Healing the World by Understanding Ourselves

in #psychology6 years ago

I learn and look at what is valid or invalid in anything I choose to reflect upon. I prefer to talk about things that can be demonstrated to be what they are. Comparing information to reality and seeing if it's something others can verify themselves. The best topic to understand is about principles of truth and morality. It takes thinking and time to understand things more.

When looking at a situation, I try to figure out what lays underneath to target the underlying causal forces that produce the effects, manifestations, symptoms or results. This is why I talk a lot about psychology, morality and philosophy, because that's the root we all need to understand more.

Be curious, ask questions, and doubt.

Study the effects, manifestations, symptoms or results to understand how it is a problem. Knowing thyself, the human mind, the psyche, consciousness, is a root for all our misfortunes and misdeeds.

To know if there is something wrong going on, understand core foundational principles of truth and morality. Then go deeper and try to figure out how these results came into being in the first place. All violations of principles of truth and morality manifest due to a lack of understanding principles of truth and morality more deeply.

False models in economics, politics, or any other -ic or -ism, is a result of false thinking or misunderstanding about why something should be done. We justify doing many things because we are ignorant of why we shouldn't be doing it in the first place. No one would be creating wrong if they understood how and why we are supposed to not harm others as the best way to cooperate together.

There are so many things going on. It's hard to keep track of it all. One things leads to another. One problem hear, another there. There are so many things we can try to tackle and resolve. We can target the many plethora of negative effects, manifestations, symptoms or results, and deal with them all individually at a time... or we can go to the source root of the issue and deal with all the acceptance of falsity that stems from fundamentals within consciousness, truth and morality not being understood.

To deal with that problem within consciousness means that consciousness needs to be able to discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, good from evil, morality from immorality. Building that causal root foundation on solid moral ground would cascade and trickle up the plant of effects to heal it and remove all the poisoned fruit.


Until this capacity of consciousness is well developed, consciousness won't be able to accurately discern truth from falsity, right from wrong, good from evil, morality from immorality. Consciousness will be acting/behaving in the world on a basis of ignorance to truth/falsity, good/evil, right/wrong, moral/immoral, which means some actions and behaviors will be created based in alignment with falsity, evil, wrong and immorality.

Learning how to think and learning how to learn, involves learning about ourselves and how we function as consciousness beings. This is basically psychological knowledge, self-knowledge, to know thyself. Little movement forward will be made grounded in reality and true progress unless we have adequate and accurate knowledge of ourselves and reality.

All of what we produce is a result of our quality of consciousness, be it low quality producing evil and or high quality producing the absence of evil. The quality and condition of our lives is based on our understanding of morality. Leaning morality will heal everything, as we understand how to co-exist and cooperate without harming others. To live without coercion, violence and masters ruling us is possible, anarchy (no-rulers) is possible. Moral laws are the rules to live by, we don't need rulers. We just need to figure this out.

When we clean our own consciousness, we can then clean the existence of the human world we created. It starts with each one of us. We're all in this together in the end. We need to take responsibility for our own level of consciousness and empower ourselves with self-knowledge. We can live without rulers acting as masters over our lives.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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You should read Alan Watts wisdom of insecurity It explores all of these themes and he uses great analogies

Thanks for the recommendation.

I applaud the idealism, but I don't (can't) agree with the reality you can foresee.

Looking at history (2600 b.c .Sumerians..) up to present day - I see no evidence of peoples not being organized which leads to leaders, in some way.

The majority of people look for an authority. (absolves them from thinking?)

And while we have the 4% of population personality traits - falling into psychopathy sociopathy and narcissism, the vision you see doesn't play out - they don't play by these rules. (morality for example).

Yup, it's a potential, not a current reality. People need to evolve in consciousness. Can it happen? Yes. Will it? Maybe. When? Who knows :P

In an effort to increase the moral awareness of the most important society is in terms of education. That in education contained moral seeds, in the form of social encouragement of everyone to do good deeds. In education will be taught about the various values, norms, morals and ethics that can be applied to everyday life. And when we want to foster moral awareness in the community start in terms of education and belief (religion) @krnel

Religion and beliefs are not required to learn about morality. The objective difference between right and wrong is a part of human social realities and the consequence of harm created towards others.

How do you say you like to talk about psychology, morality and philosophy?
In my case, I like human psychology a lot, and several discordant friends tell me joel because he does not publish content that talks about steemit or speaks badly of another user like @berniesanders so he can make you popular fast, I tell my friend "no "These are things that I would not like to publish. My hobby is to read a good book or an article of philosophy and I will continue to publish topics that talk about psychology, philosophy and morality, but lately I have strayed a bit from Steemit for personal problems and do what is within my reach.
Returning to the subject, the human mind is a wonderful world that has much to explore.

Yup, the most interesting thing to talk about is psychology I find. It's so important to know thyself.

Society is evolving. We, as spiritual beings, evolve too. The past can be considered "trash" or fertilizer for the future. Healing ourselves means making way for new growth and new perception.

God has bestowed us with conscious but we become corrupt with time and It is really hard to get the spirituality back again.

Do you suppose then, that babies really are like angelic cherubs? Or do you consider the "fall" to result from maturation?

This really is a great job my friend
Good luck, heroes

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If we all practiced morality, we would not need rulers. Most rulers generally are not moral as power corrupts at the head. Truth is important and I believe there is only one ultimate truth. However if folks view truth differently, it does not support the belief of one ultimate truth. Society needs to go back to embracing one ultimate truth. Thanks @krnel.

You certainly leave me with lots of fun posts to catch up on when I have time.

Do you ever play around with the premise that matter arises from consciousness and not the other way around?

I have. But that's only an idea that doesn't hold up. Where is consciousness demonstrable? In biological beings like animals that have the complexity and ordering of components to produce the emergence of consciousness. Does consciousness exist? Yes. For consciousness to exist, it presupposes the existence of existence. The primacy of existence, with the emergence of the power of consciousness to alter, change, affect and create into existence. Assuming the other way is not based upon the demonstrable aspects of reality.

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