UPDATED - Qurator Tiers and Upvote Weights Update - 10/04/2018 | BIG UPDATE, If you are a member please read!

in #qurator6 years ago (edited)

Tiers Update 1.jpg

For more information on how to join Qurator click HERE


Last week the Tool we used to get our data was no longer working.

For this week we coded our own tool, little did we know that most of the tools and sites round up the values. Many users downgraded to T0. We adjusted our counts and our bots. In this post, this will be your most up to date Tier and upvote weight.

Regarding the new subscription:

We had some rants and concerns so here are some answers and explanations:

The move is necessary. Our options are limited and it's either we decrease in size and support of we stand together or expand and grow. Qurator is indeed a community project and we are only as strong as the community makes us.

There is power in numbers, if we all choose to support Qurator with the bare minimum, then expect changes and the bare minimum. If we all choose to support the project with a bit more then indeed there will be fewer changes and better upvotes/support for all.

Many asked for an example of the new account and what about the members that recently joined with the 4 steem registration fee.

  • All the members who joined in APRIL will be placed in TIER 2 for the month of MAY. That way there will besome decent upvotes in store for them.

  • How big will the new Qurator Tier 1 and 2 account be? We are aiming for 20-30K (depending on the availability of SP we can get).

  • We have no idea how many members will take part and subscribe for Tier 1 or 2 so giving upvote weights are not something we can give at this stage. More details will follow as we get everything ready.

NOTE: Please keep in mind, in the beginning the upvotes for T2 members will be exagerated since there won't be that many members. It will take a while for the members and upvotes weights to balance out.


Update to Tier 1 and 2 as a new account specifically for T1-T2 members.

Our current system of upvoting @qurator 4 or 7 times a week to get a higher tier was there to show support toward the Qurator Project so we could generate funds in order to pay for leases. Sadly with the current market conditions we won't be able to support the high levels of upvotes anymore.

The Qurator project wants to be open to all our members, it is indeed your community. Yes, we are in a bit of a pickle. We hoped the market would have recovered by now, but sadly it didn't. We have all felt it: the low steem price, the smaller upvotes and payouts, we are all aware of it. This means we can't keep on leasing all the Steem Power we used to.

We can lease less Steem Power, but sadly not as easy as that. We have and will always strive to give back more than we get from our members. Delegators know we try our best to give you a better rate than you would have gotten while selfvoting 10 times a day.

The solution

We will be moving away from Upvoting for Tier 1 and Tier 2 upgrades. Instead we will be subscription based starting next month, in May. This way members will no longer need to upvote posts to get a Tier 1 or Tier 2 upgrade. Upvotes will still be greatly appreciated and will still go towards leases.

We will be charging a monthly fee for those who want to be in T1 and T2. There will also be a new account that will handle the upvotes for T1 and T2. This way we can ensure that if you are someone who posts regularly that you will get more than you give.

The monthly fee will be:

Tier 1 = 1 Steem
Tier 2 = 2 Steem

The new account will go 'live' next week after the Tier update. It will have around 25-30K Steem Power.

This will also mean that the main Qurator account will only be upvoting the T3-T5 and Elites. It will lose around 33% of its Steem Power but since it will not be upvoting T1 and T2 anymore the upvote weight will be drastically increased and will balance out to produce almost the same value per upvote as it is doing now.

We will try our best to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Registration changes:

New members will still pay 4 Steem to register but will automatically be placed in Tier 2 for 30 days to help out with their return on investment for the registration fee. After 30 days they can choose to renew their subscription, i.e. pay 1 Steem for T1 or 2 Steem for T2, in order to stay in a higher tier or be moved to Tier 0.

Note: If for example you register in the middle of the month we will work out your pro-rata subscription fee to cover the rest of the days before the end of the month. This will ensure that subscription fees are paid at the start of each month.

I am going to be honest. We are a sea of minnows with little whale support, yes we have been supported by all our members, but with the price of steem and the current lease rates, it just doesn't work anymore. We have been thinking about how to handle this. We have been paying steem out of our own pockets to keep the leases active and to keep supporting at the current rates that we do. Qurator is only as good as the support it gets from the community. The subscription fee might not be for everyone and we understand it will be a hassle for some, BUT members can choose to use that 1 or 2 Steem on a pay4vote bot or you can use it to support a massive 1000+ community while also getting a better upvote from us, for a whole month. What upvote bot offers that?

Thank you for understanding and as always we are open to all questions and concerns. We will keep working on ways to make the Qurator project better for the whole community. Steem on Qurites!

More details to follow in the Daily Qurator posts as we work out all the kinks and get the new system up and running.

Welcome to the Qurator Tiers update!

As a member of @qurator we already know you post original content and we fully support original quality content, especially from minnows. We send out daily upvotes to all our Qurites if they post, but if they show some participation or invest in @qurator we feel they deserve some better rewards from @qurator. That's where Tiers come in. Below you will find all the members of @qurator and their respective tiers.


Upvote Tiers

In the past we said that T1 and T2 members need to upvote the Daily Qurator post to gain access to T1/T2. We have now changed this to all @qurator posts. Thus, if you upvote 7+ of any @qurator posts in one week you will gain access to T2 voting. For automated voting we suggest using Steemvoter

The 1% supporters/upvoters...

It has come to our attention that some users are taking advantage of the Upvote Tiers. The original rules were:

Upvoting @qurator 4+ times a weekTier 1
Upvoting @qurator 7+ times a weekTier 2

This was mainly put in play to give Qurator more support towards earning SBD for leases. Most of the SBD we earn go towards our members with leases or payouts for competitions. There have been some members that do upvote our daily posts but by only 1%... this is not support though. We understand that every member has a different amount of SP though. Thus, we will be counting upvotes only if they are worth at least $0.01.

We know some members don't have a lot of SP and even their 100% upvote is not worth $0.01. We will still count your vote if we see a 100% vote even if it's below $0.01.

