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RE: UPDATED - Qurator Tiers and Upvote Weights Update - 10/04/2018 | BIG UPDATE, If you are a member please read!

in #qurator6 years ago

This is not how I anticipated things to be. I have given the most I could - voted at 100%

I post 2 or three posts a week. The only way to benefit now is to delegate which I am very very hesitant to do. I think it is better to utilise any SP I buy for myself to support content that I consider of a high quality. I will now begin to review manually and much more carefully any posts by @qurator before considering giving my tiny upvote

Like they say - desperate times - desperate measures.


We understand that this many not look like a good change for a lot of members. But the change is needed to be able to keep the value of upvotes. The posts earnings cannot pay off for the leases and without the leases Qurator upvotes would very soon drop dramatically (even without the help of Steem price dropping). Qurator project can only give back as much as member are willing to contribute. There is no whale supporting us.
Of course it would be better to keep it like it is...

All members who decide not to subscribe will still get the support of Tier0 and higher tier prizes in out competitions.
For someone who doesn't post every day a better option is delegation. That way you do not have to renew the subscription even month. The delegation will keep you on the same Tier until you decide to undelegate.

There are so many things in your reply:

  1. allow me to begin what will be dismissed as the rant of an undeserving person who is selfish and doesn't understand anything, with what is arguable the understatement of the week: it doesn't look like a good change - it borders on the carpet being pulled from underneath a very large number of people; specifically those who came into this - open air-inverted comma - "community - close air-inverted comma -"- as bloggers, not investors. A decision to continue to portray this as seemingly a small change is more than a bit patronising.

  2. On the value of upvotes: I have never even examined the size of the upvotes. Size (upvote value I should say) doesn't matter to me. Community, quality and authenticity do. Have you seriously given a thought to what you'd now be upvoting after these changes? Should it matter that much to quality posters, the value of the upvote? Would quality voters not be more than glad and willing to take the bullet temporarily by accepting that upvotes will be smaller rather than be swept away in a permanent change to the model which will lead to a degeneration of this community into a swarm of (excuse my language) scatposts?

  3. which brings me to the insinuation that i have heard echoed in the community posts for a while now - intended or otherwise, that all this is the fault of members not contributing enough. This is coming directly to the point isn't it? Well, I thought I was giving a lot by aiming at producing my personal best and by giving my voting power at 100% to every @qurator post. My sincere apologies for being so naive. Consider me well learnt - and thanks for the lesson too. Like a splash of icy cold water early in the morning. I'm WOKE.

  4. Now that we understand my dust votes aren't enough - and the nearly thousand dust votes that amount to about SBD 10 per qurator post a day - let's look at the alternative. The offer I can't refuse: delegation.. a tiny sacrifice, you say. An investor may consider it a minor decision that he may or may not see returns on. To a content creator who considers herself capable of using her SP to curate independently or promote her own quality posts, it is more than a tiny decision. It is a very big decision to hand over power to a company to do with as it sees fit.

I regret having to say it, but I am not convinced this change will encourage an increase in the quality of posts. I am no expert on money matters or data analysis, but I wonder if it is even a good business choice. Is it a sustainable model to venture out along this departure? Will it not alter what @qurator is all about? The brand identity : will it remain the same?

For T1 and T2 to be viable, members will be driven to push out 10 ~ 30 posts a month, respectively.

Will the new subscription steem make up for the loss in votes on @qurator posts? I don't know: I hope so. Will the posts be as entertaining? Perhaps, if you allow dmania memes.

Those were the - any final words? - of this undeserving doomsayer - let the firing squad enact its orders.


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