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RE: Dear Steemit When The Time Comes and You Implement That "Building Communities" Plan, Please Don't Forget Us Pikachus ...

in #question7 years ago

What... Your other social media account? How very dare you betray us all!! ;0)

I would like some more info on 'Communities' too. If it were like groups you could request to join that would be fine I think. Would just like to know how it will work.

I can be quite the random poster and would hate to be segregated either into or out of something.


@meesterboom oh I posted finally hahahaha
yes - evidence galore but - but .. but - i only shared my Steemit post there chico! I swear don't disown me (sob)

I just hope it keeps the posts public otherwise its not so handy

We can let you off just this once!

I am with you there. I don't want to drop out of sight!

@meesterboom but why just once? do you want me to leave .. lol drama hahahah

Drama fight!!!! :0p

@meesterboom - boring .. let's do comedy - wahahha

Ok, i will go out on my yellow pants!!

@meesterboom wahahah pickachu
don't forget your electric power booster / charger :D
damn my VI is on 80% but dang no effect on 0.09 and less - sadness overload
can't up comment either (sob)
no one's counting their blessings - that post of mine has no comment at all wahahah
either no one's counting their blessing or no one is reading ffff

I suspect there isn't a lot of reading. Seriously the place has been a little sparse since the fork. I think it shows that some people are just staying away till the money is back. Which is a real shame. I think my VI is 70 odd, must check!

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