Below your can see examples of upvotes that will and will not count towards the Tiers:

1% = $0.00 will not be counted
100% = $0.00 will be counted
Any % = at least $0.01 will be counted

I know this might not sit right with some Qurites but the Qurator project cannot support all the Tiers if some users show us support with $0.00 upvotes while they can support the project and all members with a higher upvote. We are not asking for your 100% upvote. We just think it fair that we support the users who support the project and their fellow Qurites.

NOTE:The Upvote Tiers (1 and 2) are counted 12 PM UTC TIME ON MONDAY and if you failed to upvote before our count your Tier might be lower than expected. Upvote values also decline/change over a 7 day period before the post reaches payout. The time of your upvote might have been $0.01 but by the time the posts reaches payout the values are less/more.

This way we can award the T1-5 members more since they are actively supporting the project.

If you want to support Qurator more we suggest delegating or upvoting our Daily Qurator posts. This can be automated with Steemvoter (guide to set up a Steemvoter account HERE.

Delegation links:


After you click the link you will have to check the value, click next and then enter your steemit NAME and Private Active Key to delegate. Please remember to leave at least 50SP in your account!

What if I upvote and delegate?

YES, delegations and upvotes stack.

Example: Delegating 300SP and upvoting the Daily Qurator 7+ time a week will place you in a T5 membership slot.

Current Tiers with their Upvote Weight and Upvote Worth

Changes to Tier 0 upvote weights.

It has come to our attention that there are a lot of members that registered with Qurator, but that are not actively supporting the project's growth. This is not a necessity but is always much appreciated. We tend to give more support to those who return the favor. You are not just supporting Qurator but all 860+ members. Most of our profits go toward leases so any upvote helps all of us.

Tier 0 Members are not really active and we respect their choices. We are not forcing anyone to Upvote/Delegate. We just feel it is more fair towards supporters to get more rewards as a token of our appreciation for helping out the Qurator project. It's a group effort.

All Tier 0 members will be upvoted with the @qurator-tier-0 account. With the main @qurator account being close to 125K and not being able to upvote smaller than 0.5% the second account had to be created in order to support tier 0 members.

We currently have around 117 000 SP. We will be staying above 100K for as long as we can. The current rates on leases as well as the price of SBD/STEEM is not nearly as good as it used to be we are not generating enough STEEM to keep up with all of our leases. Luckily with the new Tiers in place we are seeing some great new investors helping out and supporting the project. Thank you so much!


TIER 0 (upvotes from @qurator-tier-0)TIER 1TIER 2TIER 3TIER 4TIER 5

Elite Tiers


Calculated at around 80% voting power via Steemnow.com with Median STEEM pricee at $1.80

Qurator Selfvote

Our account is now big enough that a selfvote will make a big difference in the long run. Most of our profits go towards leases and our members. Our selfvote will start this week, thus the voting weights will take a dip and then from next week the values should increase. With our selfvote and we can show extra support later on to all our members. We will do the upvotes near the end of our post payout to ensure all our members upvoting us will get some extra curation in. ;)

Mutual Project support

We have formed and alliance with the Silver Gold Community. @silvergoldbotty will be upvoting one @qurator post a day and we will be upvoting one @silvergoldbotty post a day. This is experimental for now. The reasoning behind it is that we will be able to generate more SBD per week and with more SBD we will be able to better keep up with our leases as well getting some new ones. Thus, even though the voting weight will decrease the actual value of the votes will increase since we will have more SP later on. =)

If this goes well we will look into mutual support between other projects as well. =)

All Tiers and their respective members.

Diamond - TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 5000SP to @qurator48%

@azircon @nomad-magus @flipstar @bitrocker2020

Platinum - TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 2500SP to @qurator20%


Gold - TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 2000SP to @qurator16%


Silver - TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 1500SP to @qurator12%

@stresskiller @valth

Copper - TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 1000SP to @qurator8%

@ewkaw @brumest @ackhoo @scrooger @bokeh @macrophotography @goldendawne @djlethalskillz @gmichelbkk @digitalis @johnvibes @aaronleang

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 500SP+ to @qurator4%

@cryptastic @pearica @giantbear @gingerninja @happymoneyman @arunava @gregory-f @maarnio @msp-creativebot @sammosk @steemiteducation @raserrano @melinda010100 @xyzashu @foovler @ethandsmith @shawkr13 @djynn @svashta @birjudanak @boontjie @phelimint @alvinauh @steembusiness @cathi-xx @lebron2016 @barbara-orenya @ecoinstant @lizelle @glennolua @lexiconical @costanza @rosatravels @vimukthi @cobmaximus @deaconlee @buzzbeergeek @dejan.vuckovic @thereikiforest @kryzsec @world-travel-pro @jpphotography @canadianrenegade @watersnake101 @dedicatedguy @superoo7 @joannewong @swerdan @sagescrub @allforthegood @fronttowardenemy @mehta @iamjadeline @negativer @mountainjewel @sweetcha @energyaddict22 @asgarth @drumoperator @humanearl @sumatranate @buggedout @jrvacation @asianetwork @jorgegp @maane @pizzapai @eto-ka @seanytan @forkonti @retro-room @debart @howtostartablog @francuzzz @victorcovrig @soundlegion @zephalexia @fakire1sadaka @boddhisattva @supersoju @trudeehunter @notannov @future24 @joythewanderer @jeffjagoe

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 400SP to @qurator2.5%

@joanstewart @prostosun @geekpowered @spaceginger @coldsteem

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 300SP to @qurator1.5%

@enazwahsdarb @kiokizz @moderndayhippie @danmaruschak @inalittlewhile @sneakyninja @bluerthangreen @eliel @morodiene @hooiyewlim @valorforfreedom @funnystuff @amalinavia @tanvirrahman @calebleejl @heyitshaas @winniex @jiashin @entrepreneur916 @qberry @jny.untraveled @tibra @singa @indigoocean

