I and Thou: The Dynamics of Self in a High Tech World

in #psychology6 years ago

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We all have a frame through we view the world comprised of our experiences, acculturation, ego etc.. When we're born we can only relate to the world around us in terms of our own needs... in psychological terms, we begin our lives entirely inner-directed- this out of necessity driven by the instinct to survive. As we mature and begin to interact with others this trend, as part of maturation and acculturation, is supposed to (hopefully) reverse itself and we become more outer-directed. This is something I frequently write about, particularly as it pertains to our political lives.

However, what about people that do not make the transition toward outer-directedness as they grow up... or more importantly, what about generations of people who remain for the most part inner-directed throughout their lifetimes? There will, of course, in any given generation, be exceptions- but every generation has its own spirit or identity- a zeitgeist id you will. What occurs then is a profound inability to interact with others and concomitantly, a lack of empathy.

In a technologically advanced world driven by materialism, empathy and outer-directedness is an unfortunate casualty. You have to remember that propaganda, the driving force behind materialism and consumerism was originally a marketing tool devised by Edward Bernays for advertising. It became a political tool later (but not much). We now live in an age where technological advancements are driving us further apart rather than closer together... if you don't believe it, go out on any city street and look around...
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In 1923 an Austrian-born philosopher named Martin Buber wrote "I and Thou" in which he laments "lives lived in monologue" (and this years before the advent of rapid dissemination of information). The crux of Buber's philosophy rests on "I-it" and "I-Thou." I-it is the world of experiencing things- the material world. I-Thou is the world of relationships and because of the way we frame things in terms of what we've experienced materially, it's truly difficult to relate to others the way they intend to express ideas... or in Buber's words "to live our lives in dialogue." For example, id someone relates to us some experience they have had, we naturally frame it as it relates to us rather than them, or in terms of similar experiences we may have had rather than genuinely empathizing with the other person... I suppose what Robert Heinlein would call "groking." According to Buber, it is a very small percentage of individuals that are really capable of "dialogue." What Buber advocated was dialogical rather than dialectical materialism.

In a materialistic would or a consumerist society empathy, or even the ability to experience it, is greatly diminished. We've all heard the term "the Me Generation." Unfortunately, each subsequent generation has become more entitled, inner-directed and materialistic... once again, there are of course exceptions. Moreover, this is not meant as a criticism, but merely the logical result of the combination of human nature and technology. This phenomenon is fueled advancements in technology, mass media and the instantaneous dissemination of information... all of which is driven by advertising that encourages people to consume- artificial wants and needs. We live in a society that is inundated with information, what Buber refers to as "a constant bombardment of signs," virtually all of which drives us toward inner-directedness. The unfortunate casualty of this is empathy, the ability to truly relate to one another... and by extension- society itself.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Really great post, when I see that picture with all the people on their phones I wonder how much the world change if all they did was put down the phone and at least pick up a book. Or even like you said talked to one another.

Now that's something I would pay to see! I thought about doing a short post about you- to give you a little boost. If that's ok. Also tell me a bit more about yourself.

