

Only 17 states, and only the people who were willing to use it.

I estimate the Medicare savings will reach over $2Billion, when additional savings are figured in. Reduced number of health issues, reduced visits and on and on. Like it or not, cannabis use is healthier than non-cannabis use.

Keep it Clean! :D

there is definitely a possibility to form a mental attachment to marijuana that leads to habitual use. your post is just rhetoric.

I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for research to catch up.

People apparently don't understand what I mean, when I say 'removing the issue.' Anyone who has experienced what I'm talking about will instantly understand and agree. Guess for now, "ya had to be there."

I have used medical marijuana to help me stop drinking as much. The result is that i use CBD's and marijuana to help with my arthritis pain and CBD are a non-psychoactive way to accomplish that. The side benefit is that i drink only socially now and have lost 30 pounds over the last year. Barring my over indulging and getting the munchies.

That's awesome :)

I highly recommend choosing your foods by your blood type. You'll be able to snack pretty much all you want, no excess weight gain. :)

Indeed, the truth is beginning to spread faster and faster.

The internet is a powerful tool :)

Pure Awesome!

I actually smoke cannabis. ;)

I grow too, even wrote a book on how I grow such amazing quality. :) Check it out on Amazon. "Secrets to Growing Trichome Dense Cannabis" :D

Cannabis is excellent for relieving the discomfort of quitting adderal (meth), ritalin (cocaine), oxycotin (heroin) and a large variety of depression and anxiety, prescription medications.

Does my heart good to see people appreciating this.
Amazing information for those struggling with addiction. :)

Wow, a downvote.

It's interesting that the firmer people believe a lie, the stronger their emotional reaction is to the truth. Please post your dissenting opinion, so I can help you understand where your education is lacking.

Be good to yourselves and keeeeep Steeeeeemin! :D

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