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 200SP to Qurator or Upvote The Daily Qurator 7+ times a week0.75%

@oleg326756 @bigbear @bdmomuae @theregularguy @pipiczech @blacklux @jerrytsuseer @theleapingkoala @abh12345 @holoz0r @lyxng @sol25 @arrliinn @melinda010100 @bmj @michellecarter @codingdefined @derosnec @siucatti @pingcess @fr3eze @ninahaskin @deadgrlsuppastar @truthtellerhere @ana-maria @raised2b @justaboutart @nature.art @eztechwin @bunnychum @brimax @pkalra @tattoodjay @ellievallie @mcfarhat @f3nix @kyrios @rye05 @adrianv @armshippie @kobusu @shadowspub @pathtosuccess @ocanada @gra @webresultat @crokkon @felander @wolfje @zonguin @emrebeyler @africanherbman @jist @simnrodrguez @mamadini @pibyk @killerwhale @thealliance @enginewitty @allyinspirit @fates @jovema @beachhermit @ekavieka @themarkymark @synrg @michaelmorcos @eonwarped @hafiz34 @lourdeshd6 @lifecruiser @kona @andrewgenaille @klynic @andywong31 @mountainwashere @lturner @torico @syndicates @shikika @rosatravels @aaronli @braveheart29 @nehomar @maphics @ryoplasmic @albuluhi @travelgirl @deeday31 @waiyee422 @photolander @bypaul @cizzo @josephsavage @livinguktaiwan @karlin @edthecanadian @jon24jon24 @kimzwarch @amuchtar @randyw @nelinoeva @catweasel @rumplestiltskin @albertvhons @littlenewthings @jraysteem @dbooster @tyedyefirepower @globetrottergcc @marcoriccardi @klborillo @kneelyrac @saleg25 @ribalinux @bwar @imamalkimas @creatovert @ajmaln @sharaine @zirochka @nicanor-mosquera @caab @for91days @eikejanssen @fakj94 @jessie901220 @lmir1965 @sawcraz.art @esaia.mystic @mineopoly @schmidthappens @colovhis @elseleth @dxn @richi0927 @waphilip @aceofthegrove @samve @ckurtish @coinfarmer @prudent-rod1 @kazish @sieses @penston @maverickinvictus @liverehab @pandorasbox @jaichai @aussieninja @syedubair @gina2017 @dcardozo25 @christosthegreek @nanosesame @mutitum @meincluyo @criptonotas @kennyroy @adonisabril @donnymurph @jun04035 @ady-was-here @gulugu @tobetada @aschatria @shielashraf @magicmonk @yankee-statman @toofasteddie @intrepidphotos @fadli79 @omg-is-biology @thalmaray @rebelheart @omra-sky @marekwojciakcom @axeman @ivimipa @johannfrare @sauronbey @koskl @shawndove @methusalem @cflclosers @toocurious @walkinharmony @dmytrokorol @millennia @investfourmore @tesaganewton @irenett @melooo182 @whynotas @sweetcha @devilonwheels @karolisp @gresstyle @yulem @phedizzle @phortun @datascience @davemccoy @chrismccron @anise @arabsteem @hopehuggs @lukaluci @liltammy @lord-faustus @giemijares @maxg @not-a-bird @asgarth @kbarrett @holger80 @flashfiction @selected @cryptkeeper17 @r00sj3 @hungrybanana @creativesoul @gamersnews @crisangel @biuiam @shimster @stranniksenya @nenio @lemony-cricket @alinurman @dawnsheree @inna-yatsuk @hoosain @sames @isa93 @caitycat @nwjordan @gleb-jeglov @szokerobert @cadawg @coderzairos @anacristinasilva @kokuryo @xerox-bru @dranren @eduardonarvaez @edpico @zoh @denion @soyrosa @geekorner @authorofthings @narchuk @iamkuyaj @monoarc @psicoparedes @itsben @francispalo @margaritaradkova @elena1987 @veraschu @stepnoysuslik @stahlberg @kelthuzzar @themanwithnoname @pechichemena @meertcevik @ajaxalot @fractal-team @derekkind @culgin @jpgaltmiller @booster916 @pipo092281 @bringolo @randypike @salvao @basristeemit @tentalavera @juliannna @asianetwork @samiwhyte @just-smile @thecuteitalian @kimaben @maxyong @katysavage @seandeanayao @andyjim @febbiefull @dayatsiaulia @kimmy95 @nm007 @svein @curiosit @antoniojmp @richeros @smylie2005 @abmakko @n4zriofficial @mathowl @lrastriker @girlinchief @dieterschneider @sassylori @auleo @jlordc @goel.tarun @riovanes @trendo @oneazania @trumanity @joshbillings @anarchojeweler @wilfredn @wagun001 @tlthornes @haphazard-hstead @escuetapamela @adamada @simplymike @ssimkins9 @tatdt @prch @komiya-encore @jarvie @prince-evans @calumam @iebalgamge @fiercewarrior @onepercentbetter @mers @sisygoboom @seanytan @alexkorolart @jny.untraveled @insideoutlet @steembasicincome @appleskie @bala41288 @kusior @tripdespider @nameless-berk @matriks77 @shai-hulud @pundito @majorx3thom @mslifesteem @lhyn @jaydinigo87 @inspiredgideon1 @wondersofnature @asherlee @silviagoh @beautifulbullies @whitehoune @johnycrypto @sunray @photofreediver @evan.geber @rahulsaini @zpedro @svkrulze @tinoschloegl @singa @iqbalhood @laxam @gabriellecd @rolf.bakker @andhovesyan @gardeniazz @karencarrens @fiveelements5 @legendchew @anotsopopularkid @kieranstone @yekrats @yasu24 @nazarul @sailor01 @ronaldoavelino @muchsin @kamalsaputra @urbangladiator @bushkill @oleg5430 @gdwcoins @jongolson @tifaong @robmolecule @iqbaladan @zaicarmel06 @korinkrafting @ally22 @lynncoyle1 @zlata777 @cyemela @cryptoprofessor @herimukti @yblith @indigoocean @bawangmerah230 @johnvibes @aiyumi @callmefib3r

