STEEMSOMNIA! Now that I have caught it, this is what I have done to cure myself of it!

in #life8 years ago

As many of my followers and Steemit brethren have learned the hard way, aside from the millions of positives that Steemit has added to our lives, there are also negatives. Well, for me, one negative. Staying up late, refreshing, waiting for that awesome article to contribute that last awesome perspective comment to, and.... WHAT? IT'S 3am ON A WORKDAY????

So last week, I have implemented a 5 point plan which has not only helped end my STEEMSOMNIA, but also helped me enjoy Steemit on my new schedule.

* Write posts early, save them, and post them after work or before night time.

The ideas that fill my head when I am about to go to sleep with ideas on articles, and having not submitted an article all day, or even like recently, two days, can eat at your ability to shut eyes and relax. To cure this, I don't start writing articles past 8pm anymore. I set my alarm clock for 5am as usual, giving me a half hour to brainstorm and 15 minutes to organize thoughts. This not only gives me a foundation for my article I write after work, but gives me all day to think of new ideas that I can add, as the topic swims around in my mind. If the article feels incomplete, I can always give myself time to sleep on it and add better content, gaining more upvotes.

* Shut down all internet activity by 9:30pm, put my phone on the charger.

This sounds almost impossible, but it can, and has been done. The lights that emit from Ipad, Smartphone and laptop screens gives the body the impression of sunlight, which tells your system that it is not time to fall asleep. As silly as it sounds, I have even developed an eye mask that gives me complete darkness. For more than just bro-science on this, the National Institue of Health, Harvard and the National of Academy of Sciences   will provide scientific evidence to support this.

*Schedule your last view of new, promoted, active, trending and feed posts 1/2 hour before the time you plan on going to bed. 

Doing this will give you a comfortable cushion to allow you to get things squared away, check last minute all of your upvotes, votes from friends, and any other views and crossposts you need to accomplish. For me, I treat it like Christmas Eve. It's way more beneficial to see 4 or 5 new upvotes in the morning when you wake up than the frustration of refreshing 10 times every half hour to get one minnow upvote and wondering where your life has gone. So wake up, early, and unwrap those presents. You will also tend to sleep in less once those pixels hit your eyes.

*After you shut down your computer, reward yourself with a cup of chamomile or other relaxing blend of tea.

The increased relaxation that can be naturally induced by tea, such as my favorite, Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea (It's the one at the store with the bear on the front of it). You'll also find that the deeper the sleep that this will help you get should refresh your mind and allow you to think more clearly when organizing your next post.

*Play the right kind of jams during your last 15 minutes on

Music of all kinds has its time and place. Before bed, for me, and scientifically for all of us, those types of music with the slowest rhythm can lull us to prepare for our goodnight sleep. I have downloaded an 8 hour track off of youtube that I play, which has delta waves, which encourage the deepest type of sleep, giving you the most refreshing experience HERE..

For the science behind delta waves and sleep, THIS STUDY can give you more support than just blogger @tee-em can do. 

I hope the information that I have acquired and used for my benefit helps you as much as it helps me. Check out some of my other posts and let me know what you think!


Love this post, I suffer from the same problem!

Just remember that waking up to upvotes is better than staying awake for none :)

Haha! Excellent point, upvoted. And yup, just bought some more Sleepy Time this weekend, and I blame Steemsomnia

Thank you!!! I'm trying NOT to be so addicted...this should help! <3 Cheers @tee-em

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