Well I'm 19 I grew up in Croton Michigan, the only friends I had were the woods and my imagination. I went to three different schools Newaygo, Morley, and White Cloud in that order, public school never worked out for me. When I was young I got good grades, but once I got to high school I think I just lost hope that what I was learning would help me in the real world. My senior year I decided I wanted to try a different school again, so I chose White Cloud luckily I lives in the middle of all these so I was able to choose. My goal at white cloud was not to try and get a better education, but to be a leader in sports. I did just that at least in football, I tried 150 percent on every play in practice and in games, I gave 150 percent on drills. The coaches acted as if I was something they have never seen, my effort that is. I guess my drive to compete was stronger then my drive to sit down, shut up, and listen. Anyways once I got to march of my senior year I was pretty much failing every class not because I wasn't smart (not saying I am) but because I did not care anymore, I was dead set that what I do in this school or any school is not going to determine my success in life. I knew that hard work and dedication is what matters, despite my family's opinions on higher education, and how if I don't "get an education" I wont get a good job. This is most definitely true if you are not educated you will not get a good job, but we must not link education to school. So once I dropped out in march of 2016 I started selling cookies door to door, I would go to the store buy the ingredients make the cookies and head out in my vehicle. Going door to door selling cookies is not a bad way to make some money, I made around 50 to 80 dollars a day that's before buying more stock. I forgot to mention I was selling pop and cookies throughout my senior year as well, instead of a locker full of books I had a locker full of pop. After selling cookies for awhile I got a job installing carpet or flooring, in the hopes of starting my own flooring business. The friend I had at that time and through high school though I didn't see it at the time was bringing me down, when I was selling cookies we did it together. Without him I probably could have had my dream right there, as I would have had a stronger drive, with me taking home all the revenue. So after almost 6 months of doing flooring my now fiance who was my girlfriend from 2015 to the then 2016 she convinced me to stop doing flooring as I was not making that much and she did not like the friend I had which at the time I could start to see why Once I quit flooring I quite talking to him. I found a job where my fiances uncle works, he drives a truck for the company which I was going to do. I started dec 5 2016 in the shipping department so I load kitchens and heating on to trucks. When I started I could tell the company was not to "legit" in the sense that it would not be up to governments standards, but I do not care I decide to work there and I enjoy it. Anyways I noticed 1 guy that worked there he is basically junior supervisor is what I would call him and he is also young I think he is 23, well I noticed he worked pretty hard. Me being the competitive guy I am I followed and I busted my ass, after my first 6 months my boss noticed that I did better on numbers then anyone there which means I pulled and loaded more items then the rest. So my boss gave me a raise I went from starting at 11 to 13 dollars in my first 6 months, I guess it was the biggest raise ever given as in the biggest jump at once to any employee there. As I continue to work hard after my year which was dec 2017 I got my yearly raise which put me at 13.65 I didn't start becoming so interested in government honestly I think in till Donald trump was elected I mean I always knew the system was twisted, but I never linked it to government. I always assumed it was the rich that kept all the poor from getting rich, I always blamed capitalism. After becoming interested in politics, and the whole sovereign citizen thing I started researching and it started by trying to link the United States to being a corporation. Then I decided that this type of approach to explain freedom will not work, then I found Ron Paul. This lead me to the full drive to learn everything I can about economics, as I believe you cannot have freedom without looking at economics. I feel economics is the best way to describe things like freedom, socialism, capitalism, government, history, and many other things. My birthday is coming up and I plan on my wish list consisting of 99.9 percent books. I've read Ron Paul Pillars Of Prosperity, and tried the wealth of nations got to page 300 think I may put it away for another time and pick up some new books I might be able to understand better. If you have any other specific questions feel free to ask. Also no I would not mind if you made a post about me. I just appreciate you reading my post and also appreciate your informational post. I hope you continue to post and Keep giving me advice on mine. Thank You

WOW! Thanks... I'm not familiar with Croton. My kids live in Harrison. I went to college in Mt Pleasant. Some good books to read would be The history of the American People by Paul Johnson, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin and anything by Thomas Sowell. Of and the Theory of Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith... (Smith is admittedly a tough read)

If you live in Mich and have a job at all you're blessed!

I also forgot to mention I have a mortgage on a house it was 80,000 took a 30 year mortgage. yeah there is not many good paying jobs out there, my guess is my company doesn't do everything by the books so there able to pay a little more and do other things with there money.

Where is Croton? Also... If you want to understand people, read Machiavelli. The way I study things is simple- Economics is important, but I take a 3-way approach... like a venn diagram. We all live within 3 spheres of existence- economic, political and social; all interrelated and linked together like a venn diagram. Then I factor in human nature and study whatever issue you have from an historical perspective.

When I was a soph at CMU I wrote a paper on NAFTA and used that method. I took it to Washington DC to a conference- on a panel with all PhD's. I was the only one that was right. I predicted that like always, they would sell the land out from under the peasants and they would all move up here!

makes sense thank you I will remember that economic, political, and social. Croton is a small town in Newaygo county I could have said the hardy dam which i live 5 minutes from running time.

The depression era generation spoiled their children and wanted them to have it better than they did. That produced the me generation of selfishness. When the baby boomers reproduced sadly it duplicated the selfishness and entitlement even more. That is how our society moved from a society of givers to a society of takers. It is primarily also a spiritual war between good and evil...between God and satan. I say this often but that is where it is ...spiritual warfare. there is an information war going on for your mind and heart but it is one of many tools used to get your soul. Intriguing writing...thanks.

Yup, that's the point! Didn't I send you that video about generational spirits?

Further to that point, the GG-to-Boomer arc does indicate that the old-style folks essentially made virtue out of necessity. When the necessity (hard times) disappeared, the virtues eroded.

I think Troy is speaking of the spiritual rather than material realm. I'm pretty sure I sent him that video about generational spirits. By the way- good to see you back! I just made a comment to Steve telling him I hoped you were Ok... hadn't seen much of you the past few days! There's an interesting young man I found (or should I say found me) named @brockstory. Very astute and only 19! I'm quite impressed- he has a terrific future.

You may have. I am not certain. Send the link again if you can. All I know is that all the different aspects of this ALL go back to the spiritual even though they themselves may not be spiritual. A war being fought on all types education, information, financial, social etc. but it all grandaddies back to the spiritual. Blessings.

Same to you Brother! The guy that does the video, Fr Chad Ripperger is brilliant. He has something like 8 post-graduate degrees.