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Delegate 100SP to @qurator or Upvote The Daily Qurator 4+ times a week0.5%

@swedishdragon @lizzyb @vlemon @wandrnrose7 @worldfinances @crissimoes @reko @kryptocoin @syedumair @joseph1956 @pepe.maya @afifa @mihail.tsvetkov @kanoe @imamalkimas @criptomaster @brisby @aschatria @sweetcarol @arnelarcenal @mathiluke @phortun @charlesmackenzie @happycrazycon @katerinaramm @otsouvalas @junebride @deerjay @ohicklin @afrosiab @denion @krazypoet @andyjim @khenbee @jungwatercolor @gabriel.ncl @huslein.slash @ssimkins9 @hazem91 @walkerland @joeliew @angelbless @iyanpol12 @itinerantartist @beautifulbullies @naufri @photofreediver @gabriellecd @liquidtravel @anariggie @angeltirado @green07 @sailor01 @janna.bright @scottshots @robmolecule @tonac @redheadpei @haedre @castleberry @sibr.hus

Note: Tier 0 members could earn a lot more by showing @qurator support by upvoting the Daily Qurator. Have a look at Tier 2 weights compared to T0. That's almost quadruple the Upvote Worth.

TIERRequirementsCurrent upvote Weight
Basic 4 STEEM registration fee. Basic upvote for life from @qurator.3.5% (@qurator-tier-0)

