Dear Steemit When The Time Comes and You Implement That "Building Communities" Plan, Please Don't Forget Us Pikachus ...

in #question7 years ago (edited)

I have been pretty busy and haven't posted for weeks and perhaps you thought .. what has gotten into me today - I'm posting daft (yeah - I've picked that up from @meesterboom). Not really posting daft but I needed to make a point and unless it is experienced or seen - it normally doesn't have any effect and yes, I am open to the fact that this post would probably just be ignored.

I may have not been posting but I am a certified Steemit addict so though I didn't have the time to author a post for days, I have been peeking on the recent developments these days and I sure am glad on the many changes.

However, I was worried of but one thing - I've read that there would be communities the upcoming days .. oh the others call it tribes. I was wondering where would I belong - would it be compulsory to write only one genre now? I suddenly felt lost, confused and a bit out of place specially when I read on more comments.

Tribes? Why call the communities that? Is Steemit supposed to be just for a few certain genre - crypto, fiction, non-fiction and trading related articles. I thought it is for everyone - was I the only one who thought that? What are the details of the plan about building these communities and what does "building the communities" mean cause surely it hasn't been laid out on the table. I also thought we are one whole of a community - interacting with whoever we bumped into - others on a regular basis and some - when we get lost to in their turf. I must have thought wrong would someone please enlighten me? Don't get me wrong it is so not me to resist change - these are honest questions.

I saw @papa-pepper's comment on that post and I could relate to him. I used to be teased by my friends when the pokemons were on the rise. I'm a Pikachu - you can't put me in a pokeball it's just not me. I like diversity, change, improvement and challenging to outdo myself every now and thenTo prove that I took screenshots of what my page looks like on the my other social media in Asia.

By the way, did you guys made some changes on the posts URLs? The photos don't load anymore when I share it there so I stayed just tweeting. It's not them -- it's us really cause way months ago it's the same case till you guys probably changed something. I also tried sharing another person's work from another social media and it loads just fine. Only ours don't.

I hope that if Steemit comes to the point where tribes and communities are distinguished, they would take Pickachus in this ecosystem - into consideration. I have an impression of "us" being divided and I don't like the thought of it. Is it just me over thinking? I must be getting the wrong impression. Is it just me? Can anyone relate? What's the plan?

Is it going to be a set up similar to that of my other social media where my friends and I and the whole group who play Cash Flow are in a private group where in you can only join if we approve you to join? Would it be something like that? A group with an admin set as private? Would that mean that unless I am a member of that tribe, I won't be able to post anything else publicly now? Would it also mean that my posts in that community would be exclusive to that tribe alone?

Have you the same thought?
Have you any questions related to this you would want to raise?
Ask away below.

Are you new in Steemit? Kindly read the Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide Revised Edition authored by @thecryptofiend to help us all get along well with each other. Have you been here for quite a long time? Read it, too won't hurt being reminded. Thank you.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .



What... Your other social media account? How very dare you betray us all!! ;0)

I would like some more info on 'Communities' too. If it were like groups you could request to join that would be fine I think. Would just like to know how it will work.

I can be quite the random poster and would hate to be segregated either into or out of something.

@meesterboom oh I posted finally hahahaha
yes - evidence galore but - but .. but - i only shared my Steemit post there chico! I swear don't disown me (sob)

I just hope it keeps the posts public otherwise its not so handy

We can let you off just this once!

I am with you there. I don't want to drop out of sight!

@meesterboom but why just once? do you want me to leave .. lol drama hahahah

Drama fight!!!! :0p

@meesterboom - boring .. let's do comedy - wahahha

Ok, i will go out on my yellow pants!!

@meesterboom wahahah pickachu
don't forget your electric power booster / charger :D
damn my VI is on 80% but dang no effect on 0.09 and less - sadness overload
can't up comment either (sob)
no one's counting their blessings - that post of mine has no comment at all wahahah
either no one's counting their blessing or no one is reading ffff

As You I'm very interested to understand what "communities" will be about, what feature we are gonna get. I opt for personalisable channels, filters and trackers; I think that would be a good way forward.

@edje thank you for replying
I think I saw you reply on this one, too - I mean on the article on it -
trackers? like cookies?

crackers :)

@edje lol :D
thank you for the smile !

My birth certificate states it indeed

@edje that explains the Adam post
go to Steemit chat and promote your posts
I'll do in NL - you should try using that
I wanted to up your other posts maar allemaa nul
mijn stemkracht heeft geen effect nu - even later hestellen - te laag al 54% - sorry :(

no such complicated thoughts. just continue whatever.
btw, one minor typo - thenTo

@ace108 there was one more - something to do with "did" ;)
you really read thank you very very much!

you're welcome

Great thoughts - re communities to what posts are you referring? i am also curious when and how this will get implemented - I have rises some concerns on that - can be a big push for the community but also the start of the end depending on how this will be launched and maintained.

@uwelang thank you
It was this post.

The start of the end?

sounds eerie ..noooo~~~~ I hope not
why do you think that? I wonder..

I did experience this in another platform but the ways they introduced their communities was badly handled, certain user did benefit from earlier access and owned certain groups they could monetise before the rest of the suers could - that created discussion and in the end a kind of war, users left. I wrote / commented about it some weeks ago - not sure on which post though.

Fingers crossed it will happen here in a different way.

Thank you for posting @englishtchrivy.

Appreciate seeing this topic articulated because this word 'communities' does cause one to wonder how exactly this senario plays out. Putting individuals with diversified interests..... and there are quite a a box.....lets hope not.

No box for Pikachus....may Pikachus live long and prosper.

The cynic might say......this word 'communities' sounds like a marketing gimmick and indeed a certain person rooting for various changes is an employee of Facebooks ad dept.

Wishing you all the best. Cheers.

@bleujay thank you very much for reading!
is it a marketing gimmick? I have no idea what it is - no plans defined nor posted about how it would be yet
not at all -
hopefully we're not infiltrated by fb employees .. nooooooo


Don't think of it as being trapped in a Pokeball, think of communities more like Pokémon gyms! You can go there freely and interact with like minded individuals in certain subjects & areas, but you're still free to wander the entire world!

@bryan-imhoff thank you for reading.
May I ask about how did you know about how its going to be? Cause I read sneak's comments on that post and he wrote there has been no plans yet - no details

My concern is - if a community could go set the community as private - I think I'd feel a bit awkward and unwelcome in that case. I like it as it is now - we could just go mingle with everyone as open as this - virtually but very very transparent.

I certainly don't have any inside knowledge of how communities will be set up. I guess I just have faith that it will be properly implemented and simply help users find and engage with the people and subjects they are most interested in.
The structure of the blockchain leads me to believe that truly private communities would be difficult. As is, anyone can view any post they like, even the history of any edits that have been made, as long as they are using the right tools. Communities may gain tools to make themselves less visible, akin to choices on Facebook where you can choose to have just friends or anyone in the public view your posts. However these tools would most likely be on the website level, and not all sites will handle it the same. If a community can only hide itself on but not on or the eSteem app, closed communities will never work.
I strongly believe communities will be a helpful organizational device, and not a hindrance.

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