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RE: The Infatuation with "Positivity" and Doing "Good"

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

I upvoted your post because of the deep insights you've been sharing. But I do not approve with what you're saying. First: Most of us, at least those who believe in mainstream media always get those evil news and pictures brainstormed in their mind, so I wouldn't say they're living with pink glasses. Second: You cannot prevent evil by fighting it! We all should acknowledge what is going on out there, not denying it and not looking away.
But violence creates always more violence.
Accusation creates more reasons to accuse other people.
That's the law of resonance or attraction.
We created the world we are living in, so it is up to us to change it.
So third, we can eliminate the emergence of evil by abandoning evil thinking.
We don't want to solve problems, we want to create solutions. On all levels of existence.
Care for truth, and seek to learn the truth of the falsity and negative in the world around us.
Yes, but don't focus on that, that will create more negativity, we actually want to prevent. Focus on those things that are good, concentrate on the better and things will change step by step.
All you need is love!
Love, Light & Unity


I didn't speak of ignoring the facts, but to focus on the things we want to have and not on those we don't want to have. That has nothing to do with New Age Bullshit! But great pics!

@krnel, you seem to be full of judgements. Perhaps saying "is" less, and "seems like" more, may be helpful. It usually pays to leave a little wiggle room. Consider your knowledge may be less comprehensive than you're aware of/believe.

@asabovesobelow you are full of judgement seems.
You could use less "seems like" .................perhaps.
It pay's of to be clear............................usually
Your knowledge is less comprehensive than you are aware of/ believe.....maybe.......If you would consider it ;)

@wordsword thank you for your input. I will be the first to admit I know next to nothing, and I bristle at reading anything I wrote which could be interpreted as pedantic, as that is not my intent. I was only trying to illustrate the use of E-Prime, so I will continue to use "seems like" and try to avoid the use of "is" whenever possible.

@asabovesobelow thank you for your reply. I was not "attacking" you, or intending to do so, in any way. Of course your free to use whichever " language" you use it's not mine to decide:) And what I wrote was with a wink (which I added a few minutes later it helps showing the tone of voice or "mood" something is written in
...........I hope;)

I use E-prime myself too I guess, although I was not aware it is called that. It depends on who I'm talking with or what I'm talking about. But I'm always very direct when I tell people on my own principles, But I let others be free in having their own believes and I speak in that (restrict myself) way too, to them. I hope you know what I mean, because English is not my native language and that combined with written language ......well you can have a lot of misunderstandings about the tone something is said ;)

edit; the way I see it, your reply was not pedantic maybe mine was more pedantic, lol

LMAO! I will visit your comment one day to break down your inability to common sense, because I am you, you are me, and I truly care about you.

And I am you and you are me, and we are all together, as they say. All is one. I do subscribe to the Law of One, so there it "is".
I promise to try and improve my "inability to common sense" - much love to one and all.

Sorry I had to spend all my precious free time after working a long day on the dumbass bellow who clearly has no concern about his well-being or mine or yours, or anybody for that matter but I don't believe you are in as dire of a situation as him and it seems you recognize the truth: we are one, which means I have made the right choice!
Peace and love!


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