@cheeto.blue @flauwy @mitchhunter @swedishdragon @theversatileguy @oscarps @mprgrmmr @em3 @vangelov @orcheva @kemal13 @nainaztengra @heroic15397 @lucasgabd @roytc123 @dbzfan4awhile @miraimage @sol25 @buckydurddle @jokossita @positivesteem @knowledges @eco-alex @thepaganwarrior @bigpanda @amberyooper @sacred-agent @bobiecayao @pjcswart @ninahaskin @carlosdaniel @theghost1980 @hamzeto @foodie.warrior @masummim50 @steemitph @madeve @iliasdiamantis @apsu @acedawnmusic @soonmusic @demostene @seersalomon @dandalion @lacremo-it @rismanrachman @dksart @honeychum @tradersharpe @perennial @rossenpavlov @tattoodjay @zoltanbristol @iamrosallie @paperbull @roykie17 @kingchuks @amitsharma @djmalith @raisul @ghulammujtaba @spectrumecons @gra @colinbrazendale @olaat @critic-on @rihardszaimonts @cryptopassion @trulafountaine @jeaniepearl @randystiefer @shellyduncan @trumpman @webcoop @praise-eu @klen.civil @arturomdg @omar-hesham @irishabstainer @sostrin @chrisroberts @alemars16 @freshblock @bahagia-arbi @iwanttruth @homerus @joetravels @tinajordan @cookingwithzumi @killerwhale @raymondhvh @enginewitty @buttcoins @imperfect-one @allyinspirit @elizacheng @wildsunlove @cejero021 @kamilkowalski @erikaflynn @sanmi @chrisdavidphoto @coquiunlimited @yadamaniart @teks @buildawhale @adly.jailani @marzi @me-do @reko @anandhh @maxmilan878 @andzi76 @davedickeyyall @lifecruiser @thirdeye7 @atmemestable @fyntacie @kalemandra @malay11 @ironshield @sardrt @danpaulson @gardenbsquared @torico @syndicates @dpatcher @earthnation @erodedthoughts @lazamedved @incrediblesnow @exhige @nehomar @tanata @darthnava @jasonmunapasee @stephanus @cyres @techslut @udibekwe @sonakshi9 @nahaha @jmcmeekin @yandot @swolesome @bypaul @txatxy @livinguktaiwan @snowpea @adrianobalan @silentsoularts @fundurian @stbrians @healthbasics @arbitrarykitten @thedamus @honolulu @marsella-2017 @joseph1956 @outerground @fractalizer @harshallele @artistchristian @ahlawat @emmacarson @w0olf @brianturner @harshameghadri @lordnigel @saini88 @ella-kay @ansonoxy @bitopia @rigor @ninolatino @catwomanteresa @betterthanhome @halleyleow @public-eye @caaat @paps @rjd @countrylife @yellow8submarine @heriadi @saffisara @klborillo @kriptonoob @taimoorahmad @lugoshi @ausxen @ollya @momskitchen @kanoe @nirgf @cryptostache @karenmckersie @coinbelly @beatitudes8 @wovlou @muhnofa @vallesleoruther @gogogadgetupvote @xanderslee @rodeo670 @paddygsound @amrumk @justgoscha @cakphotography @angelgarz @galotta @grow-pro @cecirod1218 @lunaticmoon @brianlewis @drdave @btcnoodle @danielwong @moeknows @eaglespirit @frames @nadilchairi @onyemacourage @benleo @intuitivejakob @legrandkei @gheghenrv @asyrafahamed @gohba.handcrafts @mineopoly @burkulese @dissgo @soykatonline @steveconnor @katteasis @cyrptoreports @imaginationicon @fatkat @learnguitar @mike314-0005 @cryptorg @aimeeonalimb @alannapendragon @japhofin8or @tantawi @daniel555 @sherylneil @mr-neil @clixmoney @basicstoliving @ewuoso @premraval010 @imjoker @phgnomo @dreamzchm @cikxaijen @lazyphotoshooter @iamkunaning @atopy @jbn @thunderbirdcomic @chetanpadliya @isaganispeaks @davidke20 @strongerbeings @nuridin @aghunter @nerdy.alex @sulev @imp.unity @timmy-karis @teahna @mcw @nulls @squdsi1 @msuss @artjohn @skiesandsports @theexplorer @beyondgoogling @donnymurph @andrewtcy @irastra @craigahamilton @theprism @fisherck @thesteemengine @julsmlz @fax4u @captainklaus @safrijals @tobetada @aschatria @mujiburrahman10 @milalvis @manorvillemike @moneyinfant @jtthefoodie @livesustainably @kusatsuri @shohana1 @saifulramadhan @soulturtle @hunterx3 @piiieeeeeee @stelmar @cygon @dante01 @dandesign86 @bensimblog @ipumba @kalam @junef @cookiespooky @majes.tytyty @lovemyson @mirzacho @exploreand @dearjyoce @mitthradiumn @brandt @fujaxxi @ninjadroidx @nomvula @sandalphon @dmytrokorol @trashureseeker @boobenchik @ucmuharfli @karinzdailygrind @stekz42 @srkattel @imchriscjw @golddeejay @hsynterkr @zealicus @yushaina @hanggggbeeee @adi.pisces @scandinavianlife @guangzhoulife @oldmariner @oleksandr @alexanderfluke @karolisp @berlin1997 @gresstyle @katedansyng @powellx5 @twinislandflames @mamabear72 @renalexis @mugsy7 @martinsandersuk @certseek @rngdz @ami92 @wang-peilin @gazetagaleguia @albertjester @lonestarpoet @gretum @derekcowan @axios @doyanphotography @naquoya @sandrag89 @munizarjuve @mrafa @mightpossibly @heyitsjooo @ankapolo @anjkara @watersoo @selected @notconvinced @frost04 @ignacepelckmans @lordneroo @donovanpage @namchau @keyss @nathenial @wanderlass @manavendra @ejr @mariaentela @azen @sammyb @assasin @g10a @zeppelin @tin-tin @muratsariyar @facger99 @lavidaesunviaje @zouxx @nyackgrote @warpedweaver @nwjordan @suhady @aamaksal @etherealcreation @cryptotaofficial @alender @avellana @roadstories @ainie.kashif @believeme @maxabit @rivercityguy @merryslamb @xerox-bru @sunredshine @zoh @geekorner @authorofthings @steemitri @d-stepnoy @amymya @syifauna @cryptoeater @purapapita @schoonercreek @sharoonyasir @ajaxalot @yingzoe @leonellaforever @irmadayanti @krazypoet @hungry-nomad @cooknbake @abhildev @mariacaffrey @treaphort @hutossy @kunrishartanto @tincanjunction @mirfaner @terminalblue @emanuellindqvist @happyhousewife @alimamasstory @mikesthoughts @santa-barbara @darmawanbuchari @zerometal @wisewoof @crescendoofpeace @travelstheworld @keephy @lukebrn @wandereronwheels @kemice @wilhb81 @stephhchia @ddangerwu @jlordc @ashrayn @cutyusra @wisdoncouture @royaltiesboss-eu @jan.kretschmer @avesa @calvinlee @alexdory @ahmadfajrianda @nahupuku @iipoh06 @bobydimitrov @ilt-yodith @vamos-amigo @takeru255 @explorernations @infamousit @freewheel @emdesan @jamiz @gilangarif131294 @lindale @theomgbrand @simgirl @estherikott @generikat @tangmo @tesscooks4u @progressivechef @timspawls @twodollars @joeliew @birrulibmc @fajarsdq @julieo @poetrybyjeremy @dmcamera @iebalgamge @marpa @yenipaola @abduhawab @fiercewarrior @ohi786 @stirling @onepercentbetter @crystalize @sweetpea @nationall @mers @ananuaremere @natalipsk @jacinta.sevilla @shai-hulud @lishu @onemillion @brexscoot @shawnamawna @obvious @rajskij-sad @beekerst @mery.morales25 @begtodiffer @jorlenbolivar @dysangcocey @nolasco @vilma17 @seckorama @artizm @mnallica @vargart @wondersofnature @voronenka @anna-mi @lilyraabe @epicdominic @khairulmuammar @harrisonmir @johnycrypto @sunray @amri @drewzshots @tingyo @pdxlove @vadimlasca @mahyulmaulana @zpedro @v007007007 @oliveralexander @zizuflorin @alol @umarcivil @alenthin @dannaxkana @heart-to-heart @gabriellecd @damnthatbanana @ozkanozturkk @hefziba @journeyu @soegata @intrepidsurfer @kingdavidharp @deliciousplants @evangelinesp @kieranstone @iwanderela @fesbukan @charlottemind @efim-off @yekrats @andybrandy @fukumineko @tbarrett @pojan @nikokafka @bozz @peneinc @urbangladiator @ulokgram @risemultiversity @sovereignalien @kewie @mister-omortson @rahul.stan @orlandumike @josejirafa @ellis.marell @petrajordan @basileonardo @chaseburnett @chireerocks @itasteemit @zoneboy @d-zero @dimitri0610 @waybeyondpadthai @matajingga @rayfa @captainobviou3 @agememnon @veenang @fat-elvis @getonthetrain @rachmaddarmawan @jsantana @apanamamama @fajar.perangin79 @sayar

Thank you

We are close to 1300 members and Qurator is grateful and extremely proud of all of you awesome Qurites! We are still growing but only in numbers and not really in SP. With the current rates and prices of SBD/STEEM we are trying our best to keep up with leases.

Your Quality Content Curator


The Qurator project is brought to you by:

@scrooger | @boontjie | @goldendawne | @ewkaw | @ackhoo | @brumest | @stresskiller | @aaronleang

Special thanks to @kryzsec for the SBD contributions.

For more information about the Qurator Project and how to join is click HERE

Like what we do? Consider voting for us as a steemit witness.




The post was a little confusing, but after reading all the comments, this is my understanding for the new change.

