Things in Excess Often Become Their Opposite

in #psychology6 years ago

Have you ever been obsessed with doing something you believed to be beneficial to the point that it eventually became harmful?

I write a lot about self-improvement. It's one of my passions, something that I am drawn to for the fact that I've seen results from consciously making changes in my mindset and behaviors.

One of the essential parts of life is to constantly improve our circumstances in all of the areas that we have some degree of control over. Mentally, emotionally, physically, socially, financially, etc. All of these areas overlap in many ways, and it is incredibly important to not overlook one component.

But there are also times when an act of self-improvement can eventually lead to the opposite of the desired outcome. Too much of a good thing can indeed become harmful in some way or another.

Too much of anything is usually detrimental

Allow me to quote Tim Ferriss from his book 'The Four Hour Work Week':

It is possible to have too much of a good thing, in excess most endeavors and possessions take on the characteristics of their opposite. Thus, pacifists become militants, freedom fighters become tyrants, blessings become curses, help becomes hindrance, more becomes less. Too much, too many, and too often of what you want becomes what you don’t want. This is true of possessions and even time

Many people dream of the day when they no longer have to work to survive, when they can ride off into the sunset, sip margaritas on some mythical island with their lover, forever engaged in activities of amusement until their last breath.

Some individuals actually reach this point, whether through hard work or luck, only to find out that unlimited time and resources eventually leads to a hollow, meaningless existence that leaves them wishing they had something to do beyond superficial entertainment and intoxication.

This can also be seen in regards to too much focus on finances. I know of a particular individual who is obsessed with monetary success, to the point that they are absolutely driven to work as long and as hard as they can to reach the highest plateau possible.

In the process, they are ignoring their social network, their physical health, and many other components that form the foundation of a meaningful life. Perhaps my outside perspective isn't entirely accurate, but it certainly appears that while their bank account is growing, their social network and overall health is shrinking.

Balance and moderation are important components in the equation

Ok, I understand that this idea is so obvious as to seem trite, cliche, and rehashed by basically every self-help philosophy you can imagine. But the fact remains, if you are too focused and singular in your approach to life, your experience of life will eventually suffer.

If you're going to the gym 20 hours a week to achieve the best body possible, I'd bet that your connection with friends and family may begin to suffer. The same can be said for being overly obsessed with improving your mental and spiritual health. If you're meditating every waking hour to attain enlightenment, and lose your connection with those you value most, is it really worth it?

Many individuals believe you must become obsessed with something in order to be successful, and I believe there is certainly a degree of truth in this. In order to be the best, on some level you have to dive in and dedicate your time and energy to research, preparation, and continuous action in order to become better and eventually reach a 'master' level.

I don't want to take away from this aspect of improvement, but I also think it is important to recognize the pitfalls of excessive action.

All uncredited pictures from or my personal account

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Interesting topic well written!

Yeah, this brings me to the case of Soul resonance. How things manifest for us depends on how our Soul chooses to experience itself.

Many years ago there was a time where I opted for the 'hard work' approach, but no matter how often and for how long I applied this method, my results always ended up being even worse than with the 'less work' approach. So I wondered why, and in came to realize that my Soul was telling me in a roundabout way that this is not how it wants to experience itself now, hence my Soul didn't resonate completely with this approach, so it didn't bear fruits.
So, I went through the 'hard work' and discipline' method for some years, yet only to learn that this is not 'it' for me. My definition of discipline is defined by potential outcome as the exclusive motivation to keep us on track with the execution of an occupation which is 'against' our Heart and Soul.

So again, Soul resonance is a measurement of how our Soul wants to experience itself right now, and THIS is the driving force behind what manifests and what not. :)

Having said that, thought-made goals only create obstacles and paralyze us. Having a vision is without a thought-made road map. The perfect plan has no plan ;)

Learning to listen to our hearts is a skill, one that improves over time. For much of my life, I was caught in my head, listening to the endless stream of thoughts that would take me round and round.

Whether we call this intuition or soul resonance, as you stated, the truth is that there is a great deal of value in learning to listen to it.

I think this was the best article of yours I’ve read. I think the key is balance. My work is always after me to work more hours but it makes me think if it’s really worth it?

Thanks for that, I appreciate it!

Some people would probably disagree and say you need to 10x your work at all times (Grant Cardone), and while there's some truth in that we also have to figure in how it affects our actual quality of life.

Another up vote for you buddy!

I love very true!!! How does it feel to realize that we are not a problem that needs fixing...but a great mystery unfolding? 😊

love to read your writing about life philosophy. keep it going sir.☺

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