Stop Idolizing Others

in #psychology6 years ago

Idolizing another human can come with serious consequences

Humans are flawed beings. Every single one of us makes mistakes and breaks our personal code of conduct from time to time. If there's a perfect person out there in the world, I have yet to meet them.

Having an idol essentially turns an inherently flawed individual into a god-like character. Idolizing someone puts that person on a pedestal and dramatically reduces our ability to perceive their flaws.

It can be easy to believe that a person is the embodiment of perfection when we only allow ourselves to see the best aspects of their character. The media can also reinforce this belief system, making it seem like they are truly an other-worldly individual worthy of worship and adoration.

Idolatry blinds us

Worshipping another person as if they are beyond human is a slippery slope, one that can lead us to disregard an individual's serious character flaws. If we look up to someone as if they are the ultimate ideal human, chances are we won't notice when they actually do something we disagree with.

Applying this mindset to extreme lengths is the reason cult leaders are able to get away with committing mass violence upon their followers. If you've removed your ability to see a person's flaws, you essentially give them free reign to commit morally reprehensible acts against you or others.

There is something seductive about idolizing another person. Whether their art enthralls us, or their words captivate us, or their actions inspire us, it can be easy to view someone as being superhuman.

This will almost always backfire

The definition of an idol is: an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.

No one, no matter how immaculate they appear, is truly a god among men. Martin Luther King, Gandhi, John Lennon. are all individuals that are idolized, yet all of them had serious character flaws. To believe that they were somehow in a class separate from the rest of humanity is delusional. Idolatry overlooks all of the behaviors that are far from god-like and replaces a person's humanity with characteristics that are impossible for anyone to live up to.

Just because a person excels in one particular area of their life does not mean this will translate to every other area. You may write incredible songs, but you can still be a shitty husband. It's possible to inspire millions of people with your words and still struggle with addiction.

Looking up to someone implies that we are beneath them, that they are in a higher realm of existence than our own. This false hierarchy is something that needs to be dropped.

It is possible to admire without idolizing

Having a role model can be very helpful in guiding us towards the person we want to be. An individual that inspires us to be a better person is incredibly beneficial in discovering what's possible in life.

The value of having a mentor or guide to assist in our own personal progression is huge and often necessary. Learning from those who have walked the walk can be a powerful tool for our own learning.

But we must remain grounded in our admiration and respect. We must keep in mind that no matter how inspiring a person may be, they are still a human being and not a god.

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Very good points, I agree with a lot of what you have wrote here and think of the Awolnation song Kill your heroes. I like to look at these almost celebrity like virtuous people as people who can teach me something. Actually I try to look at everyone as if they can teach me something. I feel that we all are mirrors. There are things to admire about these people but, there is that trap. They are human beings and not everything they do is "perfect" or totally virtuous. In that understanding there is another lesson to not be so hard on yourself when you fall. Take what you find useful from these individuals and leave what you find not useful. We are all unique and wonderful.
I would also like to say that these people are in fact god and so are you. That in our limited perspective it appears as if there is imperfection but that is the point. We get to create and find what we truly desire through our actions, thoughts, and feelings. It will appear as if there is a possibility to fail but this is not so. Freewill and duality is very difficult to explain. The feeling of separation is just that a feeling, through our experiences here and our own time we will begin to know that. It can't be forced and everyone gets to experience in their own time. That is actually a huge part of the whole thing. If that is too out there then just don't worry about that. Focus on yourself find and be the most authentic you, you can be. Follow your joy, heal and understand your shortcomings and pain, create, inspire, be compassionate, watch your thoughts and emotions. Ask for help when you need it and enjoy the ride.

Inspirational. Thanks for sharing !

He is a wonderful person
I know the story of whatever Gandhi who resisted and liberated India without a fight that he is someone who loves peace

I'm not catching your point on this response, but it's actually a perfect example of what he is talking about. Gandhi was, according to stories, very oppressive of women and his wife in particular. It doesn't take away what he did, but he was also very human with plenty of his own flaws.

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