Send 1 Steem (per month) = Tier 1
Send 2 Steem (per month) = Tier 2
Send 1 Steem (per month) + delegate 300SP = Tier 4
Send 2 Steem (per month) + delegate 300SP = Tier 5
Delegate 100SP only = Tier 1
Delegate 300SP only = Tier 3

So in essence 1 Steem = 1 tier, max 2 Steem; then every 100SP adds 1 tier lvl up to max tier 5. Elite tiers go up by 500SP
Vote for tier will be removed completely.

It is a little hard to see what the new upvotes values would be (to make my own calculations) or how the change will affect the project until the change has been implemented. I will wait til then to decide what I will do.

That is 100% correct.

Yes with the new account we will try our best to balance out the weights and keep the values high enough to cover the subscription. That is if you post enough. If you do not really post that often then the bigger tiers might not be for you. All up to the members.

Send 2 Steem (per month) OR vote 4/7 times a week + delegate 300SP = Tier 5 ?

If so, I think i'll be taking this route.


The OR upvoting will be falling away at the end of the month. Then we will be purely subscription based. It is not the most fun change but it is indeed necessary to sustain our SP and support structure.

So this is not the case?

Sorry to be a pain, but I think the post requires an edit to simplify what is required for each tier.

Thanks for your time guys.


Sure thing, those are the old rules. We left the old rules in since they will still be active till the end of April. =)

Wanted to remove the old rules but members can still benefit from it for another 20 days. =)

I feel bad for you all... You have attempted to do a great service and are now having to take some heat for adjusting to market conditions. While I understand what you are doing and think you need to always do the best you can, it is things such as this that make me scratch my head regarding the lack of whale support of great communities like this.

You will take a hit to your credibility right now, but hopefully you remember this as you become a bigger witness in the future. It is communities like yours (and many more) that should be supported if the whales/witness want people to stay around.

I hope @abh12345 and @danielsaori see this message so they can use it as yet another example in their witness pursuit too. We need to work together to get community focused witnesses, so that they people running the platform focus on finding solutions for the everyday person.

This is a shame that it is happening... I wish you the best and will help you to get votes as a witness.

Well said @davemccoy! I'm with you 100%. I was thinking the same thing...where are the 'big guns' who should be supporting an awesome community like @qurator. Instead, the little peeps, who have scraped together their steem to join, now feel things are unfair. It's a shame, but I totally understand why they're doing what they are.

I knew you would agree @lynncoyle1... We both think alike in so many ways... And in a way this is all good, because if the current situation can bring a quality organization like @qurator to have to take these measures, then maybe someone somewhere will pay attention!

@davemccoy and @lynncoyle1, I'm glad you guys are on the same page. That's a very mature way and understanding way of looking at @qurator's decision. I'm proud of you both for being able to have such a perspective and be positive about it.

I didn't have quite as charitable take on the matter. I started writing a response here, but it got too lengthy, so I ended up writing the second installment in my "Rant" series. You can find my thoughts here. https://steemit.com/steemit/@themanwithnoname/monday-rant-2-qurator

I'm sure @qurator will find it. Their name came up a few times... ;)

I will read it right now before I go to bed... I always value your opinion and respect your thoughts... I know even before I read it that you might be upset, and honestly I can see both sides of the issue. Going there now!

I'm heading out, but I'll read your response and get back to you in the morning. You're so balanced! You're a good moderator. :)

No problem.. You make some very valid points and I think you have the right to be upset. I also think that you are right about the newer people that paid in at 4 steem that got really hurt. I hope the main backer can find a way to work through and help those people. I would gladly forgo any of my votes until they are made whole for instance.

Take it easy and I'm sorry about the whole situation. I'll talk to you later after you read my reply!

I'll check it out right now! I was going to respond lengthy here, but I'll save that for your post!

We can only hope for that outcome Dave; it seems like a reasonable one though for sure!

Thanks so much for understanding and shedding some positivity in this thread. Yes, the world of crypto is never easy or predictable. We are indeed trying our best. Shocks us too that we do not see any whale support. It is not like we pocket all the profits, in fact even though we earn curation the still keep feeding the project with our own steem to help out. Qurator will be powering down to help with the costs. We want to remain strong, since the community needs it.

It is sad though that we are getting a few unhappy members here. We understand their concern though, but then again it's also those who would rather use the 2 steem one pay4vote bots and the few that also choose to give only the bare minimum upvote. To each their own though, we will keep trying our best to make the project better. The hear we get is part of the growth we need to go through. Growing pains.

Thanks for all your support and we really appreciate the extra mile to help out with the witness a bit. =)

I completely understand the dynamics of what is happening with qurator. I have no issues at all with the reasons presented for the change in the system. My concern isn't that people will choose between using a bot or paying for tiers 1 and 2, instead it is my concern that they don't have the steem to pay for either. I'm fortunate enough to have more resources at my disposal, but many of the people I follow were barely able to afford joining to begin with and were counting on the upvotes to get a return. Is there some way to grandfather some of these people in? My account isn't huge, but I would be willing to sponsor/support some project that kept tier 1 and 2 people from leaving in May. Maybe a group of us can increase our daily upvote percentages a bit or something. I'm open to suggestions, but let's try to throw some sort of line to the lowest tiers. Just let me know how I can help.

That's a generous and thoughtful suggestion @energyaddict22. I remember when I first came here that I was unable to join because I didn't have one Steem let alone four.

The whole thing just says to me that the platform is broken. The fact that this is such a huge issue for newbies says that something is not right. Well we all know that I suppose.

This seems to be a big transition point in Steemit's history (or maybe it's just the first one I've been around for) and, in a way, I think the low price of Steem is helping to highlight the major flaws with the platform which is, hopefully, a good thing.

Maybe it will turn into being the time when those with the power are forced to make some changes. There does seem to be a bit of an escalation of posts about the inequality of it all and people speaking out.