I had not heard this video before, but it is much like what I say, just better. Makes perfect sense thanks so much. I listened to the whole thing.

Unfortunately, what you say is sadly true... in a small organization like the White Light Express, we see it expressed as the many requests for help that are framed as some version of "I feel so disconnected" and "I'm all alone" and "I have nobody."

There is a glimmer of hope in that, in the sense that no matter how inner-directed and self-referencing people may be becoming, there is still an underlying awareness that something is lacking... and so, I believe they can still be reached and guided towards the beauty of true connection and empathy.

Thanks for your thoughtful and meaningful contributions!

Bright Blessings!

I don't know if it's driving us further apart...I mean, I both agree and disagree with this. For example, I use technology and social media in particular mostly to talk to my friends, some very far away, some just a few blocks from me. If anything, I'd say technology takes you away from your "real" life, it makes you pay less attention to things, to what you're doing or the people who are right there, next to you.

But I think you're right about the fact each generation is becoming more self-absorbed, as it goes. We only listen to others' problems to reply, or to get that out of the way so that we can talk about ourselves. We rarely stop to think that maybe what the other person had to say was just as important...

If you look at technology from the standpoint of potential- it has the potential to make us the most educated people on earth... but it's mostly used for entertainment and self gratification. Look on YouTube at the trending page and see what garbage is there.

I would, but my doctor recommended I avoid that ;)

You make propaganda sound like a synonym for materialistic and self centered consumerism. Implying that education on the advantages of not being materialistic is superior?

I don't buy it. The real struggle is between communism and capitalism in my opinion.

Communism - centralized control, of what you are allowed to think and have and aspire to

Capitalism - everyone can make the best of their own life.

Capitalism is far superior. Some weak minds may take capitalism and turn it into materialism. Doesn't change conclusion on which is superior.

You want a specific example.

South Korea - capitalism (with a touch of crony capitalism),

North Korea - the best of communism on display. Millions in poverty. And they are the lucky ones. The millions in prison camps are living below poverty standards.

The real struggle is good vs evil. Capitalism and communism are just economic models. If you have good people behind them, it doesn't matter which you choose ... every model works for someone. Similarly, it doesn't matter which form of government you have. A monarchy is fine as long as you have a monarch that puts the wellbeing of his/her subjects ahead of their own. The problam isn't models it's people.

I disagree, at least in part. The problem is both people and models.

Your argument is people make 100% of the difference, and use as evidence that a good monarch is better than an evil monarch. Sure. True by simple definition. Good is better than evil. Not a brainstorm.

Lets take the more challenging example. Good monarch versus dysfunctional capitalist system.

Let's use USA and rule of law and current massive dysfunction of the US political system.

I will take rule of law (dysfunctional capitalism), over rule of man any day.

Rule of law is as close to blockchain as political systems get. The rules are supposed to be codified in law, and the law is supposed to be followed.

Versus the mythical "benevolent dictator", "benevolent monarch" or "benevolent leader".

I don't buy it.

The form of government is completely critical and does matter.

The outcomes are made worse or better in that form of government, when the leaders are good as opposed to evil.

But some forms of government are inherently evil and ALWAYS lead to bad outcomes.

Name a communist regime where the outcome has been positive over a period of 200 years.

I don't think you can have benevolent communism under any circumstances; if the people running it were good, it wouldn't be communism to begin with.

Capitalism can be good as long as there are enough good people willing to defend the good parts of the system...Capitalism seems to be to be a reflection of human nature...working when it's good, and horrible when it is evil (corrupt or subverted by the Left)
Consumersism can drive an economy, or it can drive a person towards greed

In any case, Rich is right on this point, that choice to be good or evil is an individual responsibility.

Right on dude... Thanks!

Thoughtful piece. You're right: materialism - would a better term be "hedonism"? - is pushed hard by our mass-consumer society. And yes, it's had gloomy side effects. One not often discussed is, lots of folks find it really hard to ask for help.

In pioneer days, the supposed age of individualism, there was a lot more community spirit. The old barn-raising has lots of similars in other hard-living communities. Back in the old days in Newfoundland, there was a community wood-chopping: the men in the village would go out to the forest and chop down trees for winter firewood.

Or perhaps hedonistic materialism. When Buber speaks of material he uses it only to indicate that we can only experience things rather than relate to them, so in that context, when I say materialism I don't necessarily mean it in the common parlance, only to point out an abstract relationship.

Another incidence of community spirit... during the "great depression" when people had considerably less- they gave more. I forget where I saw the study, but during periods of prosperity, charity seems to shrink. Another interesting aspect of human nature.

i like and respect martin buber...i impressed to see your writing skill... fantastic...

We have to accept the fact that technology somewhat diminished some human part of us but it simultaneously empowers us with speed and efficiency.

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