Glad you managed to get to the post, @gillianpearce :)
Maybe this is one of those times when a negative might just as well be the turning point for some positives to happen... We hope...

I was actually talking about a different post @ackhoo, the one from this morning, so I was in the wrong place anyway! 😂

That's exactly what I saying:

Maybe this is one of those times when a negative might just as well be the turning point for some positives to happen

And . . . as you say . . . we hope! 😊


Members like you are why we love to keep this project going! Thanks for the support!

You are welcome @qurator. I am just glad that you are a team so you can support each other through all the criticism you have received recently. This has been a step learning curve for you and I totally understand that you are all doing your best. 😍

I agree @energyaddict22 just went across to move the vote percentage up, if this only works to the end of the month, every little extra it helps, it will be worth it.

Will read this again tomorrow and see if moving delegation up is possible to help from that angle as well.

@qurator is a great place for assisting people to grow, no matter how slowly, it has always been a positive team effort with wonderful attitude.

Agree with @gillianpearce in being helped in the early days when floundering around, times are hard, standing together is stronger than going it alone.

Another fine Qurite here!

Seems like the members who have been around a bit longer know we have and always will have the community in mind! Thanks for all the support!

That's a thoughtful idea @energyaddict22! Truthfully, I just joined last month at the 4 steem rate, so the thought of paying monthly now does seem a little unfair, BUT I totally understand why they are taking this approach as well!

I totally agree @davemccoy. I can understand the whales and orcas not supporting new initiatives but @qurator as proven itself and put it's money where it's mouth is, so to speak.

I think this shows that the big fish simply do not care about the platform. They have made their money and that's it. It doesn't make sense though, because if these types of projects aren't support then the platform will collapse won't it?

Have you thought about yourself and the likes of @abh12345 working on a new platform with a new token that we can all migrate to? I imagine it must cross your mind from time to time. I also imagine it would be a huge amount of work but maybe a big enough team with complimentary skills could do it?

I live in hope! 😂


I understand your position regarding the T1 and T2 upvotes... But look, if you want us to make good posts and increase the value of steemit (which will increase the value of steem thus solving our problem), this new model will be a bit stressing. Because it will make us post everyday in order to get as much upvotes as possible and at least cover the price of the monthly subscription.

If I may, take my example. I post 4 times a week because I value quality over quantity. The 0.14$ upvote won't be enough for me to pay for the subscription itself, unless I start using my upvote for my own comments instead of upvoting qurator as I've been doing. So you'd be incentivizing self-vote, which is something I don't like to do and I guess you don't either.

I'm sure there has to be another way... I'm sad that qurator is finished for me because I don't have 100sp to delegate, and I don't want to decrease the quality of my posts in order to post more frequently. I made a huge effort to pay 4 steem as a minnow, just some weeks ago... And I probably lost most of it because of this new system.

I don't think it's fair.

Just checked it now, I entered @qurator on the 27/2, just over one month ago... Which means that yes, I made a huge effort to pay 4 steem and ended up losing what, 2 steem or so?

I trusted you guys... Never thought I would lose money with you.

I understand you think this is slightly unfair, you are entitled to your opinion.

Keep in mind we will be giving out slightly bigger upvotes to our T1-T2 members once the new account is activated and ready to be used. We are also not fans of self-voting, unless your posts are worthy of a selfvote.

Our service is lifetime and as long as you keep posting your are guarenteed to make back what you paid to register. Remember we do not "take" the steem, we use it to get Steem Power leases from the market. That is how we are able to support so many members. When the price of steem goes up again so will the upvotes, you registered at a good time when the price of steem wasn't doing that hot. You will make it back even if you choose not to go for the subscription.

Thank you @qurator for understanding :) Will you be able to estimate the T1 and T2 "new" upvote values before the new system goes live?

We are planning to get around 30K steem power for the new account. Then we will have to see how many T1 and T2 members are active for the week. Then we can work out the new averages. It will be more than the current upvote (if steem price stays at this rate)

Trust me, we are trying our best to make it better.

If we keep it on the old system then we will have to let about 20K steem power go. That's already a massive decrease in upvote value

I made a huge effort to pay 4 steem as a minnow, just some weeks ago... And I probably lost most of it because of this new system.
I don't think it's fair.

I think it's important for everyone to remember that the 4 Steem paid for membership got you a lifetime membership in @qurator. You still have that. You have lost nothing. The only change is that you can no longer reach a higher tier by upvoting.

Exactly. It seems that members think they lose the membership with the new change. Nothing changes here. They all still have the lifetime membership and support.
The only thing changes is the way you get to T1 or T2. That is all.
Everything else stays exactly the same.

Everything else stays the same.

This is not how I anticipated things to be. I have given the most I could - voted at 100%

I post 2 or three posts a week. The only way to benefit now is to delegate which I am very very hesitant to do. I think it is better to utilise any SP I buy for myself to support content that I consider of a high quality. I will now begin to review manually and much more carefully any posts by @qurator before considering giving my tiny upvote

Like they say - desperate times - desperate measures.

We understand that this many not look like a good change for a lot of members. But the change is needed to be able to keep the value of upvotes. The posts earnings cannot pay off for the leases and without the leases Qurator upvotes would very soon drop dramatically (even without the help of Steem price dropping). Qurator project can only give back as much as member are willing to contribute. There is no whale supporting us.
Of course it would be better to keep it like it is...

All members who decide not to subscribe will still get the support of Tier0 and higher tier prizes in out competitions.
For someone who doesn't post every day a better option is delegation. That way you do not have to renew the subscription even month. The delegation will keep you on the same Tier until you decide to undelegate.

There are so many things in your reply:

  1. allow me to begin what will be dismissed as the rant of an undeserving person who is selfish and doesn't understand anything, with what is arguable the understatement of the week: it doesn't look like a good change - it borders on the carpet being pulled from underneath a very large number of people; specifically those who came into this - open air-inverted comma - "community - close air-inverted comma -"- as bloggers, not investors. A decision to continue to portray this as seemingly a small change is more than a bit patronising.

  2. On the value of upvotes: I have never even examined the size of the upvotes. Size (upvote value I should say) doesn't matter to me. Community, quality and authenticity do. Have you seriously given a thought to what you'd now be upvoting after these changes? Should it matter that much to quality posters, the value of the upvote? Would quality voters not be more than glad and willing to take the bullet temporarily by accepting that upvotes will be smaller rather than be swept away in a permanent change to the model which will lead to a degeneration of this community into a swarm of (excuse my language) scatposts?

  3. which brings me to the insinuation that i have heard echoed in the community posts for a while now - intended or otherwise, that all this is the fault of members not contributing enough. This is coming directly to the point isn't it? Well, I thought I was giving a lot by aiming at producing my personal best and by giving my voting power at 100% to every @qurator post. My sincere apologies for being so naive. Consider me well learnt - and thanks for the lesson too. Like a splash of icy cold water early in the morning. I'm WOKE.

  4. Now that we understand my dust votes aren't enough - and the nearly thousand dust votes that amount to about SBD 10 per qurator post a day - let's look at the alternative. The offer I can't refuse: delegation.. a tiny sacrifice, you say. An investor may consider it a minor decision that he may or may not see returns on. To a content creator who considers herself capable of using her SP to curate independently or promote her own quality posts, it is more than a tiny decision. It is a very big decision to hand over power to a company to do with as it sees fit.

I regret having to say it, but I am not convinced this change will encourage an increase in the quality of posts. I am no expert on money matters or data analysis, but I wonder if it is even a good business choice. Is it a sustainable model to venture out along this departure? Will it not alter what @qurator is all about? The brand identity : will it remain the same?

For T1 and T2 to be viable, members will be driven to push out 10 ~ 30 posts a month, respectively.

Will the new subscription steem make up for the loss in votes on @qurator posts? I don't know: I hope so. Will the posts be as entertaining? Perhaps, if you allow dmania memes.

Those were the - any final words? - of this undeserving doomsayer - let the firing squad enact its orders.


It seems like every change gets worse and worse. I will be considering removing my delegation, rather than increasing it over time, like I had been planning to do, depending on how the future goes. This post is extremely confusing, and does not make it clear what tier we will be in, in the future.

Sad to hear that @geepowered. We are thinking long term. At the current rate we are not making enough to cover the leases. We need to get more income in to be able to sustain the Steem Power.

To make a long strory short, instead of upvoting for T1 and T2, we will now be doing it on a subscription basis.

So for T2 you will pay the 2 Steem fee. Plus your 200 Delegation. That will place you in T4.

We have to think of long term sustainability.

In most real world scenarios, quality is sustainability.

I am confused. Tier 2 - 0.75% upvote, Tier 1 - 0.5%, and Tier 0 - 3.5%?

Tier 0 is upvoted from a separate account with a different amount of SP.

With 1300 members we have to make extra accounts since the voting power can't be stretched that thin.

I see, thank you!

Are there any whales among the Elite tiers? It would be nice if they are required to vote at full power at least once a week or once every two weeks. Or is that too much to ask? I just think that would help solve the problem on leases.

I love Qurator but if it indeed went the monthly subscription route, I think people would be too lax in their posts since they basically now pay monthly to get the service. Just my two cents though :)

Whales don't really care about projects like these. They also wouldn't join since our upvote is not worth their time. We all know they are all to busy self-voting their awesome content. ;)

We do appreciate your 2 cents. We love all the 2 cents we can get. Yes changing over to the subscription was a hard decision to make. Supporting 1200+ members though are getting harder and harder.

Everywhere you look it's profit this and profit that. The "community" aspect is lost with some and they would rather spend their steem on a pay4vote bot. We do not blame them though, each have their own opinion and way of steemit life. =)

Hi @qurator,

I just got upvoted today by @qurator-tier-0 for $0.03... my last upvote from @qurator was 2 days and 8 hours ago and nothing since. I just checked and I've definitely be upvoting you every day as far back as I checked - 9 times in the last 8 days.


Has the bot been working correctly? Any idea why I'd be back to Tier 0 despite not missing any votes (52 votes to @qurator to 14 and 6 back is super consistent by me).

Same here... I throw qurator out of my steemdunk.. Thx for this service. NOT

Well at least you will still get the Tier 0 votes

it is not worth it... unfortunately

Perhaps if you had supported @qurator at something higher than a 7% daily upvote these changes would not be necessary. I find it very sad that those who are ranting the most almost all seem to have supported the community at the minimum level.

Yes, 7% 25 times a day with a curation trail following. Yes, it were not 100% but for that ammount of daily posts more than many others. So stay cool and stop crying around not checking the whole details. I did as much as was possible for me as a minnow. Thx for your oppinion on this.

7% 25 times a day? Care to elaborate that thought please?
@qurator posts about 10 times per week.

yes, I know!! You know what exaggeration is, a kind of irony? ;) Just keep cool. It's OK, I played the game, I lost the game. I will shut up now. Have a nice day and steem on!

Hi there @urbangladiator

Our bot is doing fine, it's the price of steem that is causing all this havoc. As the price fluctuates so does the vote vulues. Posts also slightly decrease in value over time before payout. Thus, your 50% did not register above the minimum rshares need to qualify. Our bot can only upvote 24 hours apart so keep this in mind when counting votes.

I think this will be a good change - are you still going to have a stacking option? Delegation and the membership fee?

They will indeed still stack. =)

And upvoting as well... or is upvoting taken out of the equation altogether now?

Upvoting for tier upgrades will still be active till the end of the month. =)

Ah, got it! That makes sense... sorry, I was already jumping ahead.

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